Электронная библиотека Финансового университета


Детальная информация

Edinburgh law essentials.
Private international law / David Hill, LL. B., LL. M., Ph. D, Lecturer in Law, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. — 1 online resource (xxv, 166 pages). — (Edinburgh law essentials). — Includes index. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1424217.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 15.11.2018

Тематика: Conflict of laws; Conflict of laws.; LAW / Jurisprudence; LAW / Paralegals & Paralegalism; LAW / Practical Guides; LAW / Reference

Коллекции: EBSCO

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'Private International Law Essentials' is an invaluable study guide for students. It provides up-to-date, concise and comprehensive coverage of private international law and is the ideal text for students who come new to the subject and for those preparing for exams. This book is also an excellent resource for those who need ro refresh or update their knowledge.

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  • Title Page
  • Contents
  • Table of Cases
  • Table of Legislation
  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Personal Connecting Factors
  • 3 Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters
  • 4 Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decrees
  • 5 Choice of Law in Contract
  • 6 Choice of Law in Non-Contractual Obligations
  • 7 Marriage and Civil Partnership
  • 8 Divorce and Dissolution
  • 9 The Proprietary Consequences of Marriag and Divorce
  • 10 Maintenance
  • 11 Children
  • 12 Property
  • 13 Succession
  • Index

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