Электронная библиотека Финансового университета


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Marion, Jean-Luc. On Descartes' passive thought: the myth of Cartesian dualism / Jean-Luc Marion ; translated by Christina M. Gschwandtner. — 1 online resource — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1647478.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 21.03.2018

Тематика: Mind and body — Philosophy.; Philosophy, French; PHILOSOPHY — History & Surveys — Modern.; Mind and body — Philosophy.; Philosophy, French.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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'On Descartes' Passive Thought' is the culmination of a life-long reflection on the philosophy of Descartes by one of the most important living French philosophers. In it, Jean-Luc Marion examines anew some of the questions left unresolved in his previous books about Descartes, with a particular focus on Descartes's theory of morals and the passions. Descartes has long been associated with mind-body dualism, but Marion argues here that this a historical misattribution, popularized by Malebranche and popular ever since both within the academy and with the general public.

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  • Contents
  • Translator’s Introduction
  • Preface
  • Bibliographic Note
  • Introduction
  • 1. The Existence of Material Things or the “Scandal of Philosophy”
  • 2. Bodies and My Flesh
  • 3. The Indubitable and the Unnoticed
  • 4. The Third Primitive Notion
  • 5. Union and Unity
  • 6. Passion and Passivity
  • Index of Names

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