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Zee, A.,. On gravity: a brief tour of a weighty subject / A. Zee. — 1 online resource (xi, 181 pages) — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1692480.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 13.03.2018

Тематика: Relativity (Physics); General relativity (Physics); Einstein field equations.; Gravity.; SCIENCE — Earth Sciences — Geography.; TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING — Cartography.; SCIENCE — Physics — Electromagnetism.; Gravity.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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A brief introduction to gravity through Einstein's general theory of relativityOf the four fundamental forces of nature, gravity might be the least understood and yet the one with which we are most intimate. From the months each of us spent suspended in the womb anticipating birth to the moments when we wait for sleep to transport us to other realities, we are always aware of gravity. In On Gravity, physicist A. Zee combines profound depth with incisive accessibility to take us on an original and compelling tour of Einstein's general theory of relativity. Inspired by Einstein's audacious suggestion that spacetime could ripple, Zee begins with the stunning discovery of gravity waves. He goes on to explain how gravity can be understood in comparison to other classical field theories, presents the idea of curved spacetime and the action principle, and explores cutting-edge topics, including black holes and Hawking radiation. Zee travels as far as the theory reaches, leaving us with tantalizing hints of the utterly unknown, from the intransigence of quantum gravity to the mysteries of dark matter and energy. Concise and precise, and infused with Zee's signature warmth and freshness of style, On Gravity opens a unique pathway to comprehending relativity and gaining deep insight into gravity, spacetime, and the workings of the universe.

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  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Dedication
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Timeline
  • Prologue: The song of the universe
  • Part I
    • 1 A friendly contest between the four interactions
    • 2 Gravity is absurdly weak
    • 3 Detection of electromagnetic waves
    • 4 From water waves to gravity waves
  • Part II
    • 5 Spooky action at a distance
    • 6 Greatness and audacity: Enter the field
    • 7 Einstein, the exterminator of relativity
    • 8 Einstein’s idea: Spacetime becomes curved
    • 9 How to detect something as ethereal as ripples in spacetime
  • Part III
    • 10 Getting the best possible deal
    • 11 Symmetry: Physics must not depend on the physicist
    • 12 Yes, I want the best deal, but what is the deal?
    • 13 The action for Einstein gravity
    • 14 It must be
  • Part IV
    • 15 From frozen star to black hole
    • 16 The quantum world and Hawking radiation
    • 17 Gravitons and the nature of gravity
    • 18 Mysterious messages from the dark side
    • 19 A new window to the cosmos
  • Appendix: What does curved spacetime mean?
  • Postscript
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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