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Tigar, Michael E.,. Mythologies of state and monopoly power / Michael E. Tigar. — 1 online resource. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1789966.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 13.08.2018

Тематика: Law; Justice, Administration of; Human rights; Human rights.; Justice, Administration of.; Law.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Introduction: Mythologies, Mental Shortcuts, Rationalizations, Impressions
  • 1. Mythologies of Racism
    • Fear, Loathing, and Myth I: The Japanese Internment and Manipulated Fear
    • Fear, Loathing, and Myth II: “Separate but Equal” and the Land Where Supreme Court Justices Dwell
    • The Last Gasp of “Separate but Equal”
    • The Persistence of Racist Mythologies
  • 2. Mythologies of Criminal Justice
    • Palladiums and Citadels
    • Mass Incarceration and Social Control
    • The Mythology of Fair Trial
    • Plea Bargains: The Mythology of Consent
    • Point: Orlando Hall, the “Other,” and Ineffective Counsel
    • Objectively Ineffective
    • Counterpoint: Clarence Darrow Confronts Racist Mythology
    • Albert Camus’s The Stranger: Mythologies of Trial and Colonial Mentality
    • Battling for Defendant Rights
  • 3. Mythologies of Free Expression
    • The Marketplace of Ideas
    • State Repression
    • Who Owns the Streets?
    • But for Colporteurs, Maybe Anything Goes
    • Abolishing “Feudalism”: A Mythology of Freedom
    • The Evanescence of Custom
    • SLAPP-Happy: Fries with That
    • A Lawsuit Lovely as a Tree
    • Radio Days: The Property Norm Devours the Mythology of Free Expression
    • As Seen on TV
    • The Pentagon Papers: Privatizing John Adams’s “General Knowledge”
  • 4. Mythologies of Worker Rights
    • Who Is Intimidating Whom?
    • Contract, Conspiracy, and Worker Consent
    • The Nineteenth-Century Worker in the Courts
    • Shakespeare on Worker Consent
    • Smithfield Redux: Community Organizing and Employer Consent
    • Sickening Opposition to Workers’ Rights
  • 5. Mythologies of International Human Rights
    • The Kiobel Case: “United States Law . . . Does Not Rule the World”
    • O Tortured Workers, Won’t You Make Me a Mercedes-Benz
  • Notes
  • Index

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