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Studies in health technology and informatics ;.
Health informatics meets eHealth: biomedical meets eHealth -- from sensors to decisions : Proceedings of the 12th eHealth Conference. — v. 248. / edited by Günter Schreier and Dieter Hayn. — 1 online resource. — (Studies in health technology and informatics). — Includes indexes. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1838233.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 26.06.2018

Тематика: Medical informatics — Congresses.; Medical telematics — Congresses.; Medicine — Congresses. — Data processing; HEALTH & FITNESS / Holism.; HEALTH & FITNESS / Reference.; MEDICAL / Alternative Medicine.; MEDICAL / Atlases.; MEDICAL / Essays.; MEDICAL / Family & General Practice.; MEDICAL / Holistic Medicine.; MEDICAL / Osteopathy.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Title Page
  • Preface
  • Scientific Program Committee
  • Reviewers
  • Contents
  • The Effect of Latent Binary Variables on the Uncertainty of the Prediction of a Dichotomous Outcome Using Logistic Regression Based Propensity Score Matching
  • A New Machine Learning Framework for Understanding the Link Between Cannabis Use and First-Episode Psychosis
  • Separating Business Logic from Medical Knowledge in Digital Clinical Workflows Using Business Process Model and Notation and Arden Syntax
  • Going Mobile: An Empirical Model for Explaining Successful Information Logistics in Ward Rounds
  • Use of Mobile Apps Among Medical and Nursing Students in Iran
  • Hospital CEOs Need Health IT Knowledge and Trust in CIOs: Insights from a Qualitative Study
  • Improving Fluid Management in Critical Care - Towards the ICU of the Future
  • Towards a Single Data Exchange Standard for Use in Healthcare and in Clinical Research
  • Cross-Enterprise Communication and Data Exchange in Radiology in Austria: Technology and Use Cases
  • Facilitating the Information Exchange Using a Modular Electronic Discharge Summary
  • Effectiveness of Anonymization Methods in Preserving Patients' Privacy: A Systematic Literature Review
  • Exporting Data from a Clinical Data Warehouse
  • A Clinical Data Warehouse Based on OMOP and i2b2 for Austrian Health Claims Data
  • EHR Text Categorization for Enhanced Patient-Based Document Navigation
  • Modular Architecture for Integrated Model-Based Decision Support
  • Cleansing and Imputation of Body Mass Index Data and Its Impact on a Machine Learning Based Prediction Model
  • Effect of Nursing Assessment on Predictive Delirium Models in Hospitalised Patients
  • Development of a Protocol for Automated Glucose Measurement Transmission Used in Clinical Decision Support Systems Based on the Continua Design Guidelines
  • Identifying and Validating Requirements of a Mobile-Based Self-Management System for People Living with HIV
  • Telemedicine in Diagnosis, Treatment and Management of Diseases in Children
  • Towards an IMU Evaluation Framework for Human Body Tracking
  • Automated Error Detection in Physiotherapy Training
  • Mobile-Based Applications and Functionalities for Self-Management of People Living with HIV
  • Effects of Medical Device Regulations on the Development of Stand-Alone Medical Software: A Pilot Study
  • Development of a Computer-Aided Dosage and Telemonitoring System for Patients Under Oral Anticoagulation Therapy
  • Clinical Knowledge Governance Framework for Nationwide Data Infrastructure Projects
  • Modeling of ETL-Processes and Processed Information in Clinical Data Warehousing
  • Evaluation of SNOMED CT Content Coverage: A Systematic Literature Review
  • Nurses' Attitude for Using Barcode Medication Administration System in a Developing Country
  • How to Measure Physical Motion and the Impact of Individualized Feedback in the Field of Rehabilitation of Geriatric Trauma Patients
  • A Survey of Managers' Access to Key Performance Indicators via HIS: The Case of Iranian Teaching Hospitals
  • Towards Designing a Secure Exchange Platform for Diabetes Monitoring and Therapy
  • Development of a Clinical Decision Support System in Intensive Care
  • Development and Evaluation of Cognitive Games to Promote Health and Wellbeing in Elderly People with Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Estimation of the Accuracy of Prognostic Scores for the Treatment of Children with Severe Trauma in a Specialized Trauma Hospital
  • Feasibility and Design of an Electronic Surgical Safety Checklist in a Teaching Hospital: A User-Based Approach
  • Using MEESTAR to Identify Ethical and Social Issues Implementing a Digital Patient-Centered Care Platform
  • Proof of Concept of a Partial Weight-Bearing Supporting Real-Time Feedback System
  • Towards Phenotyping of Clinical Trial Eligibility Criteria
  • Improving Patient Safety by Reusing Clinical Routine Data - An Expert Survey on Patient Safety Indicators
  • HEALTHeBIKES - Smart E-Bike Prototype for Controlled Exercise in Telerehabilitation Programs
  • Two-Stage Evaluation of a Telehealth Nutrition Management Service in Support of Diabesity Therapy
  • Is Austria Ready for Telemonitoring? A Readiness Assessment Among Doctors and Patients in the Field of Diabetes
  • Challenges of a HL7 CDA Guideline for Telehealth Based DMP Systems
  • Achieving Interoperability Between Arden-Syntax-Based Clinical Decision Support and openEHR-Based Data Systems
  • Subject Index
  • Author Index

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