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Exploring the political economy and social philosophy of F.A. Hayek / edited by Peter J. Boettke, Jayme S. Lemke, and Virgil Henry Storr. — 1 online resource. — (Economy, polity, and society). — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1843142.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 26.06.2018

Тематика: Economists — Biography.; Economists — Biography.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Economics / General; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Reference

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Cover
  • Exploring the Political Economy and Social Philosophy of F. A. Hayek
  • Exploring the Political Economy and Social Philosophy of F. A. Hayek
  • Copyright page
  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Epistemic Limitations
    • Chapter 1
    • The Disciplinary Role of Market Prices
      • Famines, Knowledge, and Prices
      • Mencius and Markets
      • Mao over Markets
      • Engineering Famine
      • A Hayekian Critique of Maoist China
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 2
    • Justice Theorizing and Local Knowledge
      • Action Guidance, Local Knowledge, and Justice
      • Hayek’s Knowledge Problem
      • Justice Theorists and Local Knowledge
      • The Strength of the Epistemic Limitation
      • Thinking About Justice: A Communal Endeavor
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 3
    • The Silent Role of Emotions in Hayekian Political Economy
      • What Are Emotions?
      • The Pretense of Reason
      • Hayek’s Silent Emotions?
      • Freedom, Emotion, and Political Economy
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 4
    • Justificatory Failures and Moral Entrepreneurs
      • Public Reason and Justificatory Failures
      • The JFC’s Fatal Conceit
      • In Search of Justification: The Epistemic Turn
      • Competition and Moral Entrepreneurs
      • Polycentric Public Reason
      • Conclusion
      • References
  • Political and Legal Rights
    • Chapter 5
    • The Case for Opening Borders
      • The Coercive Nature of Discretionary Immigration Controls
      • Discretionary Immigration Controls and the Right of National Self-Determination
      • Conclusion
      • References
    • Chapter 6
    • A Liberal Response to Group Rights
      • The Stakes of Analytic and Moral Individualism
      • The Group Rights Critique of Liberal Individualism
      • Group Rights
      • Evaluating Group Rights
      • Problems of Groups as Rights Bearers
      • Problems of Constitutive Attachments Imposing Duties on Those Encumbered by Them
      • Problems of Constitutive Attachments Modifying the Moral Obligations of Those Not Personally Encumbered by Them
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 7
    • The Social Basis of Ultimate Legal Rules
      • Hart’s Model of the Foundations of Law
      • What Can Hartian General Jurisprudence Learn from Hayek?
      • Hayek and the Positive Originalism Debate
      • Conclusions
      • Notes
      • References
    • Chapter 8
    • F. A. Hayek and the Administrative State
      • Separation of Powers and Administration Under the Rule of Law
      • Unlimited Democracy and the Expansion of the Administrative Sphere
      • Democratic Control of Complex Administration
      • Revisiting the Politics-Administration Dichotomy
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
  • Spontaneous Order
    • Chapter 9
    • Explaining Culture in Hayek’s Cultural Evolution
      • Hayek, Evolution, and Complexity
      • Cultural Evolution per Hayek
      • The Evolutionary Psychology Approach to Studying Culture
      • Explaining the Extended Order
      • Hayek’s Challenge and Response
      • Conclusion
      • References
    • Chapter 10
    • A Hayekian Perspective on the Domestication of Maize
      • Domestication Theories
      • A Hayekian Theory of Domestication
      • Maize
      • Competitive Systems
      • Conclusions
      • Appendix
      • Note
      • References
    • Chapter 11
    • Bad Spontaneous Orders
      • Spontaneous Orders, Good and Bad
      • Trust
      • White Supremacy as Spontaneous Order
      • Whiteness and Ignorance
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
      • References
  • Index
  • About the Contributors

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