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Posamentier, Alfred S.,. Math makers: the lives and works of 50 famous mathematicians / Alfred S. Posamentier and Christian Spreitzer. — 1 online resource (xiv, 420 pages) — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1909003.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 11.12.2018

Тематика: Mathematicians — Biography.; Mathematics — History.; Mathematicians.; Mathematics.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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"Two veteran math educators concisely profile leading mathematicians throughout history highlighting their often unusual personalities and lives while giving average readers insights into the importance of their mathematical discoveries."--.

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    • Dedication
    • Contents
    • Introduction
    • Chapter 1. Thales of Miletus: Greek (ca. 624–546 BCE)
    • Chapter 2. Pythagoras: Greek (575–500 BCE)
    • Chapter 3. Eudoxus of Cnidus : Greek (390–337 BCE)
    • Chapter 4. Euclid: Greek (ca. 300 BCE)
    • Chapter 5. Archimedes: Greek (ca. 287–ca. 212 BCE)
    • Chapter 6. Eratosthenes: Greek (276–194 BCE)
    • Chapter 7. Claudius Ptolemy: Greco-Roman (100–170)
    • Chapter 8. Diophantus of Alexandria: Hellenistic Greek (ca. 201–285)
    • Chapter 9. Brahmagupta: Indian (598–668)
    • Chapter 10. Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, “Fibonacci”: Italian (1170–1250)
    • Chapter 11. Gerolamo Cardano: Italian (1501–1576)
    • Chapter 12. John Napier: Scottish (1550–1617)
    • Chapter 13. Johannes Kepler: German (1571–1630)
    • Chapter 14. René Descartes: French (1596–1650)
    • Chapter 15. Pierre de Fermat: French (1607–1665)
    • Chapter 16. Blaise Pascal: French (1623–1662)
    • Chapter 17. Isaac Newton: English (1642–1727)
    • Chapter 18. Gottfried Wilhelm (von) Leibniz: German (1646–1716)
    • Chapter 19. Giovanni Ceva: Italian (1647–1734)
    • Chapter 20. Robert Simson: Scottish (1687–1768)
    • Chapter 21. Christian Goldbach: German (1690–1764)
    • Chapter 22. The Bernoullis: Swiss (1700–1782)
    • Chapter 23. Leonhard Euler: Swiss (1707–1783)
    • Chapter 24. Maria Gaetana Agnesi: Italian (1718–1799)
    • Chapter 25. Pierre Simon Laplace: French (1749–1827)
    • Chapter 26. Lorenzo Mascheroni: Italian (1750–1800)
    • Chapter 27. Joseph-Louis Lagrange: French/Italian (1736–1813)
    • Chapter 28. Sophie Germain: French (1776–1831)
    • Chapter 29. Carl Friedrich Gauss: German (1777–1855)
    • Chapter 30. Charles Babbage: English (1791–1871)
    • Chapter 31. Niels Henrik Abel: Norwegian (1802–1829)
    • Chapter 32. Évariste Galois: French (1811–1832)
    • Chapter 33. James Joseph Sylvester: English (1814–1897)
    • Chapter 34. Ada Lovelace: English (1815–1852)
    • Chapter 35. George Boole: English (1815–1864)
    • Chapter 36. Bernhard Riemann: German (1826–1866)
    • Chapter 37. Georg Cantor: German (1845–1918)
    • Chapter 38. Sofia Kovalevskaya: Russian (1850–1891)
    • Chapter 39. Giuseppe Peano: Italian (1858–1932)
    • Chapter 40. David Hilbert: German (1862–1943)
    • Chapter 41. G. H. Hardy: English (1877–1947)
    • Chapter 42. Emmy Noether: German (1882–1935)
    • Chapter 43. Srinivasa Ramanujan: Indian (1887–1920)
    • Chapter 44. John von Neumann: Hungarian-American (1903–1957)
    • Chapter 45. Kurt Gödel: Austrian-American (1906–1978)
    • Chapter 46. Alan Turing: English (1912–1954)
    • Chapter 47. Paul Erdős: Hungarian (1913–1996)
    • Chapter 48. Herbert A. Hauptman: American (1917–2011)
    • Chapter 49. Benoit Mandelbrot: Polish-American (1924–2010)
    • Chapter 50. Maryam Mirzakhani: Iranian (1977–2017)
    • Epilogue
    • Appendix: Hilbert’s Axioms
    • Notes
    • References

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