Электронная библиотека Финансового университета


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"This book addresses the issue of big data analytics from a practical angle for entrepreneurs with a pedagogical explanation of the operation of its main methods and concrete demonstrations of their use. It also builds a common set of concepts, terms, references, methods, applications and approaches in this area"--.

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  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Dedication
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgment
  • Introduction
  • Section 1: Big Data and the Business Context: Mania vs. Phobia
    • Chapter 1: Big Data, Who Are You?
    • Chapter 2: What the 3Vs Acronym Didn't Put Into Perspective?
    • Chapter 3: Big Data Applications in Business
  • Section 2: The Hello World of Big Data Analytics
    • Chapter 4: First of All, Understand Data Analytics Context and Changes
    • Chapter 5: Understanding Data Analytics Is Good but Knowing How to Use It Is Better!
    • Chapter 6: Techniques and Methods That Help to Make Big Data the Simplest Recipe for Success
  • Section 3: Entrepreneur! Welcome to Your Data-Driven Universe
    • Chapter 7: Entrepreneurship and Big Data
    • Chapter 8: Plan and Rules for Data Analysis Success
    • Chapter 9: Big Data Analytics in Action
  • Conclusion
  • About the Author
  • Index

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