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"This book analyzes corporate finance and alternative approaches for financial management and management accounting. It also explores financial globalization and its consequences: the political, legal, economic, and social aspects"--.

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  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Financial Provision of Entrepreneurial Efficiency: Today's Priorities in Modernization of Corporate Budgeting
    • Chapter 1: Budgeting Administration and Economic Growth Dynamics in Conditions of National Markets' Integration
    • Chapter 2: Financial Behavior of Russian Population under Crisis Phenomena
    • Chapter 3: The Effects of Political and Economic Risk on FDI
    • Chapter 4: Features of Financial Policy Development by Russian Companies in Today's Conditions
    • Chapter 5: Financing of International Business Through Private Equity
    • Chapter 6: Financial Security of Economic Activity
    • Chapter 7: Financing at the Housing Market
    • Chapter 8: Scoring Modeling in Estimating the Financial Condition of Russian Agro-Industrial Companies
  • Section 2: The State at the Financial Market: Making the National Financial Policy Efficient
    • Chapter 9: Financial Instruments of Regional Economic Policy Implementation
    • Chapter 10: Taxation System in Slovakia
    • Chapter 11: Taxation Regime and Macroeconomic Systems' Dynamics
    • Chapter 12: Model of Socioeconomic Development Based on Market Economy and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Mechanism
    • Chapter 13: Financial Systems Reforms in Western Balkans Countries
    • Chapter 14: The Impact of Budget and Fiscal Policy on Entrepreneurial Activity and Country's Competitiveness
    • Chapter 15: Environmental Accounting Implementation and Stimulation of National Business Global Competitiveness
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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