Электронная библиотека Финансового университета


Детальная информация

Magana, Alex. Version control with Git and GitHub [[electronic resource]]: discover the most popular source control solutions used by developers worldwide. — Birmingham: Packt Publishing Ltd, 2018. — 1 online resource (344 p.) — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1969999.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 15.12.2018

Тематика: Computer software — Development.; Open source software.; COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / General.; COMPUTERS / Programming / Open Source.

Коллекции: EBSCO

Разрешенные действия:

Действие 'Прочитать' будет доступно, если вы выполните вход в систему или будете работать с сайтом на компьютере в другой сети Действие 'Загрузить' будет доступно, если вы выполните вход в систему или будете работать с сайтом на компьютере в другой сети

Группа: Анонимные пользователи

Сеть: Интернет

Права на использование объекта хранения

Место доступа Группа пользователей Действие
Локальная сеть Финуниверситета Все Прочитать Печать Загрузить
Интернет Читатели Прочитать Печать
-> Интернет Анонимные пользователи


  • Preface
  • Introducing Version Control
    • Introduction
    • Defining Version Control
      • Applications of Version Control
      • Common Terminologies
      • Feature branch workflow
      • Forking Workflow
    • Navigating GitHub
      • Exercise 1: Setting Up a GitHub Account
      • Exercise 2: Utilizing Two-Factor Authentication
      • Organizations
      • Exercise 3: Setting Up an Organization
      • Exercise 4: Setting Up a Team
      • Marketplace
      • Exercise 5: Setting Up Codacy for Accounts
      • Runtime Config
      • Exercise 6: Setting User Credentials
      • Removing Configuration
      • SSH Configuration
      • Exercise 7: Setting Up SSH
      • Creating a Repository
      • Exercise 8: Creating a Repository in a Local Environment
      • Exercise 9: Creating a Repository on GitHub
      • Navigating a Repository
      • Collaborators
      • Exercise 10: Adding and Deleting Contributors
      • Navigating Branches, Commits, and Insights (Contributors, Pulse, Forks)
      • GitHub Etiquette
      • Repository Names, Tags, and Descriptions
      • Exercise 11: Adding Licenses
      • Wikis and Issues
      • Activity 1: Creating a Repository
    • Summary
  • Versioning Commits
    • Introduction
    • Introduction to Versioning Commits
      • Exercise 12: Viewing and Establishing the Status of a File
      • Comparing the Working Tree to the Index
      • Comparing the Working Tree to an Arbitrary Commit or Branch
      • Comparing the Index to an Arbitrary Commit
      • Comparing Commits and Branches
      • Exercise 13: Examining Differences Between Files
      • Exercise 14: Adding Files to the Index
      • Exercise 15: Removing Files from the Working Tree and the Index
      • Exercise 16: Moving and Renaming Files
      • History and Logs
      • Amending Commits
      • Amending a Single Most Recent Commit
      • Exercise 17: Editing the Most Recent Commit
      • Amending Multiple Commits
      • Exercise 18: Editing Commits Using the reword Command
      • Exercise 19: Editing Commits Using the edit Command
      • Activity 2: Tracking Files
    • Summary
  • Fetching and Delivering Code
    • Introduction
    • Fetching the Code
      • Exercise 20: Configuring the Remote Repository
      • Default and Protected Branches
      • Exercise 21: Configuring the Base Branch and Branch Protection
      • Fetching, Pushing, and Pulling Changes
      • Exercise 22: Retrieving Changes
      • Dealing with Non-Fast-Forward Commits
      • Reversing Commits
      • Exercise 23: Reversing Changes
      • Other Possible Uses
      • Activity 3: Handling Changes and Enforcing Branch Restrictions
    • Summary
  • Branches
    • Introduction
    • Utilizing Workflows
      • Creating a Centralized Workflow
      • Feature Branch Workflow
      • Forking Workflow
      • Feature-Branch Workflow
      • Exercise 24: Feature-Branch Workflow-Driven Delivery
      • Creating, Renaming, Deleting, and Listing Branches
      • Creating:
      • Merging
      • Cherry-Pick
      • Pull Request (PR)
      • Exercise 25: Examining Branch Differences
      • Pull Request Templates
      • Exercise 26: Standardizing Procedures through Ordered Templates
      • Identifying and Fixing Merge Issues
      • Exercise 27: Merge Conflict Resolution
      • Exercise 28: Resolving Conflicts
      • Merging and Reverting Pull Requests
      • Exercise 29: Pull Request Reversal
      • Activity 4: Managing Branches and Experimentation with Selective Changes
    • Summary
  • Collaborative Git
    • Introduction
    • Forking the Workflow
      • Exercise 30: Forking a Repository
      • Why Do We Fork Repositories?
      • Embedding Upstream Changes
      • Exercise 31: Modifying the Upstream Repository Remote Address
      • Rebasing
      • Exercise 32: Rebasing in GitHub
      • Fixup and Squash Commits
      • Exercise 33: Utilizing the Autosquash Feature
      • Drop Commits
      • Exercise 34: Dropping Commits
      • Submodules
      • Exercise 35: Utilizing Gitmodules
      • Activity 5: Rebasing
    • Debugging and Maintenance
      • Exercise 36: Identifying Revisions Using Git Blame
      • Exercise 37: Finding Commits using Git Bisect
    • Housekeeping
      • Exercise 38: Removing Untracked Files using Git Clean
      • Removing Merged Local and Remote Branches
      • Exercise 39: Deleting Branches
      • Activity 6: Utilizing Pre-Commit Hooks for Housekeeping
    • Summary
  • Automated Testing and Release Management
    • Introduction
    • Test Automation
      • Webhooks and GitHub Applications
      • Exercise 40: Setting up a Webhook
      • GitHub Applications
      • Exercise 41: Setting Up CircleCi CI
    • Automated Pull Requests
      • Exercise 42: Utilizing Automated Pull Requests
      • Activity 7: Integrating a Build Pipeline on CircleCi
    • Release Management
      • Tagging
      • Exercise 43: Creating Tags
      • Exercise 44: Publishing GitHub Releases
    • Git Archive
      • Exercise 45: Packaging through GitHub Archive
      • Activity 8: Tagging and Releasing with Git
    • Summary
  • Appendix
  • Index

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