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Watts, Andrew. Modern construction handbook / Andrew Watts. — Fifth edition. — 1 online resource — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2102747.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 23.11.2018

Тематика: Architecture, Modern — Design and construction.; Architecture, Modern — Design and construction.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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Das Modern Construction Handbook wurde durch seine regelmäßigen Überarbeitungen zum Klassiker der avancierten Baukonstruktionsliteratur, nicht zuletzt aufgrund seines klaren Aufbaus mit den Kapiteln „Material", „Wand", „Dach", „Tragwerk", „Umwelt" und „Anwendungen". Für die fünfte Auflage wurde ein großer Teil der 3D Darstellungen neu gezeichnet, alle sechs Kapitel wurden überarbeitet und auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. Mehr Komponenten-Details, neue Beispiele mit Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Energiekonsum und ein großes Update zur Finite Elemente Analyse (FEA) und Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) setzen ebenfalls neue Standards für dieses Handbuch, das Grundlage vieler Architektur-Studiengänge ist.

Owing to regular revision, the Modern Construction Handbook has become a classic in advanced building construction literature, not least because of its clear structure covering the chapters "Material", "Wall", "Roof", "Structure", "Environment", and "Applications". For the fifth edition, a large part of the 3D presentations has been redrawn, all six chapters have been revised and updated. New standards have been established for this handbook, which is a basic resource for many architectural study courses, by adding more component details, new examples with a focus on sustainability and energy consumption, and a major update on finite element analysis (FEA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

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  • Steel
  • Aluminium
  • Copper, zinc, lead
  • Stone
  • Glass
  • Concrete
  • Fibre-reinforced concrete
  • Ceramics
  • Timber
  • Polymers
  • Material testing
  • 2. WALLS
  • Trends in facade design
  • Trends in facade design
  • Glass systems
  • Concrete
  • Masonry
  • Fibre reinforced polymers
  • Timber
  • 3. ROOFS
  • Trends in roof design
  • Metal roofs
  • Glass roofs
  • Concrete
  • Timber roofs
  • Fibre reinforced polymer roofs
  • Fabric systems
  • Material systems for structures
  • Elements of structures
  • Braced frames
  • Portal frames
  • Loadbearing boxes
  • Trusses
  • Arches and shells
  • Space grids
  • Stairs
  • Environmental studies for envelopes
  • Analysis for design
  • Low energy material systems
  • Active design
  • Support services
  • Performance testing
  • Performance testing
  • 1. Working with industry: manufacturers and fabricators
  • 2. Triangular panels for twisted facades
  • 3. Twisted panels with flat glass for curved facades
  • 4. Solar shading louvres
  • 5. Double-skin facades
  • 6. Precast concrete panels for facades of complex geometry
  • 7. Exoskeleton facades of complex geometry
  • 8. Diagrid structure
  • 9. Hybrid systems forming facades of complex geometry
  • 10. Opaque cladding interface with full-height glazing
  • 11. Complex curved glazed roofs
  • 12. Large-scale glazed facades
  • 13. Panelisation of complex building surface geometry
  • 14. Opaque rainscreen cladding
  • 15. Full-height glazing with GRP-clad structural frame
  • 16. GRC cladding interfaces
  • 17. Full-height entrance glazing
  • 18. GRP louvres on stick glazing system
  • 19. GRC cladding
  • 20. Windows in GRC cladding
  • 21. Windows and unitised glazing with GRC cladding
  • 22. Unitised glazing with GRC cladding
  • 23. Complex glazed roofs with supporting steel structure
  • 24. Glazed roofs with complex geometry
  • 25. Louvres and stick glazing
  • Glossary of terms
  • Authorship & photo credits
  • Photo credits
  • Index

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