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Receptor Mediated Antisteroid Action. — Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2019. — 1 online resource (532 pages) — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2111115.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 04.05.2019

Тематика: Steroid hormones — Receptors — Effect of drugs on.; Steroid hormones — Antagonists.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Structural Differences Distinguishing Steroid Antagonists from Agonists
  • Antihormone Action of Steroids with Modified Ring Structure
  • Analysis of the Structure and Function of Steroid Receptors with the Aid of the Antihormone RU 38486
  • Clinical Applications of the Glucocorticoid and Progestin Antagonist RU 486
  • RU 38486 (Mifepristone) Reverses Progesterone- and Hydrocortisone- Mediated Inhibition of Prostanoid Synthesis in Cultured Myometrial, Vascular and Gut Tissue Explants
  • Receptor Mediated Antiprogestin Action of RU 486
  • The Antiglucocorticoid Effects of Cortexolone and RU 38486 in the Human Leukemic Cell Line CEM-C7
  • The Mineralocorticoid Receptor and the Activity of Aldosterone Antagonists
  • The Antimineralocorticoid Action of Two Newly Developed Spirolactone Derivatives
  • New Molecular Probes to Assess Estrogen and Antiestrogen Actions
  • Antioestrogens and Cancer
  • Antiestrogen Action in MCF-7 Cells
  • Design and Activity of Nonsteroid Antiandrogens
  • Cellular and Molecular Effects of Antiestrogens and Antiandrogens
  • Steroid Hormone Antagonists, Brain Receptor Systems and Behavior
  • Antisteroid Action in Brain and Changes in Animal Behaviour
  • Localization of Steroid Hormone Receptors in the Cells by Immunohistochemistry
  • Antiecdysteroids and Receptors
  • Author Index
  • Subject Index

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