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Paschalidis, Constantinos. The Mycenaean cemetery at Clauss, near Patras: the people, their material remains and culture in context [[Electronic book]] / by Constantinos Paschalidis ; with contributions by Photini J.P. McGeorge and Wiesław Więckowski. — 1 online resource (600 pages) : illustrations (black and white, and colour. — Previously issued in print: 2018. — Available through Archaeopress Digital Subscription Service. — Specialized. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2273976.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 12.06.2018

Тематика: Excavations (Archaeology); Civilization, Mycenaean.; Tombs; Tombs.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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This title presents the study of the finds from the Mycenaean cemetery of Clauss near Patras, carried out between 1988-1992 under the direction of Prof Thanassis Papadopoulos. During the excavation project, fifteen chamber tombs were located and researched in detail, to be added to those already known from the pre-war excavations by Nikolaos Kyparissis.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Dedication
  • Contents Page
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • Prologue
  • Preface – Acknowledgements
  • Introduction – methodology of research
  • Chapter 1.
  • Mycenaean period in Achaea
    • A. Brief survey of sites and history of research
      • Introduction
      • 1. Eastern Achaea
      • 2. Central mountainous and semi-mountainous Achaea
      • 3. Western Achaea
      • 4. The region of Clauss and neighbouring sites
      • 5. The rest of western Achaea
    • B. Distribution of sites and the character of Mycenaean Achaea
  • Chapter 2.
  • Description of tombs
    • Tomb A
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb A
      • Tomb A. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb B
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb B
      • Tomb B. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb Γ
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb Γ
      • Tomb Γ. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb Δ
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb Δ
      • Tomb Δ. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb E. ‘The tomb of women’
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb E
      • Tomb E. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb ∑T
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb ∑T
      • Tomb ∑T. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb Z (chambers Za, Zb)
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb Z
      • Tomb Z. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb H
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb H
      • Tomb H. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb Ɵ and alcove I
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb Ɵ
      • Tomb Ɵ and alcove I. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb K
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb K
      • Tomb K. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb Ʌ
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb Ʌ
      • Tomb Ʌ. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb M (chambers Ma and Mb)
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb M
      • Tomb M. Chronological chart of burials
    • Tomb N
      • Description
      • Conclusions – The history of use of tomb N
      • Tomb N. Chronological chart of burials
  • Chapter 3.
  • The setting and architecture of the tombs
    • A. The setting and layout of the cemetery tombs
    • B. The architecture of tombs
  • Chapter 4.
  • Catalogue of the finds from the cemetery
    • Tomb A
    • Tomb B
    • Tomb Γ
    • Tomb Δ
    • Tomb E
    • Tomb ∑T
    • Tomb Z
      • Chamber Za
      • Chamber Zb
    • Tomb H
    • Tomb Ɵ
    • Alcove I
    • Tomb K
    • Tomb Ʌ
    • Tomb M
      • Chamber Ma
      • Chamber Mb
    • Tomb N
    • Tomb Ib of Kyparissis’ excavations
    • Looted tomb of Kyparissis’ excavations
  • Chapter 5.
  • The finds from the cemetery. Analysis
    • I. Pottery
      • Introduction
      • A. Closed shapes
        • 1. Stirrup jars (FS 164, 173, 174, 175, 177, 179, 180)
        • 2. Alabastra (FS 84, 85, 86, 93, 94, 96, 99)
        • 3. Amphorae (FS 58, 59)
        • 4. Jugs (FS 87, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115, 118, 150)
        • 5. Lekythoi (FS 122, 123)
        • 6. Handleless globular jars (FS 77)
        • 7. Piriform jars or krateriskoi (FS 44, 45)
        • 8. Flasks (FS 192, 193)
        • 9. Collar-necked jar or stamnos (FS 64)
        • 10. Feeding bottle (FS 161)
        • 11. Ring-shaped vases (FS 196)
        • 12. Bird askoi (FS 194)
      • B. Open shapes
        • 1. Cups (FS 230, 238, 249)
        • 2. Spouted mugs (FS 251)
        • 3. Multiple vases (FS 324, 325, 326, 330)
        • 4. Kylikes (FS 258, 264).
        • 5. Dipper (FS 236)
        • 6. Deep bowl or skyphos (FS 284)
        • 7. Kalathoi (FS 291, 301)
        • 8. Tripod bowl
    • II. Bronze objects
      • Introduction
      • Weapons
        • 1. Sword
        • 2. Dagger
        • 3. Spearheads
      • Tools
        • 1. Knives
        • 2. Sickle and sickle-like knives
        • 3. Razors
        • 4. Pairs of tweezers
        • 5. Needles and fragments of needles or pins
      • Ornaments
        • 1. Rings
      • Vases
        • 1. Vase handle
    • III. Bone objects
      • Introduction
        • 1. Pins
        • 2. Comb
    • IV. Stone objects
      • 1. Whetstone
        • 2. Pigment (cretis)
    • V. Other small finds
      • 1. Spindle-whorls (tables 2-4)
        • 2. Seals
        • 3. Beads (table 5)
        • 4. Clay figurine
  • Chapter 6.
  • Funerary customs in the cemetery
    • Introduction
    • Primary burials
      • 1. Inhumations on the floor
      • 2. Inhumations in pits
      • 3. Cremation
    • Cleansing practices of the Mycenaean and post-Mycenaean period at Clauss
      • Pyres
      • Covering the dead with lime
      • Funerary offerings in primary burials
      • The positioning of funerary offerings
      • Funerary offerings and gender
      • Child burials and their offerings
      • Childbearing and the family
      • Secondary burials or relocations
      • The legal looting of the dead
      • Reconstruction of the funerary ritual. Summary of evidence
      • The ceremony of burial
      • After the funeral
  • Chapter 7.
  • The people and society of Clauss. Overview and history of the cemetery
    • Phase 1: transition from the LH IIIB2 to the early LH IIIC period
    • Phase 2: LH IIIC early period
    • Phase 3: LH IIIC middle period
    • Phase 4: Transition from the middle to the late LH IIIC period
    • Phase 5: LH IIIC late period
    • Phase 6: final phase of the LH III C period
    • Epilogue. The years after the end of an era
  • Chapter 8.
  • Bioarchaeological approach to the human remains from Clauss
    • A. The cremation in tomb N
    • B. Human remains from Achaia Clauss – bioarchaeological observations
      • Introduction
      • Material and Methods
      • Results of the Analysis
        • Minimal Number of Individuals
        • Demographic information
        • Health
        • Burial customs
  • Appendix. Tables of data
  • Bibliography1
  • Fig. 1. Photograph of the excavations at the cemetery of Clauss in 1936 conducted by N. Kyparissis (Kyparissis 1936, 96 fig. 2).
    • Fig. 2. Photograph of the excavations at the cemetery of Clauss in 1937 conducted by N. Kyparissis (Kyparissis 1937, 84 fig. 1).
    • Fig. 3. Photograph of the excavations at the cemetery of Clauss in 1990 conducted by T. Papadopoulos and L. Kontorli-Papadopoulou.
  • Chapter 1.
    • Fig. 4a. Map of Mycenaean sites of Achaea (after Moschos 2007).
    • Fig. 4b. Mycenaean Achaea. Index of sites (after Moschos 2007).
    • Fig. 5. The vineyard of Achaia Clauss wine factory as it looks from the cemetery site (from southeast).
    • Fig. 6. The vineyard of Achaia Clauss and the Koukouras hill seen from the wine factory (from northwest).
    • Fig. 7. The Mycenaean settlement on top of the Mygdalia hill seen from the southeast, overlooking the Achaia Clauss cemetery at the foot of the Koukouras hill (right), the plain and the gulf of Patras.
    • Fig. 9. The LH IIIC storeroom with its content in situ.
    • Fig. 8. The LH IIIC ‘corriror house’ type megaron on the top of the Mygdalia hill, seen from the northwest.
    • Fig. 10. Aerial photo of terrace 2, Mygdalia. Child graves 1-4 under the floors of outdoor spaces and of one room.
  • Chapter 2.
    • Fig. 11. Topographic sketch of the Mycenaean cemetery at Achaia Clauss. Tombs excavated by Papadopoulos are marked with letters of the Greek alphabet, from A to N. Tombs excavated by Kyparissis are marked with numbers, 1-5. Σ1 marks the chamber tomb plund
    • Fig. 12. Tomb Σ1 plundered in 1986. It belongs to the cemetery’s fourth row of tombs.
    • Fig. 13. Dromos and the entrance of tomb A.
    • Fig. 14. Loose stones and the dry-stone wall blocking the entrance of tomb A.
    • Fig. 15. Second row of rubble masonry from the dry-stone wall of the entrance.
    • Fig. 16. Pit covered with slabs and containing primary burial A1, behind tomb’s entrance.
    • Fig. 17. Pit containing primary burial A1, behind tomb’s entrance.
    • Fig. 18. Tomb A. Burial A in the middle of the chamber.
    • Fig. 19. Tomb A. Cruciform dagger A15 near the skull of burial B.
    • Fig. 20. Tomb A. Pile of bones and offerings along the east wall of the chamber.
    • Fig. 21. Tomb A. Burial pit by the west wall of the chamber.
    • Fig. 22. Tomb A. Primary burial E in the pit by the west wall of the chamber.
    • Fig. 23. Tomb A. Ground plan illustrating the tomb’s dromos and the chamber’s burial stratum.
    • Fig. 24. Tomb A. Ground plan of children burials A1 and E found in pits.
    • Fig. 25. Section of tomb A.
    • Fig. 26. Tomb B. View of the dromos and of the first two rows of the dry-stone wall blocking the entrance.
    • Fig. 27. Tomb B. View of the chamber from the tomb’s entrance after the removal of the dry-stone wall.
    • Fig. 28. Tomb B. View of the chamber as found after the opening of the stomion.
    • Fig. 29. Tomb B. Chamber’s south wall was found collapsed, revealing bones and vases from the neighbouring tomb Δ.
    • Fig. 30. Tomb B. Pit I along the north chamber wall, with lekythos (B1) and kalathos with five vases (B2 and B3-B8) placed on top of the slabs.
    • Fig. 31. Tomb B. Primary male burial Z in pit I with sickle B52 at waist level.
    • Fig. 33. Tomb B. View of the chamber’s finds before revealing the burial stratum. Three vases (B9-B11) stand higher on a bench at the back of the chamber.
    • Fig. 32. Tomb B. Two-handled kalathos with five vases inside of it and one more outside, as found in the chamber.
    • Fig. 34. Tomb B. Bench with bases B9-B11 over the primary burials A and A1.
    • Fig. 35. Tomb B. View of the burial stratum.
    • Fig. 36. Tomb B. Primary burials A and A1.
    • Fig. 37. Tomb B. Detail of burials A and A1 showing skull A1 concealed under the left palm and the finger bones of female burial A.
    • Fig. 38. Tomb B. Pit II found under the burials A and A1 and covered with four slabs.
    • Fig. 39. Tomb B. Pit II containing primary burial H of a 6 year-old child.
    • Fig. 40. Tomb B. Large pile of pushed aside human bones and offerings.
    • Fig. 41. Tomb B. Pit III with vases B50, B51 inside.
    • Fig. 42. Tomb B. Pit III including primary burials Ξ and Ο.
    • Fig. 43. Tomb B. Vases B12-B14 were found fallen by the stone, where they once stood.
    • Fig. 44. Tomb B. Female primary burials ΣΤ and Γ lying in the middle of the chamber.
    • Fig. 45. Tomb B. Pit IV containing the secondary burials Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ and Ν.
    • Fig. 46. Tomb B. View of the chambers pits I-IV at the end of the research.
    • Fig. 47. Tomb B. Elevation of the façade with the last raw of dry-stone wall.
    • Fig. 48. Tomb B. Plan depicting the visible finds, before revealing the burial stratum in detail.
    • Fig. 49. Tomb B. Plan of the chamber’s burial stratum.
    • Fig. 50. Tomb B. Plan of the chamber with slab-covered pits I-III.
    • Fig. 51. Tomb B. Plan of the chamber with opened pits I-III.
    • Fig. 52. Tomb Γ. The remains of the east and the south walls of the chamber and the burial stratum on the floor.
    • Fig. 53. Tomb Γ. Vases and skulls B and Γ along the south and the west walls of the chamber.
    • Fig. 54. Tomb Γ. Ground plan illustrating the chamber’s burial stratum.
    • Fig. 55. Tomb Δ. View from the excavation shaft of the chamber and of the dry-stone wall blocking the entrance. Pit I is visible to the left.
    • Fig. 56. Tomb Δ. View from the chamber of the dry-stone wall blocking the entrance. Stirrup jar Δ7 was found over fallen soft rock fragments.
    • Fig. 57. Tomb Δ. View of the burial stratum.
    • Fig. 58. Tomb Δ. Bones and burial offerings in pit I.
    • Fig. 59. Tomb Δ. Primary burials B, Γand Δ on the chamber’s floor.
    • Fig. 60. Tomb Δ. Primary burials Γand Δ on the chamber’s floor.
    • Fig. 61. Tomb Δ. Pit II covered with slabs.
    • Fig. 62. Tomb Δ. Primary burial Z in pit II.
    • Fig. 63. Tomb Δ. Vases Δ8-Δ10 found on top of fallen soft rock fragments.
    • Fig. 64. Tomb Δ. Vases Δ8-Δ10 found on top of fallen soft rock fragments.
    • Fig. 65. Tomb Δ. Ground plan of the stomion and the chamber with the vases found over the burial stratum.
    • Fig. 66. Tomb Δ. Ground plan of the burial stratum.
    • Fig. 67. Tomb Δ. Ground plan and section of pit II.
    • Fig. 68. Tomb Δ. Section of the tomb’s chamber.
    • Fig. 69. Tomb E. View of the tomb’s dromos and entrance.
    • Fig. 70. Tomb E. The dry-stone wall blocking the entrance.
    • Fig. 71. Tomb. E. View from the entrance of the chamber and its burial stratum.
    • Fig. 72. Tomb E. View from the excavation shaft of the burial stratum with primary burials A and Δ.
    • Fig. 73. Tomb E. Primary burial A and her offerings.
    • Fig. 74. Tomb E. Primary burial Θ.
    • Fig. 75. Tomb E. Primary burials A, B and pile I at the back.
    • Fig. 76. Tomb E. Primary burial Γ and her offerings.
    • Fig. 77. Tomb E. Pile I of bones and burial offerings swept aside.
    • Fig. 78. Tomb E. Vases E15-E18 at the north edge of pile I.
    • Fig. 79. Tomb E. Vases E23-E25 and knife E33 at the south edge of pile I.
    • Fig. 80. Tomb E. Pile II of bones and burial offerings.
    • Fig. 81. Tomb E. Detail of pile II with vase E37 and bronze spear E38.
    • Fig. 82. Tomb E. Primary burial E in the middle of the chamber.
    • Fig. 83. Tomb E. Elevation of the successive rows of dry-stone walls blocking the tomb’s entrance.
    • Fig. 84. Tomb E. Ground plan.
    • Fig. 85. Tomb E. Section.
    • Fig. 86. Tomb E. Ground plan with burial stratum.
    • Fig. 87. Tomb ΣΤ. View of the blocked entrance with the broad and shallow channel cut on the dromos floor.
    • Fig. 89. Tomb ΣΤ. Joining fragments of a high-stemmed kylix to the left of the stone pile before the entrance.
    • Fig. 88. Tomb ΣΤ. View of the entrance with its second row of stones and of the shallow channel cut on the dromos floor.
    • Fig. 90. Tomb ΣΤ. The burial stratum with burials A, Β, Γ and Δ seen from the excavation shaft.
    • Fig. 91. Tomb ΣΤ. Moved burial A.
    • Fig. 92. Tomb ΣΤ. Secondary burial Γ and skull B.
    • Fig. 93. Tomb ΣΤ. South half of the chamber including primary burials Ε, ΣΤ and Z and a pile of bones and offerings.
    • Fig. 94. Tomb ΣΤ. Bones and offerings in a pile along the southeast wall.
    • Fig. 95. Tomb ΣΤ. Detail of some offerings from the chamber’s pile.
    • Fig. 96. Tomb ΣΤ. Stirrup jars ΣΤ25-ΣΤ30 between burials E and ΣΤ.
    • Fig. 97. Tomb ΣΤ. Primary burial Z with his offerings.
    • Fig. 98. Tomb ΣΤ. Pits I and II.
    • Fig. 99. Tomb ΣΤ. Pit I and vases ΣΤ53 and ΣΤ55 which fell inside.
    • Fig. 100. Tomb ΣΤ. Pits I and II with female burial I and male burial Θ respectively.
    • Fig. 102. Tomb ΣΤ. Elevation of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th rows of dry-stone walls blocking the tomb’s entrance.
    • Fig. 101. Tomb ΣΤ. Elevation of the entrance and its first row of dry-stone wall.
    • Fig. 104. Tomb ΣΤ. Ground plan of the burial stratum.
    • Fig. 103. Tomb ΣΤ. Elevation of the 5th row of dry-stone wall and section of the entrance.
    • Fig. 105. Tomb ΣΤ. Ground plan with pits I and II covered by slabs.
    • Fig. 106. Tomb ΣΤ. Ground plan with pits I and II and burials I and Θ inside.
    • Fig. 107. Tomb Z. View of the dromos, chamber Za at the back and Zb to the right.
    • Fig. 108. Tomb Z. View of the dromos and the dry-stone wall of chamber Za.
    • Fig. 109. Tomb Z. Chamber Za.
    • Fig. 110. Tomb Z. Primary burial A with his offerings.
    • Fig. 111. Tomb Z. Detail of primary burial A and vases Zα1-Ζα3.
    • Fig. 112. Tomb Z. View from the chamber of the dry-stone wall and the burial stratum.
    • Fig. 113. Tomb Z. Skull A on the upper fill of chamber Zb.
    • Fig. 114. Tomb Z. Burials B and Γin chamber Zb.
    • Fig. 115. Tomb Z. Burials B and Γ in chamber Zb.
    • Fig. 116. Tomb Z and its chambers Za and Zb. Ground plan.
    • Fig. 117. Tomb Z. Section of dromos and chamber Za.
    • Fig. 118. Tomb H. View of dromos and the dry-stone blocking the entrance.
    • Fig. 119. Tomb H. Stratigraphy at the right side of the dromos.
    • Fig. 120. Tomb H. View from the chamber of the blocked entrance.
    • Fig. 121. Tomb H. View of the chamber at the end of the excavation.
    • Fig. 122. Tomb H. Primary burial A.
    • Fig. 123. Tomb H. Primary burial A and his offerings.
    • Fig. 124. View of the chamber and its burial stratum.
    • Fig. 125. Tomb H. Secondary burials Δ-Μ along the east wall of the chamber.
    • Fig. 126. Tomb H. Vases H4, H5, H14 by the pile of bones and skull of burial B to the right.
    • Fig. 127. Tomb H. Primary burial B and his offerings (H6-H8).
    • Fig. 128. Tomb H. Primary burial Γ and his offerings (H11-H13).
    • Fig. 129. Tomb H. Elevation of the façade.
    • Fig. 130. Tomb H. East-to-west section of the chamber, with the pile of secondary burials.
    • Fig. 131. Tomb H. Ground plan of the tomb’s dromos and chamber with burial stratum.
    • Fig. 132. Tomb H. Section of the tomb’s dromos and chamber.
    • Fig. 133. Tomb Θ. View of the south wall of the dromos with the blocking of alcove I.
    • Fig. 134. Tomb Θ. Alcove I at the south wall of the dromos.
    • Fig. 135. Tomb Θ. Alcove I with secondary burials inside.
    • Fig. 136. Tomb Θ. The disturbed blocking of the entrance seen from the chamber and a pile of swept aside bones and offerings to the left.
    • Fig. 137. Tomb Θ. Upper stratum of the chamber fill deposit with large four-handled jars Θ7 and Θ8 to the left and a pile of swept aside bones and offerings to the right.
    • Fig. 138. Tomb Θ. View of the chamber’s burial stratum. Primary burial A is partly covered by four-handled jars Θ7 and Θ8.
    • Fig. 140. Tomb Θ. View of the east wall of the chamber with the bench bearing the slaughtered calf and the pile of swept aside bones to the right.
    • Fig. 139. Tomb Θ. Detail of the upper stratum of the chamber fill deposit along the east wall, with the chopped bones of a slaughtered calf.
    • Fig. 141. Tomb Θ. Primary burials E (left) and Δ (right).
    • Fig. 142. Tomb Θ. Primary burial E and bronze tool Θ60 under her left humerus.
    • Fig. 143. Tomb Θ. View of primary burial B and of four-handled jars Θ7 and Θ8 above the warrior’s burial (primary burial A).
    • Fig. 144. Tomb Θ. Primary burial B with some of her offerings and skull Γ behind her skull.
    • Fig. 145. Tomb Θ. Skull Γ behind primary burial B (left) and the warrior’s burial (primary burial A) with his bronze weapons and tools (Θ11-Θ14).
    • Fig. 146. Tomb Θ. View of the chamber with the flexed legs of primary burial B and her razor Θ51 found upon the slabs of pit II (middle) and primary burial Δ (right).
    • Fig. 147. Tomb Θ. Primary burial B by warrior’s burial with his bronze weapons and tools at his right and four-handled jars Θ7 and Θ8 above his head.
    • Fig. 148. Tomb Θ. Warrior’s bronze weapons and tools as found in situ.
    • Fig. 149. Tomb Θ. Primary burial Δ with her offerings.
    • Fig. 150. Tomb Θ. Detail of primary burial Δ with bronze ring Θ53 on her thumb.
    • Fig. 151. Tomb Θ. Pits II (middle) and I (right).
    • Fig. 152. Tomb Θ. Pit I containing the bones and offerings of nine secondary burials.
    • Fig. 153. Tomb Θ. Pit II with primary burial Θ.
    • Fig. 154. Tomb Θ. Ground plan of tomb’s dromos, alcove I and chamber with the upper stratum of its fill deposit containing the slaughtered calf and four-handled jars Θ7 and Θ8.
    • Fig. 155. Section of alcove I.
    • Fig. 156. Tomb Θ. East-west section of the chamber containing the bench with the slaughtered calf.
    • Fig. 157. Tomb Θ. North-south section of the chamber containing the bench with the jars Θ7 and Θ8.
    • Fig. 159. Tomb Θ. Ground plan of the chamber. Pits I and II.
    • Fig. 158. Tomb Θ. Ground plan of the chamber’s burial stratum.
    • Fig. 160. Tomb Θ. West-east section of the chamber and pit II.
    • Fig. 161. Tomb K. Dromos and stomion.
    • Fig. 162. Tomb K. Dromos and stomion.
    • Fig. 163. Tomb K. View of the chamber’s burial stratum and the huge leap of stones, fallen from the doorway’s blocking.
    • Fig. 164. Tomb K. View of the chamber’s pit covered with slabs.
    • Fig. 165. Tomb K. View of the chamber’s pit after the removal of its cover.
    • Fig. 166. Tomb K. View of the chamber during its excavation, presenting the niche and its barrier.
    • Fig. 167. Tomb K. Retaining wall against the northeast wall and primary burials A and B.
    • Fig. 168. Tomb K. Primary burials A and B.
    • Fig. 169. Tomb K. Vases Κ2-Κ15, Κ23, K2-K7 are attributed to primary burial A, while K8-K15 and K23 to primary burial B.
    • Fig. 170. Tomb K. Vases Κ2-Κ14, Κ31, K32, K2-K7 and K31, K32 are attributed to primary burial A
    • Fig. 171. Tomb K. Vases K8-K15 and K23 are attributed to primary burial B.
    • Fig. 172. Tomb K. Vases K16, K18 and K29 were placed upon fallen parts of the chamber’s roof.
    • Fig. 173. Tomb K. Parts of amphora K1 placed upon fallen parts of the chamber’s roof.
    • Fig. 174. Tomb K. Pile of bones and offerings swept aside along the southeast wall of the chamber.
    • Fig. 175. Tomb K. Detail of the pile of bones and offerings swept aside along the southeast wall of the chamber.
    • Fig. 176. Tomb K. Sealstone K56 found in the pile of bones and offerings swept aside along the southeast wall of the chamber.
    • Fig. 177. Tomb K. Pit covered with slabs by the south wall of the chamber. Vases K60-K63 were found standing in situ.
    • Fig. 179. Tomb K. Ground plan with burial stratum.
    • Fig. 178. Tomb K. Primary burial Z in the chamber’s pit.
    • Fig. 180. Tomb K. Ground plan of the chamber after the removal of the burial stratum, presenting the slab-covered pit and vases K60-K63 in situ.
    • Fig. 181. Tomb K. Ground plan of the chamber with pit including primary burial Z.
    • Fig. 182. Tomb K. Section of the chamber’s pit.
    • Fig. 183. View of the cemetery’s fourth row of tombs. Dromos and chamber of tomb Λ (left), dromos of tomb K (middle), dromos and chambers of tomb M (right) and the chamber of the tomb, plundered in 1986 (back).
    • Fig. 184. Tomb Λ. Dromos and entrance blocked with dry-stone wall. To the right is the vertical shaft opened to provide access to the chamber.
    • Fig. 185. Tomb Λ. Vertical shaft opened to the right of the dry-stone wall of the entrance, providing access to the chamber.
    • Fig. 186. Tomb Λ. Chamber’s burial stratum and the ditch cut into it with the clay pipe running along.
    • Fig. 187. Tomb Λ. Primary burials A and B and offerings Λ1-Λ11.
    • Fig. 188. Tomb Λ. Detail of the clay pipe.
    • Fig. 189. Tomb Λ. The rock-cut tunnel with the clay pipe running south of chamber Λ. The opening at the back reveals chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 190. The rock-cut tunnel of the clay pipe runs around chamber Ma and below tomb’s K dromos.
    • Fig. 192. Tomb Λ. The chamber’s burial stratum.
    • Fig. 191. Tomb Λ. Left: the ditch cut into the chamber’s floor. Right: the burial stratum with the remains of primary burials A and B.
    • Fig. 193. Tomb Λ. Bronze needle Λ21 found below stirrup jar Λ3.
    • Fig. 194. Tomb Λ. Stirrup jars Λ4, Λ9 and Λ10 step on whitish rock fragments and not directly on the floor, unlike vases Λ5-Λ8.
    • Fig. 195. Tomb Λ. The remains of secondary burial Γ and the chamber’s pit, covered with a large slab.
    • Fig. 196. Tomb Λ. Pit with secondary burial Δ and some offerings.
    • Fig. 197. Tomb Λ. Ground plan of the tomb and the clay pipe’s tunnel running along its chamber and further to the south, between chamber Ma and tomb’s K dromos.
    • Fig. 198. Tomb Λ. Ground plan and appendix (top right) presenting the interior of the chamber’s pit.
    • Fig. 199. Tomb Λ. Section.
    • Fig. 200. Tomb M. Dromos with two entrances (left and back) blocked with dry-stone walls.
    • Fig. 201. Tomb M. The down-sloping dromos and the dry-stone wall of chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 202. Tomb M. View from the surface of the blocked entrances of chambers Ma (left) and Mb (right).
    • Fig. 203. Tomb M. Pottery fragments in the dromos fill.
    • Fig. 205. Tomb M. View of the dry-stone wall of the entrance from the chamber and some scattered bones and offerings.
    • Fig. 204. Tomb M. View of the burial stratum of chamber Ma. The opening on the top right of the chamber’s wall connects it to the clay pipe tunnel of the later aqueduct.
    • Fig. 206. Tomb M. Primary burials A and B in chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 207. Tomb M. Piriform jar Ma3 and stirrup jar Ma10 found by the warrior’s skull.
    • Fig. 208. Tomb M. Warrior’s bronze spear Ma8 and sickle-like knife Ma9 in chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 209. Tomb M. Bronze spear Ma5 and spindle whorl Ma14 found with the scattered bones and offerings in the north half of chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 210. Tomb M. Scattered bones and offerings in the north half of chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 211. Tomb M. Dry-stone wall blocking the entrance of chamber Mb.
    • Fig. 212. Tomb M. View of chamber’s Mb burial stratum.
    • Fig. 213. Tomb M. View of chamber Mb after the removal of burials and offerings.
    • Fig. 214. Tomb M, chamber Mb. Stirrup jar Mb1 found on a mound of soil, at the back of the entrance.
    • Fig. 215. Tomb M, chamber Mb. Primary burial A.
    • Fig. 216. Tomb M. Pile of bones and offerings along chamber’s Mb east wall.
    • Fig. 217. Tomb M. Ground plan of chambers Ma, Mb and their common dromos. Part of the clay pipe tunnel runs on the top.
    • Fig. 218. Tomb M. Ground plan of chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 219. Tomb M. Ground plan of chamber Mb.
    • Fig. 220. Tomb M. Section of dromos and of chamber Ma.
    • Fig. 221. Tomb M. Section of dromos and of chamber Mb.
    • Fig. 222. Tomb N. The remains of the entrance with the few stones of its blocking found in situ.
    • Fig. 223. Tomb N. The entrance with the remaining stones of its blocking and the chamber at the back.
    • Fig. 224. Tomb N. View of the chamber (front) and of alcove I (left).
    • Fig. 225. Tomb N. View of the chamber’s burial stratum.
    • Fig. 226. Tomb N. Primary burials A, B, Γ and Δ at the chamber’s north half.
    • Fig. 227. Tomb N. Primary burial Δ and his offerings.
    • Fig. 228. Tomb N. Children burials E and Z with their offerings and pits I (middle) and II (right).
    • Fig. 229. Tomb N. Pits I and II covered with slabs.
    • Fig. 230. Tomb N. Pit I (left) with burial H and cremation Θ and pit II (right) with burial I.
    • Fig. 231. Tomb N. Pit II with male burial I.
    • Fig. 232. Tomb N. Pit I with male burial H and cremation Θ.
    • Fig. 233. Tomb N. Ground plan of the entrance and the chamber’s burial stratum.
    • Fig. 234. Tomb N. Ground plan illustrating pits I and II with burials H and I and cremation Θ.
    • Fig. 235. Tomb N. Section of the chamber and pit I.
  • Chapter 3.
    • Fig. 237. General view of the cemetery after the completion of its last excavation season, in 1992. Chambers Θ, N – and later K – were once more filled and covered with earth, in order to be protected. Tomb E is beyond the frame, 16 m to the south of plu
    • Fig. 236. Topographic sketch of the Mycenaean cemetery at Achaia Clauss. Tombs excavated by Papadopoulos are marked with letters of the Greek alphabet, from A to N. Tombs excavated by Kyparissis are marked with numbers, 1-5. Σ1 marks the chamber tomb plun
    • Fig. 238. June 2014. View of tombs Δ (bottom right) and B (top) sunk in the wild vegetation of the slope.
  • Chapter 4.
    • Fig. 239. Cat. no. A1. Π 8523.
    • Fig. 240. Cat. no. A2. Π 8522.
    • Fig. 241. Cat. no. A3. Π 8524.
    • Fig. 242. Cat. no. A4. Π 8525.
    • Fig. 243. Cat. no. A5. Π 8530.
    • Fig. 244. Cat. no. A6. Π 8537.
    • Fig. 245. Cat. no. A7. Π 8532.
    • Fig. 246. Cat. no. A8. Π 8531.
    • Fig. 247. Cat. no. A9 Π 8536.
    • Fig. 248. Cat. no. A10. Π 8533.
    • Fig. 249. Cat. no. A11. Π 8526.
    • Fig. 250. Cat. no. A12. Π 8534.
    • Fig. 253. Cat. no. A15. Μ 3973.
    • Fig. 251. Cat. no. A13. Π 8535.
    • Fig. 252. Cat. no. A14. Μ 3966.
    • Fig. 254. Cat. no. A16. Μ 5614.
    • Fig. 255. Cat. no. A17. Π 8527.
    • Fig. 256. Cat. no. A18. Π 8528.
    • Fig. 257. Cat. no. A20. Μ 5533.
    • Fig. 259. Cat. no. A23. Π 8529.
    • Fig. 258. Cat. no. A22. Μ 5613.
    • Fig. 260. Cat. no. B1. Π 15669.
    • Fig. 261. Cat. no. B2. Π 8652.
    • Fig. 262. Cat. no. B3. Π 8649.
    • Fig. 263. Cat. no. B4. Π 8651.
    • Fig. 264. Cat. no. B5. Π 8648.
    • Fig. 265. Cat. no. B6. Π 8647.
    • Fig. 266. Cat. no. B7. Π 8650.
    • Fig. 267. Cat. no. B8. Π 8542.
    • Fig. 268. Cat. no. B9. Π 15662.
    • Fig. 269. Cat. no. B10. Π 8656.
    • Fig. 270. Cat. no. B11. Π 8539.
    • Fig. 271. Cat. no. B12. Π 8642.
    • Fig. 272. Cat. no. B13. Π 15674.
    • Fig. 273. Cat. no. B14. Π 15681.
    • Fig. 274. Cat. no. B15. Π 14013.
    • Fig. 276. Cat. no. B17. Π 15670.
    • Fig. 275. Cat. no. B16. Π 15680.
    • Fig. 277. Cat. no. B18. Π 14014.
    • Fig. 278. Cat. no. B19. Π 15682.
    • Fig. 279. Cat. no. B20. Π 15667.
    • Fig. 280. Cat. no. B21. Π 12372.
    • Fig. 282. Cat. no. B23. Μ 4814.
    • Fig. 281. Cat. no. B22. Μ 4810.
    • Fig. 283. Cat. no. B24. Μ 4811.
    • Fig. 285. Cat. no. B26. Π 15666.
    • Fig. 284. Cat. no. B25. Π 8643.
    • Fig. 286. Cat. no. B27. Π 15657.
    • Fig. 287. Cat. no. B28. Π 15664.
    • Fig. 288. Cat. no. B29. Π 8541.
    • Fig. 289. Cat. no. B30. Π 15658.
    • Fig. 290. Cat. no. B31. Π 14015.
    • Fig. 291. Cat. no. B32. Π 8655.
    • Fig. 293. Cat. no. B34. Π 15663.
    • Fig. 292. Cat. no. B33. Π 15654.
    • Fig. 294. Cat. no. B35. Π 15678.
    • Fig. 295. Cat. no. B36. Π 8644.
    • Fig. 296. Cat. no. B37. Π 8540.
    • Fig. 297. Cat. no. B38 and B40. Π 15660.
    • Fig. 298. Cat. no. B39. Π 15655.
    • Fig. 299. Cat. no. B41. Π 15661.
    • Fig. 300. Cat. no. B42. Π 14016.
    • Fig. 301. Cat. no. B43. Μ 4812.
    • Fig. 302. Cat. no. B44. Μ 4818.
    • Fig. 303. Cat. no. B45. Μ 4817.
    • Fig. 304. Cat. no. B46. Μ 4809.
    • Fig. 305. Cat. no. B47. Π 8654.
    • Fig. 306. Cat. no. B48. Μ 4816.
    • Fig. 307. Cat. no. B49. Π 15665.
    • Fig. 308. Cat. no. B50. Π 15656.
    • Fig. 309. Cat. no. B51. Π 15672.
    • Fig. 310. Cat. no. B52. Μ 4854.
    • Fig. 311. Cat. no. B53. Π 14017.
    • Fig. 312. Cat. no. B54. Π 15668.
    • Fig. 313. Cat. no. B55. Π 15673.
    • Fig. 314. Cat. no. B56-B58. Π 12371.
    • Fig. 315. Cat. no. B59. Π 8670.
    • Fig. 316. Cat. no. B60. Π 14018.
    • Fig. 317. Cat. no. B61. Μ 5587.
    • Fig. 318. Cat. no. B62. Μ 5588.
    • Fig. 319. Cat. no. B63. Μ 5589.
    • Fig. 320. Cat. no. B64. Π 14019.
    • Fig. 321. Cat. no. B65. Μ 5586.
    • Fig. 322. Cat. no. Γ1. Μ 4819
    • Fig. 323. Cat. no. Γ2. M 5585.
    • Fig. 324. Cat. no. Γ3. Π 8653.
    • Fig. 325. Cat. no. Γ4. Π 8645.
    • Fig. 326. Cat. no. Γ5. Π 8666.
    • Fig. 328. Cat. no. Γ7. Π 8646.
    • Fig. 327. Cat. no. Γ6. Π 12373.
    • Fig. 329. Cat. no. Γ8. Π 15677.
    • Fig. 330. Cat. no. Γ9. Π 14020.
    • Fig. 331. Cat. no. Γ10. Π 12375.
    • Fig. 332. Cat. no. Γ11. Π 15671.
    • Fig. 334. Cat. no. Γ13. Π 15675.
    • Fig. 333. Cat. no. Γ12. Π 8668.
    • Fig. 335. Cat. no. Γ14. Π 15676.
    • Fig. 336. Cat. no. Γ15. Π 15679.
    • Fig. 337. Cat. no. Γ16. Π 8664.
    • Fig. 338. Cat. no. Γ17. Π 8669.
    • Fig. 339. Cat. no. Γ19. Μ 4815.
    • Fig. 340. Cat. no. Δ1. Π 14011.
    • Fig. 341. Cat. no. Δ2. Π 8665.
    • Fig. 342. Cat. no. Δ3. Π 14012.
    • Fig. 343. Cat. no. Δ4. Π 8667.
    • Fig. 345. Cat. no. Δ6. Π 14822.
    • Fig. 344. Cat. no. Δ5. Π 15659.
    • Fig. 346. Cat. no. Δ7. Π 15007.
    • Fig. 347. Cat. no. Δ8. Π 15004.
    • Fig. 348. Cat. no. Δ9. Π 15401.
    • Fig. 349. Cat. no. Δ10. Π 14826.
    • Fig. 350. Cat. no. Δ11. Π 15375.
    • Fig. 351. Cat. no. Δ12. Π 14599.
    • Fig. 352. Cat. no. Δ13. Μ 5607.
    • Fig. 353. Cat. no. Δ14. Π 14040.
    • Fig. 354. Cat. no. Δ15. Π 14041.
    • Fig. 356. Cat. no. Δ17. Π 14033.
    • Fig. 355. Cat. no. Δ16. Π 14042.
    • Fig. 357. Cat. no. Δ18. Μ 5590.
    • Fig. 358. Cat. no. Δ19. Π 14600.
    • Fig. 360. Cat. no. Δ21. Π 12185.
    • Fig. 359. Cat. no. Δ20. Π 14820.
    • Fig. 361. Cat. no. Δ23. Μ 5529.
    • Fig. 362. Cat. no. Δ24. M 5606.
    • Fig. 363. Cat. no. E1. Π 14615.
    • Fig. 364. Cat. no. Ε2. Π 14029.
    • Fig. 365. Cat. no. Ε3. Π 14819.
    • Fig. 366. Cat. no. Ε4. Π 14617.
    • Fig. 367. Cat. no. Ε5. Π 14026.
    • Fig. 368. Cat. no. Ε6. Π 14616.
    • Fig. 369. Cat. no. Ε7. Π 14030.
    • Fig. 370. Cat. no. Ε8. Π 14618.
    • Fig. 371. Cat. no. Ε9. Π 14601.
    • Fig. 373. Cat. no. Ε11. Π 12182.
    • Fig. 372. Cat. no. Ε10. Π 14611.
    • Fig. 374. Cat. no. E12. Π 14028.
    • Fig. 376. Cat. no. Ε14. Π 15035.
    • Fig. 375. Cat. no. Ε13. Π 14043.
    • Fig. 378. Cat. no. Ε16. Π 14027.
    • Fig. 377. Cat. no. Ε15. Π 14612.
    • Fig. 379. Cat. no. Ε17. Π 15039.
    • Fig. 380. Cat. no. Ε18. Π 14031.
    • Fig. 382a. Cat. no. E20. M 5523a.
    • Fig. 381. Cat. no. Ε19. Μ 5592.
    • Fig. 383. Cat. no. Ε21. Π 14602.
    • Fig. 382b. Cat. no. Ε20. Μ 5523b
    • Fig. 384. Cat. no. Ε22. Μ 5530.
    • Fig. 385. Cat. no. Ε23. Π 14044.
    • Fig. 386. Cat. no. Ε24. Π 14045.
    • Fig. 388. Cat. no. Ε26. Μ 5531.
    • Fig. 387. Cat. no. Ε25. Π 14619.
    • Fig. 390. Cat. no. Ε28. Π 15034.
    • Fig. 389. Cat. no. Ε27. Π 15031.
    • Fig. 391. Cat. no. E30. M 5608.
    • Fig. 392. Cat. no. Ε31. Μ 5526.
    • Fig. 394. Cat. no. Ε33. Μ 5522.
    • Fig. 393. Cat. no. Ε32. Μ 5605.
    • Fig. 397. Cat. no. Ε36. Π 14603.
    • Fig. 395. Cat. no. Ε34. Μ 5603.
    • Fig. 396. Cat. no. Ε35. Μ 5594.
    • Fig. 398. Cat. no. Ε37. Π 14613.
    • Fig. 399. Cat. no. Ε38. Μ 4978.
    • Fig. 400. Cat. no. Ε39. Μ 5604.
    • Fig. 401. Cat. no. Ε40. Μ 5593.
    • Fig. 402. Cat. no. Ε41. Μ 5591.
    • Fig. 404. Cat. no. Ε43. Μ 5528.
    • Fig. 403. Cat. no. Ε42. M 5602.
    • Fig. 406. Cat. no. Ε45. Π 15026.
    • Fig. 405. Cat. no. Ε44. Μ 5595.
    • Fig. 407. Cat. no. Ε46. Π 14032.
    • Fig. 408. Cat. no. E47. M 5598.
    • Fig. 410. Cat. no. Ε49. Μ 5582.
    • Fig. 409. Cat. no. Ε48. Π 14614.
    • Fig. 411. Cat. no. E50. Π 15027.
    • Fig. 413. Cat. no. Ε52. Μ 5581.
    • Fig. 412. Cat. no. Ε51. Μ 5597.
    • Fig. 414. Cat. no. Ε53. Μ 5610.
    • Fig. 415. Cat. no. E54. Μ 5599.
    • Fig. 416. Cat. no. Ε55. Μ 5600.
    • Fig. 417. Cat. no. Ε56. Uncatalogued.
    • Fig. 418. Cat. no. ΣΤ2, 35 and 54. Π 14825.
    • Fig. 419. Cat. no. ΣΤ3. Π 14035.
    • Fig. 420. Cat. no. ΣΤ6. Π 14824.
    • Fig. 421. Cat. no. ΣΤ7 and ΣΤ34. Π 15398.
    • Fig. 422. Cat. no. ΣΤ9. Π 15394.
    • Fig. 423. Cat. no. ΣΤ10. Π 14620.
    • Fig. 424. Cat. no. ΣΤ11. Π 14021.
    • Fig. 425. Cat. no. ΣΤ12. Π 15006.
    • Fig. 426. Cat. no. ΣΤ14. Π 14610.
    • Fig. 427. Cat. no. ΣΤ15. Π 14022.
    • Fig. 428. Cat. no. ΣΤ16. Π 14604.
    • Fig. 429. Cat. no. ΣΤ17. Π 14023.
    • Fig. 430. Cat. no. ΣΤ18. Π 14605.
    • Fig. 431. Cat. no. ΣΤ19. Π 14036.
    • Fig. 432. Cat. no. ΣΤ20. Π 15000.
    • Fig. 434. Cat. no. ΣΤ22. Π 14999.
    • Fig. 433. Cat. no. ΣΤ21. Π 14609.
    • Fig. 435. Cat. no. ΣΤ23. Π 15033.
    • Fig. 436. Cat. no. ΣΤ24. Π 14821.
    • Fig. 437. Cat. no. ΣΤ25. Π 14037.
    • Fig. 438. Cat. no. ΣΤ26. Π 14817.
    • Fig. 439. Cat. no. ΣΤ27. Π 14621.
    • Fig. 440. Cat. no. ΣΤ28. Π 14038.
    • Fig. 441. Cat. no. ΣΤ29. Π 14606.
    • Fig. 442. Cat. no. ΣΤ30. Π 15029.
    • Fig. 443. Cat. no. ΣΤ31. Π 14607.
    • Fig. 444. Cat. no. ΣΤ32. Π 14024.
    • Fig. 445. Cat. no. ΣΤ33. Π 15376.
    • Fig. 446. Cat. no. ΣΤ36. Π 15038.
    • Fig. 447. Cat. no. ΣΤ37. Π 15030.
    • Fig. 449. Cat. no. ΣΤ39. Μ 5527.
    • Fig. 450. Cat. no. ΣΤ40. Π 14025.
    • Fig. 448. Cat. no. ΣΤ38. Μ 5596.
    • Fig. 451. Cat. no. ΣΤ41. Π 15397.
    • Fig. 452. Cat. no. ΣΤ42. Π 14622.
    • Fig. 453. Cat. no. ΣΤ43. Μ 5583.
    • Fig. 454. Cat. no. ΣΤ44. Π 14034.
    • Fig. 455. Cat. no. ΣΤ45. Π 14039.
    • Fig. 457. Cat. no. ΣΤ47. Μ 5524.
    • Fig. 456. Cat. no. ΣΤ46. Μ 5601.
    • Fig. 458. Cat. no. ΣΤ48. Μ 5584.
    • Fig. 459. Cat. no. ΣΤ49. Π 15037.
    • Fig. 460. Cat. no. ΣΤ50. Μ 5525.
    • Fig. 462. Cat. no. ΣΤ52. Π 14823.
    • Fig. 461. Cat. no. ΣΤ51. Μ 5609.
    • Fig. 463. Cat. no. ΣΤ53. Π 14608.
    • Fig. 464. Cat. no. ΣΤ55. Π 15036.
    • Fig. 465. Cat. no. Za1. Π 15395.
    • Fig. 466. Cat. no. Ζα2. Π 15377.
    • Fig. 467. Cat. no. Ζα3. Π 15032.
    • Fig. 468. Cat. no. Zb1. Π 15396.
    • Fig. 469. Cat. no. Zb2. Π 14623.
    • Fig. 470. Cat. no. Zb3. Π 14818.
    • Fig. 471. Cat. no. Η1. Π 15727.
    • Fig. 472. Cat. no. H2. Π 12181.
    • Fig. 473. Cat. no. H3. Π 14624.
    • Fig. 474. Cat. no. H4. Π 12350.
    • Fig. 476. Cat. no. H6. Π 12177.
    • Fig. 475. Cat. no. H5. Π 12761.
    • Fig. 477. Cat. no. H7. Π 12179.
    • Fig. 478. Cat. no. H8. Π 12349.
    • Fig. 479. Cat. no. H9. Π 12348.
    • Fig. 480. Cat. no. H10. Π 14625.
    • Fig. 481. Cat. no. H11. Π 12368.
    • Fig. 482. Cat. no. H12. Π 14626.
    • Fig. 483. Cat. no. H13. Π 14627.
    • Fig. 484. Cat. no. H14. Π 14628.
    • Fig. 486. Cat. no. H16. Π 15745.
    • Fig. 485. Cat. no. H15. Μ 5546.
    • Fig. 487. Cat. no. H20. Μ 4856.
    • Fig. 489. Cat. no. H22. Π 16480.
    • Fig. 488. Cat. no. H21. Μ 5537.
    • Fig. 490. Cat. no. Θ1. Π 12771.
    • Fig. 491. Cat. no. Θ2. Π 12753.
    • Fig. 492. Cat. no. Θ3. Π 12775.
    • Fig. 493. Cat. no. Θ4. Π 15400.
    • Fig. 494. Cat. no. Θ5. Π 12774.
    • Fig. 495. Cat. no. Θ7. Π 15003.
    • Fig. 496. Cat. no. Θ8. Π 15001.
    • Fig. 497. Cat. no. Θ10. Π 15024.
    • Fig. 498. Cat. no. Θ11. Μ 4858.
    • Fig. 499. Cat. no. Θ12. Μ 4855.
    • Fig. 501. Cat. no. Θ14. M 4860.
    • Figs. 500a-b. Cat. no. Θ13. Μ 4977.
    • Fig. 503. Cat. no. Θ16. Π 12772.
    • Fig. 502. Cat. no. Θ15. Π 12345.
    • Fig. 504. Cat. no. Θ17. Π 12769.
    • Fig. 505. Cat. no. Θ18. Π 12759.
    • Fig. 506. Cat. no. Θ19. Π 12781.
    • Fig. 507. Cat. no. Θ20. Π 12178.
    • Fig. 508. Cat. no. Θ21. Π 14629.
    • Fig. 509. Cat. no. Θ22. Μ 5559a-c.
    • Fig. 510. Cat. no. Θ23. Μ 5543.
    • Fig. 511. Cat. no. Θ24. Μ 5542.
    • Fig. 513. Cat. no. Θ26. Π 12746.
    • Fig. 512. Cat. no. Θ25 and Θ30. Π 12354.
    • Fig. 514. Cat. no. Θ27. Π 12780.
    • Fig. 515. Cat. no. Θ29. Π 12169.
    • Fig. 516. Cat. no. Θ32. Π 12777.
    • Fig. 517. Cat. no. Θ33. Π 12173.
    • Fig. 518. Cat. no. Θ34. Π 15020.
    • Fig. 519. Cat. no. Θ35. Π 12764.
    • Fig. 520. Cat. no. Θ36. Π 12763.
    • Fig. 521. Cat. no. Θ37. Μ 5579.
    • Fig. 522. Cat. no. Θ38. Μ 5540.
    • Fig. 523. Cat. no. Θ39. Μ 5541.
    • Fig. 524. Cat. no. Θ40. Μ 5549.
    • Fig. 525. Cat. no. Θ41. Μ 5568a.
    • Fig. 526. Cat. no. Θ42. Μ 5568b.
    • Fig. 527. Cat. no. Θ43. Μ 5550.
    • Fig. 528. Cat. no. Θ44. Μ 5566.
    • Fig. 529. Cat. no. Θ45. Μ 5536.
    • Fig. 531. Cat. no. Θ47. Μ 4862.
    • Fig. 530. Cat. no. Θ46. Π 15021.
    • Fig. 532. Cat. no. Θ48. M 5570.
    • Fig. 535. Cat. no. Θ51. Μ 4861.
    • Fig. 533. Cat. no. Θ49. Μ 5571.
    • Fig. 534. Cat. no. Θ50. Μ 5567.
    • Fig. 537. Cat. no. Θ53. Μ 4864.
    • Fig. 536. Cat. no. Θ52. Μ 5577.
    • Fig. 538. Cat. no. Θ54. Μ 5576.
    • Fig. 539. Cat. no. Θ55. Π 12776.
    • Fig. 540. Cat. no. Θ56. Π 12767.
    • Fig. 541. Cat. no. Θ57. Μ 5575a.
    • Fig. 544. Cat. no. Θ58. Μ 5544.
    • Fig. 542. Cat. no. Θ57. Μ 5575b.
    • Fig. 543. Cat. no. Θ57. Μ 5575c.
    • Fig. 546. Cat. no. Θ59. Π 15022.
    • Fig. 545. Cat. no. Θ59α. Μ 5538.
    • Fig. 547. Cat. no. Θ60. Μ 4857.
    • Fig. 548. Cat. no. Θ61. Μ 5539a-c.
    • Fig. 549. Cat. no. Θ62. Π 12770.
    • Fig. 550. Cat. no. Θ63. Μ 5574.
    • Fig. 551. Cat. no. Θ64. Μ 5556.
    • Fig. 552. Cat. no. Θ65. Π 12351.
    • Fig. 553. Cat. no. Θ66. Μ 5534.
    • Fig. 554. Cat. no. Θ67. Π 14995.
    • Fig. 555. Cat. no. Θ68. Μ 4867.
    • Fig. 557. Cat. no. Θ70. Π 12748.
    • Fig. 556. Cat. no. Θ69. Π 12778.
    • Fig. 559. Cat. no. Θ72. Μ 4863.
    • Fig. 558. Cat. no. Θ71. Μ 4798.
    • Fig. 560. Cat. no. Θ73. Π 15729.
    • Fig. 561. Cat. no. Ι1. Π 12172.
    • Fig. 562. Cat. no. Ι3. Μ 5535.
    • Fig. 564. Cat. no. Ι5. Μ 5572a-d.
    • Fig. 563. Cat. no. Ι4. Μ 5580.
    • Fig. 565. Cat. no. Ι6. Π 12184.
    • Fig. 566. Cat. no. Ι7. Μ 5561.
    • Fig. 567. Cat. no. Ι8. M 5611.
    • Fig. 569. Cat. no. Ι10. Π 12369.
    • Fig. 568. Cat. no. Ι9. Π 15019.
    • Fig. 570. Cat. no. Ι11. Π 12364.
    • Fig. 571. Cat. no. Ι12. Π 12167.
    • Fig. 572. Cat. no. Ι13. Π 12180.
    • Fig. 573. Cat. no. Ι14. M 5553.
    • Fig. 574. Cat. no. Ι15. Μ 5612.
    • Fig. 575. Cat. no. Κ2. Π 12755.
    • Fig. 576. Cat. no. Κ3. Π 12779.
    • Fig. 577. Cat. no. Κ4. Π 12175.
    • Fig. 578. Cat. no. K5. Π 12168.
    • Fig. 579. Cat. no. Κ6. Π 12760.
    • Fig. 580. Cat. no. Κ7. Π 15008.
    • Fig. 582. Cat. no. Κ9. Π 12347.
    • Fig. 581. Cat. no. Κ8. Π 15025.
    • Fig. 583. Cat. no. Κ10. Π 12756.
    • Fig. 584. Cat. no. Κ11. Π 15023.
    • Fig. 585. Cat. no. Κ12. Π 12176.
    • Fig. 586. Cat. no. Κ13. Π 12171.
    • Fig. 587. Cat. no. Κ14. Π 12758.
    • Fig. 588. Cat. no. Κ15. Π 12757.
    • Fig. 590. Cat. no. Κ18. Π 15005.
    • Fig. 589. Cat. no. Κ17. Π 12766.
    • Fig. 591. Cat. no. Κ19. Π 12363.
    • Fig. 592. Cat. no. Κ20. Π 12376.
    • Fig. 593. Cat. no. Κ21. Π 12765.
    • Fig. 594. Cat. no. Κ22. Π 12762.
    • Fig. 596. Cat. no. Κ24 and K59. M 5555.
    • Fig. 595. Cat. no. Κ23. Π 12174.
    • Fig. 597. Cat. no. Κ25. Π 12747.
    • Fig. 598. Cat. no. Κ28. Π 12344.
    • Fig. 599. Cat. no. Κ29. Π 12186.
    • Fig. 600. Cat. no. Κ30. Π 12750.
    • Fig. 601. Cat. no. Κ31. Μ 5564.
    • Fig. 603. Cat. no. Κ33. Μ 5554.
    • Fig. 604. Cat. no. Κ34. Μ 5551.
    • Fig. 602. Cat. no. Κ32. Μ 5565.
    • Fig. 605. Cat. no. Κ35. M 5560.
    • Fig. 606. Cat. no. Κ36. Π 12752.
    • Fig. 607. Cat. no. Κ37. Π 12768.
    • Fig. 608. Cat. no. Κ38. Π 12183.
    • Fig. 609. Cat. no. Κ39. Π 12342.
    • Fig. 610. Cat. no. Κ41. Μ 5563a-c.
    • Fig. 611. Cat. no. Κ42. Μ 4859.
    • Fig. 613. Cat. no. K43b. M 5562a.
    • Fig. 614. Cat. no. Κ43b. M 5562a-c
    • Fig. 612. Cat. no. Κ43α. Μ 4797.
    • Fig. 615. Cat. no. Κ44. Π 12366.
    • Fig. 616. Cat. no. Κ45. Μ 5557.
    • Fig. 618. Cat. no. Κ47. Μ 5573a-b.
    • Fig. 617. Cat. no. Κ46. Μ 5578.
    • Fig. 619. Cat. no. Κ48. Μ 5569a-c.
    • Fig. 620. Cat. no. Κ49. Μ 5548a-b.
    • Fig. 621. Cat. no. Κ50. Μ 4866.
    • Fig. 623. Cat. no. Κ52. Π 12170.
    • Fig. 622. Cat. no. Κ51. Μ 5558.
    • Fig. 624. Cat. no. Κ53. Μ 5547.
    • Fig. 625. Cat. no. Κ54. Uncatalogued.
    • Fig. 626. Cat. no. Κ55. M 5552.
    • Fig. 627. Cat. no. Κ56. Μ 4799.
    • Fig. 628. Cat. no. Κ57. Μ 5545.
    • Fig. 630. Cat. no. Κ60. Π 12343.
    • Fig. 629. Cat. no. Κ58. Π 12367.
    • Fig. 631. Cat. no. Κ61. Π 12754.
    • Fig. 632. Cat. no. Κ62. Π 15399.
    • Fig. 633. Cat. no. Κ63. Π 12346.
    • Fig. 634. Cat. no. Λ1. Μ 4885.
    • Fig. 635. Cat. no. Λ2. Π 12359.
    • Fig. 636. Cat. no. Λ3. Π 12370.
    • Fig. 637. Cat. no. Λ4. Π 12743.
    • Fig. 639. Cat. no. Λ6. Π 12736.
    • Fig. 638. Cat. no. Λ5. Π 12737.
    • Fig. 640. Cat. no. Λ7. Π 12365.
    • Fig. 641. Cat. no. Λ8. Π 12362.
    • Fig. 642. Cat. no. Λ9. Π 15028.
    • Fig. 643. Cat. no. Λ10. Π 12773.
    • Fig. 644. Cat. no. Λ11. Μ 4869.
    • Fig. 646. Cat. no. Λ14. Μ 4892.
    • Fig. 647. Cat. no. Λ16, Λ17, Λ19, Λ20. Μ 4887a-d.
    • Fig. 645. Cat. no. Λ13. Π 12352.
    • Fig. 649. Cat. no. Λ21. Μ 4882.
    • Fig. 650. Cat. no. Λ22. Π 15730.
    • Fig. 648. Cat. no. Λ18. Μ 4874.
    • Fig. 651. Cat. no. Λ24. Π 12374.
    • Fig. 652. Cat. no. Ma1. Π 14997 and Π 15743.
    • Fig. 654. Cat. no. Μα3. Π 14998.
    • Fig. 655. Cat. no. Ma4. Uncatalogued.
    • Fig. 653. Cat. no. Ma2. M 4884.
    • Fig. 656. Cat. no. Ma5. M 4870.
    • Fig. 657. Cat. no. Ma6. Π 15728.
    • Fig. 659. Cat. no. Ma8. M 4868.
    • Fig. 658. Cat. no. Ma7. Π 15741.
    • Fig. 660. Cat. no. Ma9. M 4875.
    • Fig. 661. Cat. no. Ma10. Π 15747.
    • Fig. 662. Cat. no. Ma11. M 4888.
    • Fig. 663. Cat. no. Ma12. M 4876.
    • Fig. 664. Cat. no. Ma13. Π 12745.
    • Fig. 665. Cat. no. Ma14. M 4888.
    • Fig. 666. Cat. no. Ma15. M 4888.
    • Fig. 668. Cat. no. Ma15. M 4894.
    • Fig. 667. Cat. no. Ma15. M 4893.
    • Fig. 671. Cat. no. Ma19. M 4877.
    • Fig. 669. Cat. no. Ma16 and Ma17. M 4889a-b.
    • Fig. 670. Cat. no. Ma18. M 4888.
    • Fig. 672. Cat. no. Ma20. M 4878.
    • Fig. 674. Cat. no. Ma22. M 4796.
    • Fig. 673. Cat. no. Ma21. M 4890.
    • Fig. 675. Cat. no. Ma23. Π 15748.
    • Fig. 676. Cat. no. Mb1. Π 12353.
    • Fig. 677. Cat. no. Mb2. Π 12744.
    • Fig. 678. Cat. no. Mb3. Π 12751.
    • Fig. 679. Cat. no. Mb5. Π 12738.
    • Fig. 680. Cat. no. N1. Π 15737.
    • Fig. 681. Cat. no. N3. M 4886.
    • Fig. 682. Cat. no. N4. M 4879.
    • Fig. 683. Cat. no. N5. Π 15731.
    • Fig. 684. Cat. no. N5. Π 15732.
    • Fig. 685. Cat. no. N5. Π 15733.
    • Fig. 689. Cat. nos N7, N9. M 4891.
    • Fig. 686. Cat. no. N5. Π 15735.
    • Fig. 687. Cat. no. N5. Π 15736.
    • Fig. 688. Cat. no. N6. M 4883.
    • Fig. 690. Cat. no. N8. M 4880.
    • Fig. 692. Cat. no. N11. Π 12740.
    • Fig. 691. Cat. no. N10. Π 15010.
    • Fig. 693. Cat. no. N12. Π 15013.
    • Fig. 694. Cat. no. N13. M 4886.
    • Fig. 695. Cat. no. N14. M 4886.
    • Fig. 696. Cat. no. N15. M 4886.
    • Fig. 697. Cat. no. N16. M 4886.
    • Fig. 698. Cat. no. N17. M 4881.
    • Fig. 699. Cat. no. N18. Π 12735.
    • Fig. 700. Cat. no. N19. Π 15012.
    • Fig. 702. Cat. no. N21. Π 12356.
    • Fig. 701. Cat. no. N20. M 4871.
    • Fig. 703. Cat. no. N22. Π 12361.
    • Fig. 704. Cat. no. N23. Π 12739.
    • Fig. 705. Cat. no. N24. Π 12741.
    • Fig. 706. Cat. no. Ν25. Π 12733.
    • Fig. 707. Cat. no. N26. Π 12358.
    • Fig. 708. Cat. no. N27. Π 12732.
    • Fig. 709. Cat. no. N28. Π 12734.
    • Fig. 710. Cat. no. N29. Π 15011.
    • Fig. 711. Cat. no. N30. Π 12742.
    • Fig. 712. Cat. no. N31. Π 12360.
    • Fig. 714. Cat. no. N32a. Π 15002
    • Fig. 713. Cat. no. N32. Π 15734.
    • Fig. 717. Cat. no. N35. M 4872.
    • Fig. 715. Cat. no. N33. M 4886.
    • Fig. 716. Cat. no. N34. M 4801.
    • Fig. 720. Cat. no. N38. M 4873.
    • Fig. 718. Cat. no. N36. M 4886.
    • Fig. 719. Cat. no. N37. M 4886.
    • Fig. 722. Cat. no. M 3964.
    • Fig. 721. Cat. no. M 5532.
  • Chapter 5.
    • Fig. 723. Single or double foliate band, FM 64:20.
    • Fig. 724. Wide or confined free hand-drawn isolated semi-circles, FM 43:d.
    • Fig. 725. Fringed isolated semi-circles, FM 43:p.
    • Fig. 726. Ν-patterns in a row, FM 60:1.
    • Fig. 727. S-patterns in a row (or disintegrated quirk), FM 48:6.
    • Fig. 728. Phase 1. Potter A. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 729. Phase 1. Potter B. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 730. Concentric hatched semi-circles FM 43:5.
    • Fig. 731. Simple isolated semi-circles, FM 43:d.
    • Fig. 732. Arched dashes recalling parallel chevrons FM 58:17.
    • Fig. 733. Bivalve shell, fringed at the top, FM 25:16 and 25:17.
    • Fig. 734. Hatched papyrus-like ornament (zwickel), FM 11:66.
    • Fig. 735. Triangles filled with net, FM 61Α:5.
    • Fig. 736. Quirk, FM 48:18.
    • Fig. 737. Double or triple dotted lozenge, FM 73:h, i, p.
    • Fig. 738. Zone filled with diaper net, FM 57:2.
    • Fig. 739. Double horizontal dotted line (recalling a row of solid circles), FM 41.
    • Fig. 740. Wavy or simple lines in radiating arrangement, FM 53:38.
    • Fig. 741. Triglyph, FM 75:4.
    • Fig. 742. Phase 2. Potter A. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 743. Phase 2. Potter Γ of ‘the workshop of Krini’. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 744. Vases from Clauss attributed to the workshop of Krini.
    • Fig. 745. Groups of simple isolated concentric semi-circles, FM 43:h.
    • Fig. 746. Groups of dotted isοlated semi-circles, FM 43:i.
    • Fig. 747. Groups of fringed isolated semi-circles, FΜ 43:p.
    • Fig. 748. Parallel chevrons, simple or dotted, FM 58:17.
    • Fig. 749. Triglyph, filled with parallel chevrons, and rows of concentric semi- circles, FM 43:18, 75:20.
    • Fig. 750. Simple triglyphs of three parallel lines, FM 75:15.
    • Fig. 751. Tassel pattern, in the form of a fringed band, FM 72:13.
    • Fig. 752. Simple and double dotted line (or row of solid circles), FM 41.
    • Fig. 753. Simple and double foliate band, FM 64.
    • Fig. 754. Tassel pattern, FM 72:7.
    • Fig. 755. Hatched concentric semi-circles FM 43:5.
    • Fig. 756. Open hatched triangles, FM 61Α:6.
    • Fig. 758. Elaborate triangle, FM 71:e.
    • Fig. 759. Quirk, FM 48:26.
    • Fig. 757. Sea anemone, FM 27:11.
    • Fig. 760. Joining semi-circles (scaled net/triangle), FM 42:19, 42:21.
    • Fig. 761. Triangles filled with horizontal wavy lines and zigzags, FM 53:22, 61:18, 61Α.
    • Fig. 762. Triangles filled with net, FM 61Α:5.
    • Fig. 763. Lozenges filled with net, FM 73k, 73:5.
    • Fig. 764. Rectangles filled with net, FM 57:2.
    • Fig. 765. Horizontal wavy lines, FM 53:22.
    • Fig. 766. Multiple triangles with a solid one in the middle, FM 61Α:2.
    • Fig. 767. Shoulder decoration of stirrup jar E10.
    • Fig. 768. Vases of Clauss attributed to Potter A of the ‘workshop of Krini and Clauss’.
    • Fig. 769. Vases of Clauss attributed to Potter B of the ‘workshop of Krini and Clauss’.
    • Fig. 770. Phase 3. Potter Γ. Vases of Clauss.
    • Fig. 771. Phase 3. Potter Γ. Vases of Clauss.
    • Fig. 772. Phase 3. Potter Δ. Vases of Clauss.
    • Fig. 774. Phase 3. Potter ΣΤ. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 773. Phase 3. Potter E. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 775. Phase 3. Potter Z. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 776. Phase 3. Potter H. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 777. Phase 3. Potter Θ. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 778. Phase 3. Potter I of stirrup jars of the Clauss type.
    • Fig. 779. Synthesis of isolated semi-circles FM 43:34, 43:35.
    • Fig. 780. Synthesis of isolated semi-circles FM 43:32.
    • Fig. 781. Synthesis of isolated semi-circles FM 42:27, 43:h, 43:34.
    • Fig. 782. Dotted multiple triangles with scaled core, FM 61Α: 1, 70:7, 72:9 and FM 43:h.
    • Fig. 783. Dotted or simple scaled triangles combined with parallel chevrons, FM 42:32, 58:22, 72:9.
    • Fig. 784. Fringed multiple triangles, flanked by fringed groups of isolated semi-circles, FM 43:p, 61:1.
    • Fig. 785. Multiple lozenges, flanked by two groups of isolated semi-circles, FM 43:h, 73:i.
    • Fig. 786. Multiple elaborate triangles, flanked by two unbordered triangles, FM 61Α:6, 71:10.
    • Fig. 787. Synthesis of multiple dotted triangles, FM 43:i, 58:22, 61A.
    • Fig. 788. Three groups of unbordered hatched triangles, FM 61A:6.
    • Fig. 789. Three or two groups of fringed isolated semi-circles in a row, FM 43:p.
    • Fig. 790. Groups of dotted isolated semi-circles in a row, FM 43:i, 43:31.
    • Fig. 791. Three simple groups of isolated semi-circles in a row, FM 43:h.
    • Fig. 792. Phase 4. Potter A of Achaean Style. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 793. Phase 4. Potter B of Achaean Style. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 795. Simple foliate band, FM 64:20.
    • Fig. 794. Phase 4. Potter Γ of Achaean Style. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 796. Perpendicular parallel chevrons, FM 58:28.
    • Fig. 797. Groups of isolated semi-circles, FM 43j.
    • Fig. 798. Hatched (or filled with net) triangles in radiating arrangement, FM 61A:5.
    • Fig. 799. Crosses in a row, FM 54:6.
    • Fig. 800. Fringed lines or herring-bone in radiating arrangement, FM 58:29.
    • Fig. 801. Stemmed spirals, FM 51:15.
    • Fig. 802. multiple concentric lozenges, FM 73:w.
    • Fig. 803. Elaborate triangles, FM 71:g.
    • Fig. 804. Panel filled with perpendicular chain of concentric multiple lozenges, FM 73:w, 73:10, 75:27.
    • Fig. 805. Hatched concentric semi-circles, FM 43:5.
    • Fig. 806. Pair of double dotted joining semi-circles.
    • Fig. 808. Composition of multiple concentric lozenges, FM 43:h, 73:i, 73:ad, 73:11.
    • Fig. 807. Dotted scaled triangle, FM 42:21.
    • Fig. 809. Phase 4. Potter E. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 810. Phase 4. Potter ΣΤ. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 811. Phase 4. Workshop 1. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 812. Groups of simple isolated semi-circles, FM 43:h.
    • Fig. 813. Groups of fringed isolated semi-circles, FM 43:p.
    • Fig. 814. Groups of dotted isolated semi-circles, FM 43:i.
    • Fig. 815. Elaborate triangles, FM 71:d.
    • Fig. 817. Two groups of concentric semi-circles interconnected by parallel chevrons, FM 43:h.
    • Fig. 818. Phase 5. Potter A. Vases from Clauss.
    • Fig. 816. Synthesis of dotted multiple triangles, FM 43:i, 61Α: 1.
    • Fig. 820. Two groups of simple isolated semi-circles, FM 43: h, 43:36, 75:1.
    • Fig. 821. Simple groups of isolated semi-circles in a row, FM 43:h.
    • Fig. 819. Antithetic spiral, FM 50:14.
    • Fig. 822. Stirrup jars of phase 6 from Clauss.
    • Fig. 823. Groups of isolated semi-circles, FM 43:h.
    • Fig. 824. Groups of fringed isolated semi-circles, FM 43:p.
    • Fig. 825. Perpendicular double and triple wavy lines, FM 53:12.
    • Fig. 826. Continuous rock pattern, based on a band round the maximum body diameter, FM 32:5.
    • Fig. 827. Double curve-stemmed spirals, FM 49:10, 53:13.
    • Fig. 828. Multiple stem and tongue pattern, FM 19:8.
    • Fig. 829. Net, FM 57:2.
    • Fig. 830. Foliate band, FM 64:21.
    • Fig. 831. Curve-stemmed spirals, in a row, FM 49:4.
    • Fig. 832. Wavy line, single or multiple, FM 53:4.
    • Fig. 833. Curve-stemmed papyri, in a row, FM 11:48.
    • Fig. 834. Continuous rock pattern, FM 32:5.
    • Fig. 835. Wavy lines, FM 53.
    • Fig. 836. Multiple triangles, FM 61A:1.
    • Fig. 837. panelled multiple wavy lines, FM 75:18.
    • Fig. 838. Net, FM 57:2.
    • Fig. 839. Continuous rock pattern, FM 32:5.
    • Fig. 840. Continuous rock pattern, FM 32:5.
    • Fig. 841. Net, FM 57:2.
    • Fig. 842. Parallel dashes recalling a foliate band, FM 64:20.
    • Fig. 843. Quirk, FM 48:6.
    • Fig. 844. Row of densely arranged vertical zig-zag lines.
    • Fig. 845. Quirk, FM 48:14.
    • Fig. 846. Running spirals, in connected pairs, FM 46:54.
    • Fig. 847. Detail of alabastron B11.
    • Fig. 848. Detail of alabastron B15.
    • Fig. 849. Detail of amphora Γ8.
    • Fig. 850. Wavy line, FM 53:19.
    • Fig. 851. Detail of amphora B14.
    • Fig. 852. Detail of amphora Δ8.
    • Fig. 853. Detail of amphora Κ18.
    • Fig. 854. Hatched unbordered triangles, FM 61A:6.
    • Fig. 855. Hatched zig-zag bands, FM 61:6.
    • Fig. 856. Quirk, FM 48:5.
    • Fig. 857. Panelled wavy lines, FM 53:28.
    • Fig. 858. Wavy line, FM 53:18.
    • Fig. 859. Foliate band, FM 64:20.
    • Fig. 860. Vases of Clauss attributed to potter K of phase 3.
    • Fig. 861. Net, FM 57:2.
    • Fig. 862. Foliate band (or tassel pattern), bordered or unbordered, FM 64:21, 72:13.
    • Fig. 863. Wavy line, FM 53:22.
    • Fig. 864. Free-standing stemmed spiral, FM 51:15.
    • Fig. 865. Jug H6 from Clauss and stirrup jar cat. no. 36 from Spaliareika Lousikon, attributed to potter E of phase 2.
    • Fig. 866. Parallel chevrons in radiating arrangement FM 58:22.
    • Fig. 867. Wavy line, FM 53:30.
    • Fig. 868. Multiple triangles FM 61A:1.
    • Fig. 869. Parallel chevrons in radiating arrangement, FM 58:15.
    • Fig. 870. Zigzag lines and horizontally arranged parallel chevrons, FM 58:33, 61:4.
    • Fig. 871. Groups of isolated semi-circles in a row.
    • Fig. 872. Multiple triangles, FM 61Α:1.
    • Fig. 873. Antithetic spirals, FM 50:8.
    • Fig. 874. Painted cross on the underside of lekythos H3.
    • Fig. 875. Stipple pattern, FM 77:2.
    • Fig. 876. Fringed panels filled with zig-zag lines, FM 61:12.
    • Fig. 877. Parallel oblique lines, recalling a foliate band, FM 64:21.
    • Fig. 878. Scale pattern, FM 70.
    • Fig. 879. Diaper net, FM 57:2.
    • Fig. 880. Multiple zig-zag lines FM 61:18.
    • Fig. 881. Vases of Clauss attributed to potter Γ of phase 1.
    • Fig. 882. An invalic cup of the late 19th c. AD.
    • Fig. 883. Detail of ring-shaped vase E1
    • Fig. 884. Detail of ring-shaped vase Β3.
    • Fig. 885. Detail of ring-shaped vase H2.
    • Fig. 886. Detail of ring-shaped vase ΣΤ40.
    • Fig. 887. Detail of bird vase Γ9.
    • Fig. 888. Detail of bird vase Δ21.
    • Fig. 889. Vases from Clauss and Agiovlasitika attributed to the artist of bird askoi of Clauss.
    • Fig. 890. Detail of cup E46.
    • Fig. 891. Detail of cup ΣΤ49.
    • Fig. 892. Detail of cup Zb3.
    • Fig. 893. Double hatched isolated semi-circles FM 43:5.
    • Fig. 894. Vases from Clauss attributed to potter Λ of phase 3.
    • Fig. 895. Foliate band FM 64:20.
    • Fig. 896. Five sealstones and one glass seal from Clauss.
    • Fig. 897. Chronological table of the Achaean pottery phases 1-6 (after Moschos 2009b, 238 tab.1; Moschos 2009a, 349 tab.1; Paschalidis and McGeorge 2009, 83 fig. 4).
  • Chapter 6.
  • Chapter 7.
    • Fig. 898. The couple of warrior and his partner from chamber tomb Θ at Clauss. (Drawing by Y. Nakas).
    • Fig. 899. Right parietal/temporal.
    • Fig. 900. Right petrous.
    • Fig. 901. Left parietal.
    • Fig. 903. Occipital: nuchal prominence.
    • Fig. 902. Left zygomatic.
    • Fig. 904. Mandible.
    • Fig. 905. Fragment sizes of cranium.
    • Fig. 906. Right humerus.
    • Fig. 907. Left tibia, lateral.
    • Fig. 908. Right tibia, posterior.
    • Fig. 909. Right femur, anterior.
    • Fig. 910. Left femur, posterior.
    • Fig. 911. Fragment sizes of long bones.
    • Fig. 912. Long bone fragment with black core.
    • Fig. 913. White surface with web of cracks.
    • Table A. Burn colour code according to Stiner, Kuhn, Weiner and Bar-Yosef, 1995.
    • Fig. 915. The Tourtloti LMIIIC double urn cremation.
    • Table B. Weights of cremations from sites of LBA/ Geometric periods in grammes.
    • Fig. 914. Plakalona, Tourloti LM III cremation burial: Urn (left) / highly distorted shapes of the right humerus fragments (right).
    • Table C. Results of bioarchaeological analysis (type: O – ossuary, P – primary burial, S – secondary burial).
  • Chapter 8.
    • Table D. Demography of the analyzed portion of the cemetery.
    • Fig. 916. Abscess and fistula on the mandible body (individual 8 from unit 2 of the ossuary excavated in alcove I).
    • Fig. 917. Fractured and healed metacarpal of an individual from Tomb N, Burial A.
    • Fig. 918. Some bones showing fire treatment coming from the Tomb Mb, Burial A.
    • Table 1. Burials dated to LH IIIC period at Clauss (PB = primary burials [53], SB = secondary burials [10], indet. = adult/s of indeterminate sex)
    • Table 2. Spindle-whorls. Classification according to shape and chronology.
    • Table 3. Spindle-whorls from primary burials. Classification according to shape and gender of owners.
    • Table 4. Spindle-whorls. Distribution per burial.
    • Table 5. Beads. Classification according to shape and chronology.
    • Table 6. Clauss burials according to chronological period/phase.
    • Table 7. Primary burials on the floor of the chambers. Position of the bodies according to gender and chronological phase.
    • Table 8. Primary burials in pits. Position of the bodies according to gender and chronological phase.
    • Table 9. Classification of funerary offerings in primary burials according to gender and chronological phase.
    • Table 10. Secondary burials/relocations. Classification according to chamber and modes of placing.
    • Table 11. Offerings found with relocated burials of the LH IIIA and IIIB periods. Classification according to shape and chronological phase.
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