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Archaeopress archaeology.
Kom al-Ahmer - Kom Wasit I: excavations in the metelite nome, Egypt : ca. 700 BC - AD 1000 / edited by Mohamed Kenawi ; with contributions by Cristina Mondin [and eleven others]. — 1 online resource. — (Archaeopress archaeology). — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2363417.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 07.02.2020

Тематика: Excavations (Archaeology); Excavations (Archaeology)

Коллекции: EBSCO

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This volume presents the results of the Italian archaeological mission at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit, Beheira, Egypt between 2012 and 2016. It provides details of the survey and excavation results of the different occupation phases, which range from the Late Dynastic to the Early Islamic period.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright page
  • Dedication
  • Judith McKenzie working in the basement of the Semitic Museum, Harvard University
    • Inauguration ceremony for Manar al-Athar in 2012 and the first team, from right to left: Ross Burns, Neil McLynn, Andy Reyes, Judith McKenzie, Jeremy Worth, Tiffany Chezum, Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis, Sean Leatherbury, and Mohamed Kenawi
  • Contents Page
  • Contents
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Mohamed Kenawi
    • Figure i: Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit in context (Background Images Esri and OpenStreetMap).
    • Figure ii: Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit overview (Background Images Esri)
    • Figure iii: Kom al-Ahmer, marble Roman portrait (based on Adriani 1940, p. 163, Pl. LXXIII)
    • Figure iv: Kom al-Ahmer, part of the sebakheen Finds in 1935s (Adriani Archive, Palermo University)
    • Figure v: Kom Wasit, a tunnel in bronze found during the sebakheen excavations (based on Brunton 1947, p. 295, figs. 45-46)
    • Figure vi: Mohamed al-Mughazi Pascia (based on an Egyptian newspaper)
    • Figure vii: Kom al-Ahmer in 1940s during the sebakheen excavations, remains of the discovered structures appear (based on Elkhachab 1949, Pl. IV)
    • Figure ix: Kom al-Ahmer in 1940s During the sebakheen excavations (based on Elkhachab 1949, Pl. IV)
    • Figure viii: Kom al-Ahmer in 1940s During the sebakheen Digs (based on Elkhachab 1949, Pl. I)
    • Figure x: Kom al-Ahmer in 1940s during the sebakheen excavations (based on Elkhachab 1949, Pl. VI)
    • Figure xi: Mahmoud al-Falaki 1866 map showing the location of Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit.
    • Figure xii: 1914 topographic map showing the location of Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
    • Figure xiii: 1934 Topograhpic map showing the location of Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
    • Figure xiv: 1950 Topographic map showing the location of Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
    • Figure xv: Corona image of Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit in 1960s
    • Figure xvi: Corona image of Kom Wasit in 1960s
    • Figure xvii: Kom Wasit, view from above in 2014
  • The Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit Archaeological Project First Phase: 2012–2016
  • Audrey Eller and Mohamed Kenawi
    • Table 1.1: Greek and Latin texts mentioning the Metelite nome and Metelis
    • Table 1.2: Papyri and inscriptions mentioning the Metelite nome and Metelis
    • Table 1.3 Arabic texts mentioning Metelis, Mesil, Melidis
    • كتاب البلدان
    • Table 1.4 Medieval texts mentioning the Metelite nome, Metelis, and Mesil
  • Metelis and the Metelite Nome
  • La lagune d’Edkou de l’Antiquité à nos jours
  • Marie-Caroline Livaditis
    • Figure 2.1: Delta du Nil montrant l’emplacement de la lagune d’Edkou (Google Earth)
    • Figure 2.2: Détail de la carte précédente montrant plus précisément la zone de la lagune d’Edkou (Google Earth)
    • Tableau 2.1 : La lagune d’Edkou dans les récits des voyageurs
    • Tableau 2.2: Les noms de la lagune d'Edkou
  • Israel Hinojosa Baliño
    • Figure 3.1: Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit, with the main nearby sites in Beheira Province (background images Esri and OpenStreetMap)*
    • Figure 3.2: Satellite image of the Koms (Esri)
    • Figure 3.3: Kom Wasit, football game frustrated by the strong, warm winds from the south (Khamsin – خماسين‎‎)
    • Figure 3.4: Kom Wasit, magnetometric survey over a satellite image (background Main Esri, Overview Mapbox 2017)
    • Figure 3.5: Topographic survey and recognition of features at dawn
    • Figure 3.6: Kom Wasit, topographic survey and contour map showing the excavation units, as well as the architectural and urban features that were digitised after the entire data set was combined
    • Figure 3.7: Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit, topographic samples taken during the survey, and the interpolated surface
    • Figure 3.8: Kom Wasit, photogrammetric model
    • Figure 3.9: Kom Wasit, overlaying the photogrammetric and the magnetometry models
    • Figure 3.10: Kom Wasit, hillshade map showing the digital surface model after the photogrammetry
    • Figure 3.11: Kom Wasit, hillshade map showing the digital terrain model after the topography
    • Figure 3.12: Kom al-Ahmer, topographic survey and contour map showing the excavation units
    • Figure 3.13: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto using photogrammetry showing the excavation units and some of the identified features
    • Figure 3.14: Kom al-Ahmer, photogrammetry of the baths area
    • Figure 3.15: Cross-section profile of both Koms. Note the slight slope from Kom al-Ahmer to Kom Wasit, starting from almost 2 m asl and ending at about 1 m ASL
  • Archaeological and Topographic Survey at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
  • Benjamin T. Pennington
    • Figure 4.1: Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit within their western Delta contexts. The dotted lines indicate positions of crop-marks that suggest the presence of an ancient river channel
    • Figure 4.2: Locations of augers drilled in the current survey, and position of inferred palaeo-river channels. The section line of Figure 4.4 is also indicated.
    • Table 4.1: Locations of boreholes drilled in the survey. Easting and northing are expressed in World Geodetic System-84 Decimal Degrees; elevation is in m ASL with respect to the local datum set up by the archaeological mission.
    • Figure 4.3: Geological logs of the cores drilled. Six columns of data are displayed for each auger. the left-hand column displays lithological information, the next groups the deposits into stratigraphic units. The next column indicates the presence or ab
    • Figure 4.4: An interpretive cross-section through Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit, along the section line indicated in Figure 4.2
    • Table 4.2: Major sedimentary units defined within the auger survey. *R = Rhizoconcretions; P = Pottery.
    • Table 4.3: Other sedimentary units mapped within the auger survey. *R = Rhizoconcretions; P = Pottery.
  • Palaeoenvironments of the Northwest Nile Delta:
  • Ole Herslund
    • Table 5.1: Kom Wasit, coordinates of Unit 9
    • Figure 5.1: Kom Wasit, location of Unit 9, the tower house
    • Figure 5.2: Kom Wasit, the house of the horses, after excavation
    • Table 5.2: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, dimensions of the preserved outer walls in metres
    • Figure 5.3: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, east wall, east face, showing the concave run of the courses
    • Figure 5.4: plan of the house, rooms, and walls numbers
    • Figure 5.5: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, west wall founded directly on the ground without an underlying bed of mortar
    • Figure 5.6: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, walls constructed straight on the ground without an underlying bed of mortar
    • Figure 5.7: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, inner walls of Room A
    • Figure 5.8: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, L-shaped floor of room a and two-step mastaba
    • Figure 5.9: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, L-shaped floor of room a and two-step mastaba
    • Figure 5.12: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, mastaba in Room A (f9074)
    • Figure 5.13: Kom Wasit, F9057, passage between Rooms A and B
    • Figures 5.10 and 11: Kom Wasit, Room A, wood-lined depression in the floor (f9070)
    • Figure 5.14: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, Room A, a spoon (Kwo 57) resting beneath the blocking of the door
    • Figure 5.15: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, inner walls of Room B
    • Figure 5.16: Kom Wasit, floor of Room B (f9071)
    • Figure 5.17: Kom Wasit, mastaba of Room B (f9075)
    • Figure 5.18: Kom Wasit, mastaba or step (?) in Room B (f9076)
    • Figure 5.19: Kom Wasit, cut floor in Room B
    • Figure 5.20: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, three inner walls of Room C
    • Figure 5.21: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, cut floor in Room C
    • Figure 5.22: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, Room C converted into an amphora storage space
    • Figure 5.23: Kom Wasit, mastaba of Room C (f9077)
    • Figure 5.24: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, inner walls of Room D
    • Figure 5.25: Kom Wasit, floor of Room D, F9073
    • Figure 5.26: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, inner walls of Room E
    • Figure 5.27: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, floor of Room E (f9019)
    • Figure 5.28: Kom Wasit, mastaba of Room E (f9020)
    • Figure 5.29: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, inner walls of Room F
    • Figure 5.30: Kom Wasit, floor of Room F (f9029)
    • Figures 5.31 and 32: Kom Wasit, ditch and drainage in Room F
    • Figure 5.33: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, Room G
    • Figure 5.34: Kom Wasit, floor of Room G (f9028)
    • Figure 5.35: Kom Wasit, the later wall (f9064) abutting the north wall (f9063)
    • Figure 5.36: Kom Wasit, the later wall (f9060) abutting wall (f9061)
    • Figure 5.37: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, remains of cowry shell necklace, in situ
    • Figures 5.38 and 39: Kom Wasit, foundation trench (f9043) and profile
    • Figure 5.40: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, situated on the highest part of the mound, before excavation
    • Figure 5.41: Kom Wasit, Unit 9, situated on the highest part of the mound, after excavation
  • The House of the Horses: A Tower House in Kom Wasit
  • The Finds from the House of the Horses
  • Urška Furlan
  • Catalogue of Finds from the House of the Horses
  • Urška Furlan, Mohamed Kenawi, Amy Wilson
  • Marcus Müller and Mohamed Kenawi
    • Figure 8.1: Kom Wasit, general view, excavated areas, and outline of the temple enclosure in green
    • Figure 8.2: Kom Wasit, position of the units of the temple area
    • Figure 8.3: Kom Wasit, central depression and surviving levels
    • Figure 8.4: Kom Wasit, cross-section profile
    • Figure 8.5: Kom Wasit, magnetogram of the large rectangular structure (F1014) and units 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 13 (red line)
    • Figure 8.6: Kom Wasit, aerial view of Unit 1, platform and southwestern corner of the enclosure in 2014
    • Figure 8.7: Kom Wasit, photogrammetry of Unit 5, showing the eastern wall
    • Figure 8.8: Kom Wasit, photogrammetry of Unit 12, showing the northern wall
    • Figure 8.9: Kom Wasit, enclosure wall, before cleaning in 2015
    • Figure 8.10: Kom Wasit, southwestern corner of the enclosure wall after cleaning in 2015
    • Figure 8.11: Kom Wasit, enclosure, south wall with excavated foundation trench (on the right)
    • Figure 8.12: Kom Wasit, enclosure, western wall in 2014
    • Table 8.1: Kom Wasit, width of the four sides of the enclosure wall
    • Figure 8.13: Kom Wasit, enclosure, northern wall in 2015
    • Figure 8.14: Kom Wasit, enclosure, eastern wall with possible gate in 2015
    • Table 8.2: Kom Wasit, recesses of the enclosure wall
    • Figure 8.15: Kom Wasit, outer face of the south wall, first recess
    • Figure 8.16: Kom Wasit, outer face of the south wall, first recess
    • Figure 8.17: Kom Wasit, modern track disturbing the wall diagonally
    • Figure 8.18: Kom Wasit, south wall, inner face, first recess
    • Figure 8.19: Kom Wasit, south wall, inner face, first recess
    • Figure 8.20: Kom Wasit, plan of the enclosure with reconstruction
    • Figure 8.21: Kom Wasit, outer face of the west wall, first and second recess
    • Figure 8.22: Kom Wasit, outer face of the west wall, first recess
    • Figure 8.23: Dendera, enclosure with recesses, outer face
    • Figure 8.24: Dendera, enclosure, inner face
    • Figure 8.25: Kom Wasit, vertical row of mudbricks along the enclosure, with a possible collapse to the east
    • Figure 8.26: Kom Wasit, the pit (F1008) and part of the western wall
    • Figure 8.27: Kom Wasit, fill (F1017) under the pit (F1008), abutting enclosure (F1014)
    • Figure 8.28: Kom Wasit, the enclosure wall
    • Figure 8.29: Kom Wasit, enclosure, western wall, foundation trench
    • Figure 8.30: Kom Wasit, enclosure, southern wall, foundation trench
    • Figure 8.31: Kom Wasit, foundation trench cut by tower
    • Figure 8.32: Kom Wasit, foundation trench at the southwest corner
    • Figure 8.33: Kom Wasit, foundation trench (F6006) fill, half excavated
    • Figure 8.34: Kom Wasit, enclosure, three types of mudbricks
    • Figure 8.35: Kom Wasit, parallel setting of mudbricks of different material
    • Table 8.3: Kom Wasit, corner points of Unit 8
    • Figure 8.36: Kom Wasit, tower with its inner entrance, chambers partly excavated (view from north)
    • Figure 8.37: Kom Wasit, Unit 8, entrance to the tower
    • Figure 8.38: Kom Wasit, the tower over the southern enclosure wall
    • Figure 8.39: Kom Wasit, tower, western chamber before excavation
    • Figure 8.40: Kom Wasit, tower, inner entrance with mudbrick floor
    • Figure 8.41: Kom Wasit, tower, inner entrance with mudbrick floor
    • Figure 8.42: Kom Wasit, matrix of the tower (Unit 8)
    • Figure 8.43: Kom Wasit, tower, inner foundation trench along south wall
    • Figure 8.44: Kom Wasit, two courses of bricks in the foundation trench
    • Figure 8.45: Kom Wasit, fourth recess of the enclosure inside the western chamber (rectangular to trench)
    • Figure 8.46: Kom Wasit, Unit 8, foundation trench (north–south) cutting the recess of the enclosure wall (east–west)
    • Figure 8.47: Kom Wasit, mudbrick floor on a bed of reddish mortar (left: inner foundation trench)
    • Figure 8.48: Kom Wasit, iron nails from Unit 13 north of the tower
    • Figure 8.49: Kom Wasit, polishing stone, flint
    • Figure 8.50: Kom Wasit, grinding stone, quartzite
    • Table 8.4: Kom Wasit, Corner Points of Unit 13
    • Figure 8.51: Kom Wasit, Unit 13, before excavation
    • Figure 8.52: Kom Wasit, plan of the tower, enclosure wall, and Unit 13
    • Figure 8.53: Kom Wasit, Unit 13, the western room
    • Figure 8.54: Kom Wasit, Unit 13, final view
    • Figure 8.55: Kom Wasit, Platform, southwestern part of the foundation in 2014
    • Figure 8.56: Kom Wasit, platform, southwestern part of the foundation in 2014
    • Figure 8.57: Kom Wasit, platform foundation extending under the hill (background: Unit 4)
    • Figure 8.58: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, highest preserved mudbrick part of the platform
    • Figure 8.59: Kom Wasit, foundation, irregular brick pattern
    • Figure 8.60: Kom Wasit, clayey and loamy mudbricks
    • Figure 8.61: Kom Wasit, lime powder as mortar
    • Figure 8.62: Kom Wasit, platform (F1016)
    • Figure 8.63: Kom Wasit, platform from south (foreground: rectangular chamber 1)
    • Figure 8.64: Kom Wasit, platform from west (foreground: chamber 2, with chamber 1 behind)
    • Figure 8.65: Kom Wasit, platform from east
    • Figure 8.66: Kom Wasit, platform from north
    • Figure 8.67: Kom Wasit, platform, chamber 1
    • Figure 8.68: Kom Wasit, foundation trench of the platform
    • Figure 8.69: Kom Wasit, foundation trench of the platform
    • Figure 8.70: Kom Wasit, Unit 6 before excavation, with the kiln (F6008) in the foreground
    • Figure 8.71: Kom Wasit, matrix of unit 6
    • Table 8.5: Kom Wasit, coordinates of Unit 6
    • Figure 8.72: Kom Wasit, Unit 6, burnt layer cut by the foundation trench
    • Figure 8.73: Kom Wasit, kiln before excavation in the context of the enclosure wall with its foundation trench
    • Figure 8.74: Kom Wasit, kiln, before excavation
    • Figure 8.75: Kom Wasit, bricks of the kiln
    • Figure 8.76: Kom Wasit, kiln, burnt fill
    • Figure 8.77: Kom Wasit, entrance of the Kiln
    • Figure 8.78: Kom Wasit, hearth (F6004) south of enclosure wall
    • Figure 8.79: Kom Wasit, hearth (f6004), profile
    • Table 8.6: Kom Wasit, coordinates of Unit 4
    • Figure 8.80: Kom Wasit, view of Unit 4 before excavation (Facing west)
    • Figure 8.81: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, part (F4013) of the mudbrick platform (F1016)
    • Figure 8.82: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, eastern profile of F4013
    • Figure 8.83: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, western profile of F4013
    • Figure 8.84: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, southern profile of F4013
    • Figure 8.85: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, Northern Profile of F4014
    • Figure 8.86: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, surface (F4015) of the platform (F1016)
    • Figure 8.87: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, surface (F4016) of the platform (F1016)
    • Figure 8.88: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, final view before the extension
    • Figure 8.89: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, final view before the extension
    • Figure 8.90: Kom Wasit, context between the lower walls (F4042 [top] and f4043 [right]); the pit (F4040) is also visible
    • Figure 8.91: Kom Wasit, north platform profile inside unit 4 and east profile of the platform (F4015)
    • Figure 8.92: Kom Wasit, garment in situ (F4040)
    • Figure 8.93: Kom Wasit, lowest mudbrick floor (F4050)
    • Table 8.7: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, coordinates of the western extension
    • Figure 8.94: Kom Wasit, western extension before excavation
    • Figure 8.95: Kom Wasit, the foundation trench F4018 uniting the corner (F4013) (left) and platform (F1016) (right) in a single construction phase
    • Figure 8.96: Kom Wasit, Unit 4, western extension
    • Figure 8.97: Kom Wasit, lowest mudbrick course (F1016) within the void inside the western extension
    • Figure 8.98: Kom Wasit, first appearance of F4047 and F4048 after the removal of surface F4021
    • Figure 8.100: Kom Wasit, profile of the two walls (F4047 and F4048)
    • Figure 8.99: Kom Wasit, two bonded walls end with an earlier mudbrick floor
    • Figure 8.101: Kom Wasit, mudbrick floor, 16.1 cm ASL
    • Figure 8.102: Kom Wasit, profile view of unit 4 after excavation
    • Table 8.8: Kom Wasit, coordinates of Unit 5
    • Figure 8.103: Kom Wasit, plan of Unit 5
    • Figure 8.104: Kom Wasit, Unit 5 before excavation
    • Figure 8.105: Kom Wasit, Unit 5 after excavation
    • Figure 8.106: Kom Wasit, Unit 5 before excavation, the water path dividing the unit
    • Figure 8.107: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, western profile
    • Figure 8.108: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, eastern enclosure wall (F5007) and erosion and collapse of the wall (F5003)
    • Figure 8.109: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, the two phases of the eastern enclosure wall (F5003 and F5010)
    • Figure 8.110: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, the enclosure wall (F5010) with the overlapping walls (F5003 and F5014) at the sides
    • Figure 8.111: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, details of F5014
    • Figure 8.112: Kom Wasit, mudbricks used in the three different features
    • Figure 8.113: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, burial 1
    • Figure 8.114: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, details of burial 1
    • Figure 8.115: Kom Wasit, Unit 5, burial 2 on top of the eastern nclosure wall
    • Figure 8.116: Kom Wasit, naos in situ (KWO 214)
  • The Temple Area of Kom Wasit
  • The Finds from the Temple Enclosure at Kom Wasit
  • Urška Furlan
  • Catalogue of Finds from the Temple Enclosure at Kom Wasit
  • Urška Furlan, Mohamed Kenawi, Amy Wilson
  • A Late Roman House and an Amphora Storage Building
  • Giorgia Marchiori
    • Figure 11.1: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the site with the location of the excavated units
    • Figure 11.2: Kom al-Ahmer, detail of the area around Unit 4. The bathhouse is visible southeast of the unit, as are various traces of other unexcavated buildings
    • Figure 11.3: Kom al-Ahmer 2014, view of Unit 4 before excavation showing the inclination of the modern terrain
    • Table 11.1: Kom al-Ahmer, coordinates of Unit 4
    • Figure 11.4: Kom al-Ahmer, section of the Kom’s topography exhibiting the differences in elevation
    • Figure 11.5: Kom al-Ahmer, Unit 4 after the removal of the surface layer in 2014
    • Figure 11.6: Kom al-Ahmer, the northern extension of Unit 4 before the removal of the surface layer in 2016
    • Figure 11.7: Kom al-Ahmer, the northern extension after the removal of the surface layer in 2016
    • Figure 11.8: Kom al-Ahmer 2017, view of the amphora storage building
    • Figure 11.9: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of Unit 4 with the house to the south and the amphora storage to the north
    • Figure 11.10: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of the house
    • Figure 11.11: Kom al-Ahmer, the southwestern sector of Unit 4. Room B is visible in the centre (its soil fill was whitish)
    • Figure 11.12: Kom al-Ahmer, plan showing the position of soil deposits F4009, F4010, F4012, and wall F4064
    • Figure 11.13: Kom al-Ahmer, Room A during the 2015 excavation. The top part of wall (F4049) exhibits fired bricks and amphorae bases
    • Figure 11.14: Kom al-Ahmer, the fired brick lining parallel to wall F4050 in Room B
    • Figure 11.15: Kom al-Ahmer, the location of the 483 bronze coins within the area of the house
    • Figure 11.16: Kom al-Ahmer, the position of Room A inside the house
    • Table 11.2: Kom al-Ahmer, coordinates of Room A
    • Table 11.3: Kom al-Ahmer, list of walls of Room A
    • Figure 11.17: Kom al-Ahmer, Room A during the excavation season in 2014
    • Figure 11.18: Kom al-Ahmer, view of Room A’s possible access point (facing east, standing inside the room)
    • Figure 11.19: Kom al-Ahmer, Room A during the excavation season in 2015
    • Figure 11.20: Kom al-Ahmer, the sondage carried out adjacent to wall F4048 on the western side of Room A
    • Figure 11.21: Kom al-Ahmer, the eastern profile of wall F4048
    • Figure 11.22: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the southern profile of wall F4047
    • Figure 11.23: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the eastern profile of wall F4048
    • Figure 11.24: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the northern profile of wall F4049
    • Figure 11.25: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the western profile of wall F4143
    • Figure 11.26: Kom al-Ahmer, fragments of marble slabs from Room A
    • Figure 11.27: Kom al-Ahmer, fragments of marble slabs from Room A
    • Figure 11.28: Kom al-Ahmer, fragments of painted plaster from Room A
    • Figure 11.29: Kom al-Ahmer,
    • Table 11.4: Kom al-Ahmer, coordinates of Room B
    • Table 11.5: Kom al-Ahmer, list of walls of Room B
    • harris matrix of Room A
    • Figure 11.30: Kom al-Ahmer, Room B before the beginning of the excavation season in 2016
    • Figure 11.31: Kom al-Ahmer, the position of Room B inside the house
    • Figure 11.32: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the soil deposit F4022 inside Room B during the excavation season in 2014
    • Figure 11.33: Kom al-Ahmer, part of wall F4061
    • Figure 11.34: Kom al-Ahmer, the eastern side of wall F4061 after the partial collapse
    • Figure 11.35: Kom al-Ahmer, drawing of the western profile of wall F4061
    • Figure 11.36: Kom al-Ahmer, the sondage in Room B after excavation
    • Figure 11.37: Kom al-Ahmer, the sondage in Room B after excavation; F4088 with visible fired brick inclusions
    • Figure 11.38: Kom al-Ahmer, southern profile of the sondage in Room B
    • Figure 11.39: Kom al-Ahmer, beaten earth floor F4074 in Room B
    • Figure 11.40: Kom al-Ahmer, fragment of the front left corner of a faience statuette, including a human left foot (KAO 41)
    • Figure 11.41: Kom al-Ahmer, view of cut F4083 affecting soil deposit F4085 inside the sondage of Room B
    • Figure 11.42: Kom al-Ahmer, fragmented amphorae remains found in F4081
    • Figure 11.43: Kom al-Ahmer, soil deposit F4085 lying over F4088 (soil deposit with fired bricks)
    • Figure 11.44: Kom al-Ahmer, layer F4088 with the remains of fired brick (the cow leg bone is visible in the northeastern corner)
    • Figure 11.45: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of Room B
    • Figure 11.46: Kom al-Ahmer, fragments of painted plaster with gilding from Room B (KAO 150)
    • Figure 11.47: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of the house
    • Figure 11.48: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the house
    • Figure 11.49: Kom al-Ahmer, plan with drawn mudbricks of the house over the orthophoto
    • Figure 11.50: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of the house over the orthophoto
    • Figure 11.51: Kom al-Ahmer 2014, wall F4040 during the excavation season
    • Table 11.6: Kom al-Ahmer, coordinates of the northern extension
    • Figure 11.52: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of the amphora storage building
    • Figure 11.53: Kom al-Ahmer 2017, view of the second northern extension of Unit 4 after the removal of surface layer
    • Figure 11.54: Kom al-Ahmer, the location of bronze coins within the amphora storage building
    • Figure 11.55: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building with amphorae in situ inside Rooms E, F, and B (from east to west)
    • Figure 11.56: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the alleged Room A
    • Figure 11.57: Kom al-Ahmer, the location of Room B inside the amphora storage building
    • Figure 11.58: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of Room B with amphorae in situ
    • Table 11.7: Kom al-Ahmer, Building 2: the amphora storage building, coordinates of Room B
    • Figure 11.59: Kom al-Ahmer, view of amphorae in situ inside Room B
    • Table 11.8: Kom al-Ahmer, Building 2: the amphora storage building, wall list of Room B
    • Figure 11.60: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of Room B
    • Table 11.10: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, list of walls of Room C
    • Table 11.9: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, coordinates of Room C
    • Figure 11.61: Kom al-Ahmer, the position of Room C inside the amphora storage building
    • Figure 11.62: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of Room C with amphorae in situ
    • Figure 11.63: Kom al-Ahmer, view of amphorae in situ leaning against walls F4105 and F4106 of Room C
    • Figure 11.64:
    • Figure 11.65: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the limestone basin (KAO 105) in situ
    • Figure 11.66: Kom al-Ahmer, the limestone basin (KAO 105)
    • Kom al-Ahmer, view of amphorae placed upside down
    • Figure 11.67: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the fired brick and soil deposit F4091 over the beaten earth floor F4090
    • Figure 11.68: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the runnels found in Room C
    • Figure 11.69: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of Room C
    • Table 11.11: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, coordinates of Room D
    • Table 11.12: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, list of walls of Room D
    • Figure 11.70: Kom al-Ahmer, the position of Room D inside the amphora storage building
    • Figure 11.71: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of Room D with amphorae in situ
    • Figure 11.72: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the amphorae in situ in Room D
    • Figure 11.73: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of Room D
    • Figure 11.74: Kom al-Ahmer, the position of Room E inside the amphora storage building
    • Table 11.13: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, coordinates of Room E
    • Figure 11.75: Kom al-Ahmer, combination of the 2016 and 2017 orthophotos of Room E with amphorae in situ: the central part of the room also contained amphorae, but they were not documented photographically before the removal in 2016
    • Table 11.14: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, list of walls of Room E
    • Figure 11.76: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the amphorae in situ in Room E during the excavation season in 2016
    • Figure 11.77: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the amphorae in situ in Room E during the excavation season in 2017
    • Figure 11.78: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the three northern rooms of the storage building with amphorae in situ
    • Figure 11.79: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of Room E
    • Figure 11.80: Kom al-Ahmer, the position of Room F inside the amphorae storage building
    • Table 11.15: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, coordinates of Room F
    • Figure 11.81: Kom al-Ahmer, combination of the 2016 and 2017 orthophotos of Room F with amphorae in situ
    • Table 11.16: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, list of walls of Room F
    • Figure 11.82: Kom al-Ahmer, view of soil deposit F4093 Inside Room F before excavation
    • Figure 11.83: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the two amphorae found in situ in Room F
    • Figure 11.84: Kom al-Ahmer, fragment of amphora from Room F bearing a red titulus pictus
    • Figure 11.85: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of Room F
    • Figure 11.86: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of the amphorae storage building
    • Figure 11.87: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the amphorae storage building.
    • Figure 11.88: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of the amphora storage building with mudbricks drawn over the orthophoto
    • Figure 11.89: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of the amphorae storage area over the orthophoto
    • Figure 11.90: Kom al-Ahmer, plan with drawn mudbricks of the northwestern area of the 2016 northern extension
    • Table 11.17: Kom al-Ahmer, the amphora storage building, coordinates of the northwestern corner
    • Figure 11.91: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the northwestern area of the 2016 northern extension
    • Table 11.18: Kom al-Ahmer, walls of building 2 bordering the area at the northwestern corner of Unit 4
    • Figure 11.92: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the northwestern area after excavation
    • Table 11.19: Kom al-Ahmer, walls encountered in the northwestern corner of the northern extension
    • Figure 11.93: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the possible shelf on the northern side of wall F4102 in the northwestern area
    • Figure 11.94: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the two small square rooms in the northwestern area
    • Figure 11.95: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of the northwestern area of the 2016 northern extension
    • Figure 11.96: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the street before excavation; orthophoto of the street after excavation; plan with drawn mudbricks of the street and the structures’ walls enclosing it over the orthophoto of the unit
    • Figure 11.97: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of the street with drawn mudbricks
    • Figure 11.100: Kom al-Ahmer,
    • Figure 11.98: Kom al-Ahmer,
    • Figure 11.99: Kom al-Ahmer,
    • view of the beaten earth street (facing east)
    • view of the beaten earth street (facing west)
    • view of the dump of soil and cement fragments (F4112)
    • Figure 11.101: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the runnel found on the street
    • Figure 11.102: Kom al-Ahmer, harris matrix of the street
    • Figure 11.103: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the remains of the mud layer used to cover the mudbrick wall (F4032)
    • Figure 11.104: Kom al-Ahmer, the position of the 783 bronze coins within the entire unit. Each colour represents the feature in which the coins were found
    • Figure 11.105: Kom al-Ahmer, three-dimensional view of the location of the coins in Unit 4 according to their elevation and over an arbitrary plane parallel to the x and y axis
    • Table 11.20: The elevation of the different levels identified within the house and storage area
    • Figure 11.106: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the entire unit
    • Figure 11.107: Kom al-Ahmer, Plan with drawn mudbricks over the orthophoto of the entire unit
    • Figure 11.108: Kom al-Ahmer, plan of the structures over the orthophoto of the entire unit
  • Late Roman Cistern
  • Mohamed Kenawi and Giorgia Marchiori
    • Figure 12.1: Kom Al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the site with the location of units 1, 2, and 3 on top of the central mound
    • Figure 12.2: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the central mound’s northern side, with the fired brick structure protruding from the surface
    • Table 12.1: Kom al-Ahmer, coordinates of Unit 1
    • Figure 12.3: Kom Al-Ahmer, Unit 1’s southern profile visible on the three steps that were left by the team to facilitate workflow
    • Figure 12.4: Kom Al-Ahmer, cut f1007 during excavation in the southwestern area of Unit 1
    • Figure 12.5: Kom Al-Ahmer, cut f1010 during excavation in the central part of Unit 1
    • Figure 12.6: Kom Al-Ahmer, f1014 in the central part of the unit
    • Figure 12.7: Kom Al-Ahmer, f1025, soil deposit with a high quantity of fired bricks
    • Figure 12.8: Kom Al-Ahmer, f1025 after exposure
    • Figure 12.10: Kom Al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the limestone slab floor (f1034)
    • Figure 12.11: Kom Al-Ahmer, the limestone slab floor (f1034)
    • Figure 12.12: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the worn-out fired brick wall (f1041) located on the northwestern side of the unit (facing north)
    • Figure 12.9: Kom Al-Ahmer, the limestone slab floor (f1034) uncovered in the 2012 season
    • Figure 12.13: Kom Al-Ahmer, the limestone pilaster base (f1039) located south of the oval fired brick basin (f1040)
    • Figure 12.14: Kom Al-Ahmer, the fired brick basin (f1040)
    • Figure 12.15: Kom Al-Ahmer, the fired brick basin (f1040) as it was visible prior to the excavation of Unit 1
    • Figure 12.16: Kom Al-Ahmer, the mortar floor base (f1038) located on the eastern side of the unit, east of the limestone slab floor (f1034)
    • Figure 12.17: Kom Al-Ahmer, the mortar floor base (f1038) during 2014 season
    • Figure 12.18: Kom Al-Ahmer, the mortar floor base (f1038) during 2012 season
    • Figure 12.19: Kom Al-Ahmer, photogrammetry of Unit 1 in 2012
    • Figure 12.20: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the looters’ hole cut into the northern side of the limestone slab floor (f1034) sometime between seasons 2012 and 2014
    • Figure 12.21: Kom Al-Ahmer, internal profiles of vault (facing south)
    • Figure 12.22: Kom Al-Ahmer, internal profiles of vault (facing east)
    • Figure 12.23: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of a protruding block of limestone during the excavation of cut (f1032)
    • Figure 12.24: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the limestone blocks related to the cistern (f1080)
    • Figure 12.25: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the profile of the fills inside the cistern
    • Figure 12.26: Kom Al-Ahmer, f1054 inside the cistern
    • Figure 12.27: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the cistern (f1080) after the partial excavation of its inner fill and of the fills of the robber’s trench (f1032)
    • Figure 12.28: Kom Al-Ahmer, close-up of the inside of the cistern (f1080) and the limestone blocks
    • Figure 12.29: Kom Al-Ahmer, the mortar floor (f1047) uncovered north of the limestone slab floor (f1034) and below deposit (f1045)
    • Figure 12.30: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of soil deposit f1058 before excavation
    • Figure 12.31: Kom Al-Ahmer, the first view of the walls in the southern extension
    • Table 12.2: Kom al-Ahmer, list of structural features of Unit 1
    • Figure 12.32: Kom Al-Ahmer, the exposure of the fired brick wall (f1063) located in the southern extension
    • Figure 12.33: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the southern side of the fired brick wall (f1063)
    • Figure 12.34: Kom Al-Ahmer, the exposure of the rubble wall (f1064) in the southern extension
    • Figure 12.35 Kom Al-Ahmer, the rubble wall (f1064)
    • Figure 12.36: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the soil deposits lying below the rubble wall (f1064)
    • Figure 12.37: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the western profile of the southern extension
    • Figure 12.38: Kom Al-Ahmer, view of the quadrant cut in the southern side of the limestone slab floor (f1034)
    • Figure 12.39: Kom Al-Ahmer, Unit 1’s southern profile (recorded in June 2014 following the excavation of the extension)
    • Figure 12.40: Kom Al-Ahmer, photogrammetry of Unit 1 (June 2014)
    • Figure 12.41: Kom Al-Ahmer, aerial view of Unit 1 (April 2014)
    • Figure 12.42: Kom Al-Ahmer, profile drawing of the cistern (f1080) with a limestone floor (f1034) on top (facing east)
    • Figure 12.43: Kom Al-Ahmer, harris matrix of Unit 1
  • Mohamed Kenawi and Giorgia Marchiori
    • Figure 13.1: Kom al-Ahmer, topography of the central mound showing the location of Unit 2
    • Table 13.1: Kom al-Ahmer, coordinates of Unit 2
    • Figure 13.2: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the circular installation (F2011) during excavation
    • Figure 13.3: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the fired brick structure (facing west)
    • Figure 13.4: Kom al-Ahmer, orthophoto of the fired brick Structure (F2057)
    • Figure 13.5: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the eastern side of the fired brick structure after the removal of F2042
    • Figure 13.6: Kom al-Ahmer, the beaten earth floor (F2046) south of the fired brick structure
    • Figure 13.7: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the floor (F2051) in relation to the fired brick structure
    • Figure 13.8: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the floor (F2051) after exposure. A cut compromising the floor is visible on the western side
    • Figure 13.10: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the unit after excavation. The lowest courses of the fired brick structure are visible at its northwestern corner
    • Figure 13.9: Kom al-Ahmer, view of deposit F2056 and the exposed mudbricks pertaining to an earlier structure
    • Figure 13.11: Kom al-Ahmer, view of F2055 integrated within the north profile of the structure
    • Figure 13.12: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the hard clay layer (F2012) over the area of the necropolis
    • Figure 13.14: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the excavated graves with skeletons in situ(F2041-SL004)
    • Figures 13.13: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the excavated graves with skeletons in situ (F2032)
    • Figure 13.15: Kom al-Ahmer, view of the Remains of the monumental tomb at the end of the excavation period (facing west)
    • Figure 13.16: Kom al-Ahmer, Plan of the fired brick structure (F2057)
    • Figure 13.17: Kom al-Ahmer, drawings of the four profiles of the fired brick structure (F2057)
    • Figure 13.18: Dakhla Oasis, Mut, near al-Fursan Hotel (unregistered islamic necropolis)
    • Figure 13.19: A monumental Fatimid tomb in Aswan
  • The Early Islamic Presence
  • The Finds from Kom al-Ahmer
  • Urška Furlan
    • Figures 14.1 and 2: Glass from Kom al-Ahmer
  • Catalogue of Finds from Kom al-Ahmer
  • Urška Furlan
  • Faunal Remains from Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
  • Louise Bertini
    • Table 16.1: Animal taxa from all analysed contexts at Kom Wasit and Kom al-Ahmer. Numbers refer to the amount of number of individual specimens (NISP)
    • Figure 16.1: Pig tibia from Kom al-Ahmer (F4020) Identified as wild boar/feral pig (left) compared to a modern domestic pig tibia (right)
    • Table 16.2: Kom al-Ahmer pigs- summary of all measurements
    • Figure 16.2: Pig age distribution at Kom al-Ahmer based on mandibular tooth eruption/wear (based on hambleton, 2001)
    • Figure 16.3: Distribution of pig body parts at Kom al-Ahmer
    • Figure 16.4: Distribution of cattle body parts at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
    • Table 16.3: Number and percentage of cattle fused vs. un-fused bones
    • Table 16.4: Kom al-Ahmer sheep and goats- summary of measurements
    • Figure 16.5: Sheep/goat age distribution at Kom al-Ahmer based on mandibular tooth eruption/wear (based on payne, 1973)
    • Figure 16.6: Distribution of sheep/goat body parts at Kom al-Ahmer
    • Figure 16.7: Distribution of donkey body parts at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
    • Table 16.5: Number and percentage of donkey fused vs. un-fused bones
    • Table 16.6: Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit donkeys- summary of measurements
    • Figure 16.8: Canine third metatarsal, possibly wolf (Kom al-Ahmer F4126)
    • Table 16.7: Comparison of the identified fish species composition at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit (% of identifiable remains)
    • Table 16.8: Estimated standard lengths (sl) for all identified fish taxa at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit
    • Figure 16.10: Comparison of skeletal distribution of the different fish types at Kom Wasit
    • Figure 16.9: Comparison of skeletal distribution of the different fish types at Kom al-Ahmer
    • Table 16.9: Butchered bones, organized by site, anatomical element, and species
    • Figure 16.11: Relative importance of different economic activities used to obtain food at Kom al-Ahmer, Kom Wasit, Marea, and Naukratis
    • Figure 16.12: Distribution of Animal remains from inside the cistern (Kom al-Ahmer F1050 and F1054)
    • Table 16.10: Relative importance (%) of domestic cattle, sheep/goats, and pigs at Kom al-Ahmer and Kom Wasit in comparison to Marea and Naukratis
  • Bibliography
  • Social Life on the Site
    • Kom and team (H. Brahe)
    • Dawn at Kom al-Ahmer (H. Brahe)
    • Fileds around Kom Wasit (H. Brahe)
    • Kom Wasit (H. Brahe)
  • Back cover

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