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Onstad, David W.,. The economics of integrated pest management of insects / David W. Onstad and Philip R. Crain. — 1 online resource — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2416038.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 29.08.2019

Тематика: Pests — Integrated control — Economic aspects.; Arthropod pests.; Costs.; Disease vectors.; Economic evaluation.; Insect control.; Insect pests.; Integrated pest management.; Pest control.; Pests.; Plant pests.; Vectors.; Pests — Integrated control — Economic aspects.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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This is the first book to bring economists and applied entomologists together to make the case for better integrated pest management strategies in crops based on economic arguments and analyses.

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  • The Economics of Integrated Pest Management of Insects
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Contributors
  • Preface
  • 1 Major Economic Issues in Integrated Pest Management
    • Basic Economics of Management
    • System Design
    • Economic Studies for the Major Approaches to IPM
      • Design changes and choices made for the long term
        • Classical biological control
        • Choice of livestock breed and crop variety
        • Schedule for crop or livestock paddock rotation
        • Physical design of landscape
      • Control based on decisions during a season
        • Augmentative biological control
        • Insecticides and chemicals used to attract, confuse or repel pests
        • Genetic control
    • The Challenge and the Opportunity
    • References
  • 2 Economic Evaluation of Integrated Mosquito Control in Urban Areas
    • What is Economic Evaluation?
    • Why Do We Need an Economic Evaluation?
    • Framework for an Economic Evaluation
      • Phase 1 Research question
      • Phase 2 Study design
      • Phase 3 Identify, measure, value costs and outcomes
        • Identify, measure and value costs
        • Strategies in measuring costs
        • Strategies in valuing outcomes
        • Past empirical studies
      • Phase 4 Calculate the incremental costs and outcomes
    • Case Study: AWPM in New Jersey
      • Cost of AWPM
      • The impact of AWPM
        • Hours lost due to mosquitoes in urban areas
        • The utility associated with AWPM
        • WTP for AWPM and for an extra mosquito-free hour
    • Instrument to Estimate WTP
    • Results of WTP for AWPM Programme
    • The Monetary Value of an Additional Hour an Adult Resident Spends Enjoying Yard and Porch Activities Free of Mosquitoes During a Typical Summer Week
      • c02sec0021_418
    • Results: WTP for an Additional Mosquito-Free Hour Engaged in Yard and Porch Activities
      • Economic evaluation of AWPM in New Jersey
    • Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • 3 What Can We Learn from More Recent (and More ‘Rigorous’) Economic Impact Assessments of Integrated Pest Management Farmer Field Schools (IPM-FFS)?
    • Methods: Structure of the Review Approach
      • Descriptive information on the studies reviewed
    • Economic Impact Evidence from Recent Studies
      • Yield effects
      • Input use effects
      • Effects on profits and/or income
      • Effects on adoption of FFS-recommended practices
        • Effects on knowledge
      • Effects on other outcomes: spillovers, food security and poverty
    • Conclusions and Implications
    • References
  • 4 Economic Value of Arthropod Biological Control
    • Concepts and Methods
      • Measuring farm-level impacts
      • Measuring market-level impacts
      • Benefit–cost analysis
      • Externalities – non-market benefits and costs
    • Introductory (Classical) Biological Control
      • The record of evaluations
      • Economic approaches and outcomes
    • Augmentative Biological Control
    • Conservation Biological Control
      • The record of evaluations
      • Economic approaches and outcomes
        • Modified insecticide use and economic thresholds
        • Habitat manipulation
    • Considerations for Moving Forward
      • Constraints to uptake of biological control
      • Hard technology, advantage and challenge to biological control
    • References
  • 5 Economics of Host-Plant Resistance
    • Native Traits
    • Transgenic Insecticidal Crops
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • 6 Economic Principles and Concepts in Area-Wide Genetic Pest Management
    • Overview of Technologies Created and Proposed
      • Proposed transgenic refinements to traditional SIT programmes
      • Conditional lethal approaches
      • Gene drives
      • Interaction with other pest control tools
    • Economic Principles for Efficient GPM
      • Fixed and recurring costs of GPM
      • Distinctions of GPM benefits over time and space
      • A simple intertemporal decision model for efficient GPM
      • Spatial considerations in GPM planning
      • Monitoring and local eradication
      • Integration with other control measures
      • Uncertainty, irreversibility and option value
    • GPM as a Public Good (or Bad)
    • Conclusions
    • Appendix 6.1: Regression Analysis of SIT Fixed Costs
    • Appendix 2: Bio-economic Analysis of Grower Behaviour Interactions with GPM
    • References
  • 7 Economic Thresholds and Sampling in Integrated Pest Management
    • Basic Concepts and Techniques
    • Sampling in IPM
    • The Cost and Value of Sampling
    • Economic Thresholds for Multiple Species
    • Case Studies
      • Maize IPM in the United States
      • Alfalfa pests in the United States
      • Soybean pests in Brazil and the United States
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • 8 Economic Impacts of Integrated Pest Management Practices in Developing Countries
    • Impacts of IPM Practices in Asia
      • Rice
      • Vegetables and fruits
      • Other crops
    • Impacts of IPM Practices in Africa
    • Impacts of IPM Practices in Latin America/Caribbean
    • Summary and Discussion of Economic Impacts of IPM in Developing Countries
    • References
  • 9 The Roles of Soft Technologies and Cooperative Extension in Solving Wicked Integrated Pest Management Problems
    • IPM Complications
      • Industry-wide adoption of single tactic leading to overdependence
      • Genetically engineered crops
        • Glyphosate-resistant crops
        • Insecticidal crops
      • Prophylactic control
        • Seed treatments
        • Foliar treatments
      • Human behaviour
        • Consumer demand
        • Preference for organic foods and crops not genetically engineered
        • Farmer behaviour
    • IPM Successes
      • A nascent IPM success example
      • A mature IPM success example
    • The Future of IPM
      • Concentrated external influences
      • Site-specific management
      • Increased ability to predict pest problems
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • 10 Perseverance Pays Off: Finishing the Integrated Pest Management Marathon with Economics
    • Strategies for Integrated Pest Management
    • Funding for IPM Research and Economics
    • Education, Cooperative Extension and Farmer Field Schools
    • Innovation and Technology
    • Conclusions
    • References
  • Index

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