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Khatri, Anjali. Mastering Service Mesh: Enhance, Secure, and Observe Cloud-Native Applications with Istio, Linkerd, and Consul. — Birmingham: Packt Publishing, Limited, [2020]. — 1 online resource (606 pages). — Section 4: Learning about Istio through Examples. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2416727.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 09.05.2020

Тематика: Application software — Development.; Software architecture.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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Service Mesh helps overcome the operational challenges of connecting, securing, controlling, and observing modern microservices deployment. This book shows you exactly how to use a Service Mesh architecture to manage and operationalize your microservices-based applications.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • About Packt
  • Foreword
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Cloud-Native Application Management
  • Chapter 1: Monolithic Versus Microservices
    • Early computer machines
      • Hardware virtualization
      • Software virtualization
      • Container orchestration
    • Monolithic applications
      • Brief history of SOA and ESB
        • API Gateway
      • Drawbacks of monolithic applications
    • Microservices applications
      • Early pioneers
      • What is a microservice?
      • Evolution of microservices
      • Microservices architecture
      • Benefits and drawbacks of microservices
      • Future of microservices
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 2: Cloud-Native Applications
    • An introduction to CNAs
    • Container runtime
    • Container orchestration platforms
    • Cloud-native infrastructure
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Section 2: Architecture
  • Chapter 3: Service Mesh Architecture
    • Service mesh overview
      • Who owns the service mesh?
      • Basic and advanced service mesh capabilities
      • Emerging trends
    • Shifting Dev responsibilities to Ops
    • Service mesh rules
      • Observability
      • Routing
      • Automatic scaling
      • Separation of duties
      • Trust
      • Automatic service registration and discovery 
      • Resiliency
    • Service mesh architecture
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 4: Service Mesh Providers
    • Introducing service mesh providers
      • Istio
      • Linkerd
      • Consul
      • Other providers
    • A quick comparison
    • Support services
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 5: Service Mesh Interface and SPIFFE
    • SMI
      • SMI specifications
    • SPIFFE
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Section 3: Building a Kubernetes Environment
  • Chapter 6: Building Your Own Kubernetes Environment
    • Technical requirements
    • Downloading your base VM 
      • Building an environment for Windows
        • Downloading our virtualization software
        • Setting the network address 
        • Performing finalization checks
      • Building an environment for macOS
        • Downloading our virtualization software
        • Setting the network address
        • Performing finalization checks
    • Performing prerequisite tasks
    • Building Kubernetes using one VM
      • Installing Kubernetes
      • Running kubeadm
      • Configuring kubectl
      • Installing the Calico network for pods
      • Creating an admin account
      • Installing kubectl on client machines
      • Performing finalization checks
    • Installing Helm and Tiller
      • Installing without security
      • Installing with Transport Layer Security (TLS)
    • Installing the Kubernetes dashboard
      • Running the Kubernetes dashboard
      • Get an authentication token
      • Exploring the Kubernetes dashboard
    • Additional steps
      • Installing the Metrics Server 
      • Installing VMware Octant 
      • Installing Prometheus and Grafana 
      • Uninstalling Kubernetes and Docker
      • Powering the VM up and down
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Section 4: Learning about Istio through Examples
  • Chapter 7: Understanding the Istio Service Mesh
    • Technical requirements 
    • Introducing the Istio service mesh
      • Istio's architecture
    • Control plane
      • Galley
      • Pilot
        • Service discovery
        • Traffic management
        • Gateway
        • Virtual service
          • Routing rules
          • Fault injection
          • Abort rules
        • Service entry
        • Destination rule
          • Load balancing
          • Circuit breaker
          • Blue/green deployment
          • Canary deployment
        • Namespace isolation
      • Mixer
        • Configuration of Mixer
          • Attributes
          • Handlers
          • Rules
      • Citadel
        • Certificate and key rotation
        • Authentication  
        • Strong identity
          • RBAC for a strong identity
        • Authorization
        • Enabling  mTLS to secure service communication
        • Secure N-to-N mapping of services
        • Policies
          • Implementing authentication
        • Implementing authorization
    • Data plane
      • Sidecar proxy
      • Istio's Envoy sidecar proxy
        • What is Envoy?
        • Envoy architecture
        • Deployment
    • Observability
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 8: Installing a Demo Application
    • Technical requirements
    • Exploring Istio's BookInfo application
      • BookInfo application architecture
      • Deploying the Bookinfo application in Kubernetes
      • Enabling a DNS search for Kubernetes services in a VM
    • Understanding the BookInfo application
      • Exploring the BookInfo application in a Kubernetes environment
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 9: Installing Istio
    • Technical requirements
    • Getting ready
    • Performing pre-installation tasks
      • Downloading the source code
      • Validating the environment before installation
      • Choosing an installation profile
    • Installing Istio
      • Installing Istio using the helm template
      • Installing Istio using Helm and Tiller
      • Installing Istio using a demo profile
    • Verifying our installation
    • Installing a load balancer
    • Enabling Istio
      • Enabling Istio for an existing application
      • Enabling Istio for new applications
    • Setting up horizontal pod scaling
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 10: Exploring Istio Traffic Management Capabilities
    • Technical requirements
    • Traffic management
      • Creating an Istio gateway
        • Finding the Ingress gateway IP address
      • Creating a virtual service
        • Running using pod's transient IP address
        • Running using a service IP address
        • Running using Node Port
      • Creating a destination rule
    • Traffic shifting
      • Identity-based traffic routing
      • Canary deployments
    • Fault injection
      • Injecting HTTP delay faults
      • Injecting HTTP abort faults
      • Request timeouts
    • Circuit breaker
    • Managing traffic
      • Managing Ingress traffic patterns
      • Managing Egress traffic patterns
        • Blocking access to external services
        • Allowing access to external services
        • Routing rules for external services
    • Traffic mirroring
    • Cleaning up
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 11: Exploring Istio Security Features
    • Technical requirements
    • Overview of Istio's security
    • Authentication
      • Testing the httpbin service
      • Generating keys and certificates
        • Installing the step CLI
        • Generating private key, server, and root certificates
      • Mapping IP addresses to hostname
      • Configuring an Ingress gateway using SDS
        • Creating secrets using key and certificate
        • Enabling httpbin for simple TLS
        • Enabling bookinfo for simple TLS
        • Rotating virtual service keys and certificates
        • Enabling an Ingress gateway for httpbin using mutual TLS
        • Verifying the TLS configuration
        • Node agent to rotate certificates and keys for services
      • Enabling mutual TLS within the mesh
        • Converting into strict mutual TLS
          • Redefining destination rules
          • Enabling mTLS at the namespace level
          • Verifying the TLS configuration
    • Authorization
      • Namespace-level authorization
      • Service-level authorization at the individual level
      • Service-level authorization for databases
    • Advanced capabilities
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 12: Enabling Istio Policy Controls
    • Technical requirements
    • Introduction to policy controls
    • Enabling rate limits
      • Defining quota and assigning to services
      • Defining rate limits
      • Defining quota rules
    • Controlling access to a service
      • Denying access
      • Creating attribute-based white/blacklists
      • Creating an IP-based white/blacklist
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 13: Exploring Istio Telemetry Features
    • Technical requirements
    • Telemetry and observability
    • Configuring UI access
    • Collecting built-in metrics
    • Collecting new metrics
    • Database metrics
    • Distributed tracing
      • Trace sampling
      • Tracing backends
        • Adapters for the backend
    • Exploring prometheus 
      • Sidecar proxy metrics
      • Prometheus query
      • Prometheus target collection health
      • Prometheus configuration
    • Visualizing metrics through Grafana
    • Service mesh observability through Kiali
    • Tracing with Jaeger
    • Cleaning up
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Section 5: Learning about Linkerd through Examples
  • Chapter 14: Understanding the Linkerd Service Mesh
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing the Linkerd Service Mesh
    • Linkerd architecture
      • Control plane
        • Using the command-line interface (CLI)
      • Data plane
    • Linkerd proxy
      • Architecture
      • Configuring a service
      • Ingress controller
    • Observability
      • Grafana and Prometheus
      • Distributed tracing
      • Exporting metrics
      • Injecting the debugging sidecar
    • Reliability
      • Traffic split
      • Fault injection
      • Service profiles
      • Retries and timeouts
      • Load balancing
      • Protocols and the TCP proxy
    • Security
      • Automatic mTLS
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 15: Installing Linkerd
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing the Linkerd CLI
    • Installing Linkerd
      • Validating the prerequisites
      • Installing the Linkerd control plane
      • Separating roles and responsibilities
        • Cluster administrator
        • Application administrator
    • Ingress gateway
    • Accessing the Linkerd dashboard
    • Deploying the Linkerd demo emoji app
      • Installing a demo application
      • Deploying the booksapp application
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 16: Exploring the Reliability Features of Linkerd
    • Technical requirements
    • Overview of the reliability of Linkerd 
      • Configuring load balancing
      • Setting up a service profile
      • Retrying failed transactions
        • Retry budgets
      • Implementing timeouts
      • Troubleshooting error code
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 17: Exploring the Security Features of Linkerd
    • Technical requirements
    • Setting up mTLS on Linkerd
      • Validating mTLS on Linkerd
      • Using trusted certificates for the control plane
        • Installing step certificates
        • Creating step root and intermediate certificates
        • Redeploying control plane using certificates
        • Regenerating and rotating identity certificates for microservices
      • Securing the ingress gateway
        • TLS termination
        • Testing the application in the browser
        • Testing the application through curl
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 18: Exploring the Observability Features of Linkerd
    • Technical requirements
    • Gaining insight into the service mesh
      • Insights using CLI
      • Insight using Prometheus
      • Insights using Grafana
    • External Prometheus integration
    • Cleaning up
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Section 6: Learning about Consul through Examples
  • Chapter 19: Understanding the Consul Service Mesh
    • Technical requirements
    • Introducing the Consul service mesh
    • The Consul architecture
      • Data center 
      • Client/server
      • Protocols
        • RAFT
        • Consensus protocol
        • Gossip protocol
    • Consul's control and data planes
      • Configuring agents
      • Service discovery and definitions
      • Consul integration
    • Monitoring and visualization
      • Telegraf
      • Grafana
    • Traffic management
      • Service defaults
      • Traffic routing
      • Traffic split
      • Mesh gateway
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 20: Installing Consul
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing Consul in a VM
    • Installing Consul in Kubernetes
      • Creating persistent volumes 
      • Downloading the Consul Helm chart
      • Installing Consul
      • Connecting Consul DNS to Kubernetes
      • Consul server in a VM
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 21: Exploring the Service Discovery Features of Consul
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing a Consul demo application
      • Defining Ingress for the Consul dashboard
    • Service discovery
      • Using the Consul web console
    • Implementing mutual TLS
    • Exploring intentions
    • Exploring the Consul key-value store
    • Securing Consul services with ACL
    • Monitoring and metrics
    • Registering an external service
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 22: Exploring Traffic Management in Consul
    • Technical requirements
    • Overview of traffic management in Consul 
      • Implementing L7 configuration
    • Deploying a demo application
    • Traffic management in Consul
      • Directing traffic to a default subset
      • Canary deployment
      • Round-robin traffic
      • Shifting traffic permanently
      • Path-based traffic routing
      • Checking Consul services
    • Mesh gateway
    • Summary
    • Questions
    • Further reading
  • Assessment
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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