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Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone linguistics ;.
Amazonian Spanish: language contact and evolution. — v. 23. / edited by Stephen Fafulas. — 1 online resource (viii, 303 pages) : color illustrations, color maps. — (Issues in hispanic and lusophone linguistics (IHLL)). — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2506864.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 17.04.2020

Тематика: Spanish language — Variation; Anthropological linguistics; Sociolinguistics; Anthropological linguistics.; Sociolinguistics.; Spanish language — Variation.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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"Amazonian Spanish: Language contact and evolution explores the unique origins, linguistic features, and geo-political situation of the Spanish that has emerged in the Amazon. While this region boasts much linguistic diversity, many of the indigenous languages found within its limits are now being replaced by Spanish. This situation of language expansion, contact, and bilingualism is reshaping the sociolinguistic landscape of the Amazon by creating a number of Spanish varieties with innovative linguistic features that require closer scholarly attention. The current book documents this situation in detail. The chapters in this volume include work on distinct geographical regions of the Amazon, with primary data collected using different methodologies and language contact situations. The scholars in this volume specialize in an array of fields, including anthropological linguistics, bilingualism, language contact, dialectology, and language acquisition. Their work represents both formal and functional approaches to linguistics"--.

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  • Amazonian Spanish
  • Editorial page
  • Title page
  • Copyright page
  • Table of contents
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction. Spanish in the Amazon region: Some preliminaries on its status and geographical extension
    • Introduction
    • References
  • Chapter 1. Language loss and language gain in Amazonia: On newly emergent varieties of a national language
    • 1. Lowland Amazonian languages and their speakers: A backdrop
    • 2. The Portuguese of Amazonian Indians: Some examples
    • 3. Portuguese spoken by the Tariana of the Vaupés River Basin area
    • 4. Envoi
    • References
  • Chapter 2. Bilingualism, second language acquisition, and language contact: Contrasts and shared processes
    • Introduction
    • Bilingualism: Definitions and scope of research
    • Bilingualism and languages in contact with Spanish
    • Second language acquisition
    • Language contact
    • Tracing linguistic phenomena across contexts
      • Case 1: Mood contrast
      • Case 2: Copula choice
      • Case 3: Direct object pronouns
    • Conclusion and future directions
    • References
  • Chapter 3. Origins and dialectology studies of Spanish in America
    • Introduction
    • Origins of the Spanish language in America
    • Influence from indigenous languages
      • Contact in Mexico
      • Amazonian Spanish
      • Contact in the Andean region
      • Contact in Paraguay
      • The African influence
    • Prominent linguistic features of American Spanish
      • Phonetic variation and change
      • Morphosyntactic phenomena
    • Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 4. Language documentation and revitalization as a feedback loop
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Language documentation and revitalization
    • 3. Documentation and revitalization as a feedback loop
    • 4. Language documentation in the Amazon
    • 5. Revitalization projects in the Amazon
    • 6. Archives, training and language vitality
    • 7. Conclusions
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
    • Funding information
  • Chapter 5. Amazonian Spanish and the emergence and maintenance of ethnolinguistic variation
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Background information
      • 2.1 Ethnicity and race
      • 2.2 Linguistic diversity of the Amazon region
    • 3. Linguistic phenomena involved in ethnicity-based language variation
      • 3.1 Language contact
      • 3.2 Dialect contact
      • 3.3 Second language acquisition and bilingualism
      • 3.4 Language shift
    • 4. Ethnolinguistic repertoire
    • 5. Interaction between ethnicity and other social factors
    • 6. Conclusion
    • References
  • Chapter 6. Clitics and argument marking in Shipibo-Spanish and Ashéninka-Perené-Spanish bilingual speech
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Argument marking in Spanish, Shipibo and Ashéninka
      • 2.1 Spanish case and object agreement system
      • 2.2 Shipibo case and agreement system
      • 2.3 Ashéninka-Perené argument marking
    • 3. Methodology
      • 3.1 Shipibo Spanish bilingual data
      • 3.2 Ashéninka-Perené-Spanish bilingual data
    • 4. Data sets and results
      • 4.1 Shipibo Spanish
      • 4.2 Ashéninka-Perené Spanish
    • 5. Discussion of comparative results
    • 6. Proposal
      • 6.1 Ergativity in Shipibo and its consequences for Shipibo Spanish
      • 6.2 Mixed properties and their effect on Ashéninka-Perené bilingual Spanish
    • 7. Concluding remarks
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • Chapter 7. Emerging ethnolinguistic varieties in the Amazon: The case of Yagua Spanish
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Background
      • 2.1 Language contact and evolution
      • 2.2 Amazonian Spanish
      • 2.3 Andean Spanish
      • 2.4 Yagua language
      • 2.5 Yagua-Spanish contact
    • 3. Methodology
      • 3.1 Research questions and hypotheses
      • 3.2 Methods and participants
      • 3.3 Linguistic factors
    • 4. Results
      • 4.1 Object expression and leísmo
      • 4.2 (Non)expression of direct objects
      • 4.3 Direct object placement and topicalization
      • 4.4 Present perfect
    • 5. Discussion
    • 6. Summary and conclusions
    • References
  • Chapter 8. Interrogative intonation in monolingual Amazonian Spanish: The case of Spanish spoken in the cities of Pucallpa and Iquitos
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Socio-linguistic background, language consultants and data collection
    • 3. Basic theoretical assumptions
    • 4. Intonation of absolute questions
    • 5. Intonation of pronominal questions
    • 6. Intonation of echo questions
    • 7. Discussion and conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
  • Chapter 9. Phonological processes in flux: Variation in palatal lateral production in the Ecuadorian Amazon
    • Introduction
    • Background
      • Language contact and sound change
      • Acoustic analysis of Spanish palatal lateral and related segments
    • Present study
      • Setting and participants
      • Materials and data elicitation
      • Data analysis
    • Results
      • Analysis of closure
      • Analysis of transition
      • Analysis of total duration
    • Findings summary and discussion
      • Summary
      • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • References
    • Appendix
  • Chapter 10. The many Spanishes of an Andean-Amazonian crossroads
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Andean Spanish in Amazonia
    • 3. People and languages in La Convención
    • 4. Spanish in Yokiri
      • 4.1 Mario
      • 4.2 Edison
      • 4.3 Pedro
      • Some linguistic features of Pedro’s Spanish
    • 5. Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements
    • Morpheme codes used in this chapter
    • References
    • Funding information
  • Epilogue. Insights for contact linguistics and future investigations of Spanish in the Amazon region
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Amazonian Spanish phonology
    • 3. Amazonian Spanish morphosyntax
    • 4. Amazonian Spanish typology and future directions
    • References
  • Index

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