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Ferrone, Harrison. Learning C# by developing games with Unity 2020: an enjoyable and intuitive approach to getting started with C# programming and Unity / Harrison Ferrone. — Fifth edition. — 1 online resource : illustrations. — Table of ContentsGetting to Know Your EnvironmentThe Building Blocks of ProgrammingDiving into Variables,Types, and MethodsControl Flow and Collection TypesWorking with Classes, Structs, and OOPGetting Your Hands Dirty with UnityMovement, Camera Controls, and CollisionsScripting Game MechanicsBasic AI and Enemy BehaviorRevisiting Types, Methods, and ClassesIntroducing Stacks, Queues and HashSetsExploring Generics, Delegates, and BeyondThe Journey Continues. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2579511.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 18.06.2020

Тематика: Computer games — Programming.; Three-dimensional display systems.; C# (Computer program language); C# (Computer program language); Computer games — Programming.; Three-dimensional display systems.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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This fifth edition of the popular C# guide helps you learn the building blocks of C# language, right from variables to classes and exception handling. After getting to grips with the basics of C# programming, it takes you through the world of Unity game development and how you can apply C# knowledge using game development examples.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Getting to Know Your Environment
    • Technical requirements
    • Getting started with Unity 2020
      • Using macOS 
      • Creating a new project
      • Navigating the editor
    • Using C# with Unity 
      • Working with C# scripts
      • Introducing the Visual Studio editor
        • Time for action – opening a C# file
        • Beware of naming mismatches
      • Syncing C# files
    • Exploring the documentation
      • Accessing Unity's documentation
        • Time for action – opening the Reference Manual
        • Time for action – using the Scripting Reference
      • Locating C# resources
        • Time for action – looking up a C# class
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – dealing with scripts
  • Chapter 2: The Building Blocks of Programming
    • Defining variables
      • Names are important
      • Variables act as placeholders
        • Time for action – creating a variable
        • Time for action – changing a variable's value
    • Understanding methods
      • Methods drive actions
      • Methods are placeholders too
        • Time for action – creating a simple method
    • Introducing classes
      • A common Unity class
      • Classes are blueprints
    • Working with comments
      • Practical backslashes
      • Multi-line comments
        • Time for action – adding comments
    • Putting the building blocks together
      • Scripts become components
      • A helping hand from MonoBehavior
        • Hero's trial – MonoBehavior in the Scripting API
    • Communication among classes
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – C# building blocks
  • Chapter 3: Diving into Variables, Types, and Methods
    • Writing proper C#
    • Debugging your code
    • Declaring variables
      • Type and value declarations
      • Type-only declarations
    • Using access modifiers
      • Choosing a security level
        • Time for action – making a variable private
    • Working with types
      • Common built-in types
        • Time for action – playing with different types
        • Time for action – creating interpolated strings
      • Type conversions
      • Inferred declarations
      • Custom types
      • Types roundup
    • Naming variables
      • Best practices
    • Understanding variable scope
    • Introducing operators
      • Arithmetic and assignments
        • Time for action – executing incorrect type operations
    • Defining methods
      • Basic syntax
        • Modifiers and parameters
          • Time for action – defining a simple method
        • Naming conventions
        • Methods are logic detours
    • Specifying parameters
      • Time for action – adding method parameters
    • Specifying return values
      • Time for action – adding a return type
      • Using return values
        • Time for action – capturing return values 
          • Hero's trial – methods as arguments
    • Dissecting common Unity methods
      • The Start method
      • The Update method
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – variables and methods
  • Chapter 4: Control Flow and Collection Types
    • Selection statements
      • The if-else statement
        • Basic syntax
          • Time for action – thieving prospects
        • Using the NOT operator
        • Nesting statements
        • Evaluating multiple conditions
          • Time for action – reaching the treasure
      • The switch statement
        • Basic syntax
        • Pattern matching
          • Time for action – choosing an action
        • Fall-through cases
          • Time for action – rolling the dice
      • Pop quiz 1 – if, and, or but
    • Collections at a glance
      • Arrays
        • Basic syntax
        • Indexing and subscripts
        • Range exceptions
      • Lists
        • Basic syntax
          • Time for action – party members
        • Common methods
      • Dictionaries 
        • Basic syntax
          • Time for action – setting up an inventory
        • Working with dictionary pairs
      • Pop quiz 2 – all about collections
    • Iteration statements
      • For loops
        • Time for action – finding an element
      • foreach loops
        • Looping through key-value pairs
          • Hero's trial – finding affordable items
      • while loops
        • Time for action – tracking player lives
      • To infinity and beyond
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Working with Classes, Structs, and OOP
    • Defining a class 
      • Basic syntax
        • Time for action – creating a character class
      • Instantiating class objects
        • Time for action – creating a new character
      • Adding class fields
        • Time for action – fleshing out character details
      • Using constructors
        • Time for action – specifying starting properties
      • Declaring class methods
        • Time for action – printing out character data
    • Declaring structs
      • Basic syntax
        • Time for action – creating a weapon struct
    • Understanding reference and value types
      • Reference types
        • Time for action – creating a new hero
      • Value types
        • Time for action – copying weapons
    • Integrating the object-oriented mindset
      • Encapsulation
        • Time for action – adding a reset
      • Inheritance
        • Base constructors
          • Time for action – calling a base constructor
      • Composition
      • Polymorphism
        • Time for action – functional variations
      • OOP roundup
    • Applying OOP in Unity
      • Objects are a class act
      • Accessing components
        • Basic syntax
          • Time for action – accessing the current transform component
          • Time for action – finding components on different objects
        • Drag and drop
          • Time for action – assigning variables in Unity
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – all things OOP
  • Chapter 6: Getting Your Hands Dirty with Unity
    • A game design primer
      • Game design documents
      • The Hero Born one-page
    • Building a level
      • Creating primitives
        • Time for action – creating a ground plane
      • Thinking in 3D
      • Materials
        • Time for action – changing the ground color
      • White-boxing
        • Editor tools
          • Hero's trial – putting up drywall
        • Keeping the hierarchy clean
          • Time for action – using empty objects
        • Working with prefabs
          • Time for action – creating a turret
          • Time for action – updating the prefab
          • Time for action – finishing the level
          • Hero's trial – creating a health pickup
    • Lighting basics
      • Creating lights
      • Light component properties
    • Animating in Unity
      • Creating clips
        • Time for action – creating a new clip
      • Recording keyframes
        • Time for action – spinning animation
      • Curves and tangents
        • Time for action – smoothing the spin
    • The particle system
      • Time for action – adding sparkle effects
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – basic Unity features
  • Chapter 7: Movement, Camera Controls, and Collisions
    • Moving the player
      • Player setup
        • Time for action – creating the player capsule
      • Understanding vectors
      • Getting player input
        • Time for action – player locomotion
    • Adding a following Camera
      • Time for action – scripting camera behavior
    • Working with Unity physics
      • Rigidbody components in motion
        • Time for action – accessing the Rigidbody component
        • Time for action – moving the Rigidbody component
      • Colliders and collisions
        • Time for action – picking up an item
      • Using Collider triggers
        • Time for action – creating an enemy
        • Time for action – capturing trigger events
          • Hero's trial – all the prefabs!
      • Physics roundup
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – player controls and physics
  • Chapter 8: Scripting Game Mechanics
    • Adding jumps
      • Introducing enumerations 
        • Underlying types
        • Time for action – pressing the spacebar to jump!
      • Working with layer masks
        • Time for action – setting object layers
        • Time for action – one jump at a time
    • Shooting projectiles
      • Instantiating objects
        • Time for action – creating a projectile prefab
        • Time for action – adding the shooting mechanic
      • Managing GameObject buildup
        • Time for action – destroying bullets
    • Creating a game manager
      • Tracking player properties
        • Time for action – creating a game manager
      • The get and set properties
        • Time for action – adding backing variables
        • Time for action – updating item collection
    • Adding player polish
      • Graphical UI
        • Time for action – adding UI elements
      • Win and loss conditions
        • Time for action – winning the game 
      • Using directives and namespaces
        • Time for action – pausing and restarting 
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – working with mechanics
  • Chapter 9: Basic AI and Enemy Behavior
    • Navigating in Unity
      • Navigation components
        • Time for action – setting up the NavMesh
        • Time for action – setting up enemy agents
    • Moving enemy agents
      • Procedural programming
        • Time for action – referencing the patrol locations 
        • Time for action – moving the enemy
        • Time for action – patrolling continuously between locations
    • Enemy game mechanics
      • Seek and destroy
        • Time for action – changing the agent's destination
        • Time for action – lowering player health
        • Time for action – detecting bullet collisions
        • Time for action – updating the game manager
    • Refactoring and keeping it DRY
      • Time for action – creating a restart method
        • Hero's trial – refactoring win/lose logic
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – AI and navigation
  • Chapter 10: Revisiting Types, Methods, and Classes
    • Access Modifier redux
      • Constant and read-only properties
      • Using the static keyword 
        • Time for action – creating a static class
    • Methods redux
      • Overloading methods
        • Time for action – overloading the level restart
      • Ref parameters
        • Time for action – tracking player restarts
      • Out parameters
    • OOP redux
      • Interfaces
        • Time for action – creating a manager interface
        • Time for action – adopting an interface
      • Abstract classes
      • Class extensions
        • Time for action – extending the string class
        • Time for action – using an extension method
    • Namespace redux
      • Type aliasing
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – leveling up
  • Chapter 11: Introducing Stacks, Queues, and HashSets
    • Introducing stacks
      • Basic syntax
        • Time for action – storing collected items
      • Popping and peeking
        • Time for action – the last item collected
      • Common methods
    • Working with queues
      • Basic syntax
      • Adding, removing, and peeking
      • Common methods
    • Using HashSets
      • Basic syntax
      • Performing operations
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – intermediate collections
  • Chapter 12: Exploring Generics, Delegates, and Beyond
    • Introducing generics
      • Generic objects
        • Time for action – creating a generic collection
      • Generic methods
        • Time for action – adding a generic item
      • Constraining type parameters
        • Time for action – limiting generic elements
    • Delegating actions
      • Basic syntax
        • Time for action – creating a debug delegate
      • Delegates as parameter types
        • Time for action – using a delegate argument
    • Firing events
      • Basic syntax
        • Time for action – creating an event
      • Handling event subscriptions
        • Time for action – subscribing to an event
    • Handling exceptions
      • Throwing exceptions
        • Time for action – checking negative scene indexes
      • Using try-catch
        • Time for action – catching restart errors
    • Design pattern primer
      • Common game patterns
    • Summary
    • Pop quiz – intermediate C#
  • Chapter 13: The Journey Continues
    • Scratching the surface
    • Remembering your object-oriented programming
    • Approaching Unity projects
      • Unity features we didn't cover
    • Next steps
      • C# resources
      • Unity resources
      • Unity certifications
        • Hero's trial – putting something out into the world
    • Summary
  • Pop Quiz Answers
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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