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Lampert, Laurence. How Socrates became Socrates: a study of Plato's Phaedo, Parmenides, and Symposium / Laurence Lampert. — 1 online resource — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2617188.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 13.02.2021

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  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • 1. Phaedo: The First Stage of Socrates’ Philosophic Education
    • Prologue: Heroic Socrates as the New Ideal
    • 1. First Words
    • 2. A New Theseus to Slay the Real Minotaur
    • 3. A New Herakles to Cut Off and Bury the Immortal Head of Hydra
    • 4. A New Odysseus to Teach the Safe Way to Understand Cause
    • 5. Odyssean Socrates’ Report on His Second Sailing in the Phaedo Measured by the Parmenides
    • 6. Odyssean Socrates Ends His Life of Argument
    • 7. Socrates’ Last Words: Gratitude for a Healing
  • 2. Parmenides: The Second Stage of Socrates’ Philosophic Education
    • Prologue: A Socrates for the Philosophically Driven
    • 1. First Words
    • 2. At Pythodorus’s House during the Great Panathenaia
    • 3. Socrates and Zeno: How to Read a Philosophic Writing
    • 4. Socrates’ Solution to What Parmenides and Zeno Made to Seem beyond Us
    • 5. Parmenides the Guide
    • 6. What Is This Gymnastic?
    • 7. Guiding Socrates
    • 8. Last Words
    • 9. The Socratic Turn
  • 3. The Symposium: The Final Stage of Socrates’ Philosophic Education
    • Prologue: Socrates’ Ontological Psychology
    • 1. First Words
    • 2. Socrates Beautifies Himself for Agathon
    • 3. Diotima’s Myth Guides Socrates to the Third Stage of His Philosophic Education
    • 4. Diotima’s Logos Guides Socrates to the Third Stage of His Philosophic Education
    • 5. Diotima Teaches Socrates What to Teach
    • 6. Alcibiades Arrives
    • 7. Last Words
    • Note on the Dramatic Date of the Frame of the Symposium
  • Conclusion: Plato in a Nietzschean History of Philosophy
  • Works Cited
  • Index

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