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Шевелева, С.А. English on Economics: Учеб. пос. для студ. вузов по эконом. спец. / С.А. Шевелева. — 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Юнити, 2012. — 437 с. — Доступ из локальной сети Финуниверситета(чтение, печать, копирование). — <URL:>.

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • К читателю
    • Уважаемые студенты!
    • Уважаемые преподаватели!
  • Lesson 1. You are a student of economics
    • Conversation: Teacher and students
    • Grammar: The Present and Past IndefiniteTenses of the verb to be
    • The Present and Past Indefinite Tensesof other verbs
    • Text: Adam Smith
    • Grammar: The three forms of someirregular verbs
    • The Passive Voice
    • Word formation: Suffixes of nouns
    • Text: Economics
    • Text: Economics reading room
    • Annotation of the book: The Economicsof Network Industries
    • Annotation of the book: Entertainment Industry Economics
  • Lesson 2. Economicsand economy
    • Conversation: Teacher and students
    • Grammar: The Future Indefinite Tense
    • Word formation: Prefixes of nouns
    • Text: Microeconomics and macroeconomics
    • Annotation of the book: Topics in MicroeconomicsIndustrial Organization, Auctions and Incentives
    • Text: GDP and GNP
    • Newspaper item: Further growth in Russia’s GDP
    • Newspaper item: Path to Turkish rate cut open asgrowth slows
    • Newspaper item: Brazil’s economy grows by 5.4%
  • Lesson 3. Salesand products
    • Newspaper item: The Times pulls even furtherahead
    • Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense
    • Word formation: Conversion
    • Conversation: Teacher and students
    • Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense
    • Grammar: Articles
    • Text: Retailers and wholesalers
    • Text: Product life-cycle
    • Newspaper item: Unwilling spenders hit Germangrowth
    • Newspaper item: Record industry turns fireon individual piracy
  • Lesson 4. Peopleand economy
    • Dialogue: А stockbroker
    • Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense
    • Annotation of the book: Economics and Culture
    • Grammar: Modal verbs
    • Word formation: Suffixes of adjectives
    • Text: The economy
    • Grammar: The Past Continuous Tense
    • Newspaper item: Eurozone economic growthto slow in second half
    • Text: Economic activity and business cycle
    • Text to translate: Economic man
  • Lesson 5. Marketsand production
    • Dialogue: Selling cars
    • Grammar: The Rules of Sequence of Tenses
    • Newspaper item: Toyota profits boosted byweak yen and strong sales
    • Grammar: Participle I
    • Text: Market schema
    • Grammar: Attributes
    • Newspaper item: In the industry biosphere,only the strongest survive
    • Word formation: Prefixes of adjectives
    • Annotation of the book: From Silicon Valleyto Singapore
    • Newspaper item: Blyk taps European mobiles
  • Lesson 6. Pricesand money
    • Lecture: Price elasticity
    • Grammar: The Gerund
    • Reading ‘0’: oh, nought, zero, nil, love
    • Text: Price support
    • Grammar: if-, when- clauses
    • Word formation: Suffixes and prefixes of verbs
    • Newspaper item: N Korea forced to lift foodprices sharply
    • Business letter: Regretting price increase
    • Newspaper item: Gold provides refuge fromdeclining dollar
    • Annotation of the book:Bimetallism
  • Lesson 7. Typesof economies
    • Interview: Economies and manufacturing
    • Grammar: many — much; few, a few — little, a little
    • Participle II
    • Text: Allocation of products and resources
    • Word formation: Compound nouns
    • Text: Public and private sectors in the UK
    • Newspaper item: UK may move to save BritishEnergy
    • Annotation of the book:Between Politics and Markets
    • Newspaper item: Bush vows to ‘do what it takes’for economy
  • Lesson 8. The transitionaleconomy
    • Dialogue: About a lecture on Hungary
    • Text: The Russian Federation
    • Annotation of the book:The Vanishing Rouble
    • Grammar: The Adverb
    • The degrees of comparison of adjectivesand adverbs
    • Newspaper item: Privatisation in doubt
    • Grammar: The Infinitive
    • Annotation of the book: Building Capitalism
    • Newspaper item: Europeans gloomy on economybut shun US model
    • Newspaper item: Europed together
    • Annotation of the book:The New Russia
  • Lesson 9. Production
    • Speech: The quality of the goods produced
    • Grammar: Object clauses
    • Grammar: The pronoun one
    • Text: Production function
    • Grammar: Attributive clauses
    • Figure: Location of production
    • Business letter: Industrial and officeaccommodation
    • Newspaper item: Drought forces Australia to cutwheat forecast by third
    • Text: Production possibility boundary
  • Lesson 10. Companies
    • Dialogue: A job interview
    • Grammar: Conditionals
    • The word other
    • Business letter: Offering an agency
    • Grammar: The Absolute Participial Construction (Абсолютный причастный оборот)
    • The word which
    • Text: An Apple a day
    • Newspaper item: IKEA founder ends uncertaintyby saying sons will take over
    • Annotation of the book: The EntrepreneurshipDynamics
    • Newspaper item: Companies 'bigger than manynations
  • Lesson 11. Peopleand labour
    • Conversation: Labour conditions
    • Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns and Adverbs
    • Text: The sources of economic health
    • Text: Thomas Malthus
    • Grammar: Complex Object
    • Annotation of the journal: Work, Employmentand Society
    • Text: Labour market
    • Newspaper item: Brussels’ plan to give tempsmore rights
    • Annotation of the book: The American Workplace
  • Lesson 12. Demandand supply
    • Lecture: Equilibrium, shortage and excess
    • Grammar: Subject clauses
    • Clauses of reason
    • Text: The discoverers of the lawsof demand and supply
    • Text: Demand and supply curves
    • Text: John Maynard Keynes
    • Newspaper item: US to list exempted productsnext week
    • Newspaper item: Mini helps lift BMW earnings
  • Lesson 13. Monopolies, marketsand competition
    • Interview: McDonalds may face fiercecompetition
    • Grammar: Indirect Speech
    • Text: Monopolies in the UK
    • Annotation of the book: Market Structureand Competition Policy
    • Annotation of the book: Dynamic Competition
    • Text: Monopolistic competition
    • Newspaper item: World Cup gives Adidasa kick start
    • Newspaper item: Israel diamond market countscost of conflict
  • Lesson 14. Newspapers, profitsand prosperity
    • Text: Newspaper headlines
    • Radio report: From the spot
    • Newspaper item: Volvo earnings rise
    • Grammar: The Complex Subject orThe Nominative with the Infinitive(Сложное подлежащее)
    • Text: Profit
    • Grammar: Modals and Perfect Infinitives
    • Newspaper item: Hair cosmetics help increaseHenkel profits
    • Text: Profit maximization
  • Lesson 15. Capital, loans,credits
    • Text: The terms
    • Dialogue: A syndicated loan
    • Business letter: Request for a loan without security
    • Newspaper item: Ford succeeds in defusingcredit unit time bomb
    • Annotation of the book: The Political Economyof Capital Controls
    • Newspaper item: China’s regulators announcerules to tackle capital flight
    • Use of English: The press and media
  • Lesson 16. Investments
    • Dialogue: Negotiating an investment
    • Business letter: Personal investment
    • Newspaper item: Investors positive in face ofweak economic data
    • Text: Investment
    • Newspaper item: Global investment bank seeksbanking licence
    • Use of English: US English
  • Lesson 17. Stock market
    • Text: UK markets in securities
    • Radio report: On the stock markets
    • Text: Share price indices
    • Newspaper item: Nikkei drops below 9,500 afterS&P's credit warning
    • Newspaper item: Markets plunge on fears of USslowdown
    • Use of English: Abbreviations
  • Lesson 18. Commodity markets
    • Radio report: On the commodity market
    • Text: Spot market and quotations
    • Newspaper item: Gold imports to Japan showsharp increase
    • Newspaper item: Comments from OPEC helplift futures prices
    • Newspaper item: US wheat prices soar to record
    • Newspaper item: Corn and soybean battle
    • Use of English: Idioms and fixed expressions(general)
  • Lesson 19. Foreign exchange marketsand currencies
    • Text: Market and rates
    • Radio report: From the currency markets
    • Newspaper item: Record high euro not blamedfor slowdown – yet
    • Newspaper item: Dollar in focus
    • Annotation of the book: Monetary Policyin the Euro Area
    • Use of English:Idioms connected with problematic situations
  • Lesson 20. Governmentand budget
    • Speech: The role of government
    • Text: UK government budget
    • Newspaper item: Spain ‘baby cheque’ budgettargets families
    • Newspaper item: France’s confused budget
    • Newspaper item to retell: Warning on Dutchbudget surplus
    • Use of English: Proverbs
  • Ключи к отдельным упражнениям
  • Ответы на кроcсворд

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