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Private Cabinet
Authorized users are able to use additional services Private office, including the creation of lists of electronic resources, saving search queries, creating summaries of fragments of electronic products. fragments works can be copied only from resources that are allowed to copy
To use the authorization ID and password for remote access to resources.
For Authors
The procedure for receiving and use of e-resources is regulated by legislation currently in force, local SPbSPU regulations and direct agreements with the rightholders. The Finuniversity site provides information for authors, including order of receipt and processing of electronic documents. Preservation of works in the e-library allows using them as literature, recommended for the discipline within Finuniversity curriculum.
For Users
Electronic library resources are part of a single library fund Finance University. They are included in the library's electronic catalog. However, the search electronic catalog may differ slightly because in the digital library uses special technology-oriented, full-text and multimedia resursy.Elektronnaya library supports both search facilities filter (author, title, etc.), and the context.
Every electronic resource has its own terms of access.
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