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Buffoni, Boris. Analytic Theory of Global Bifurcation.: Princeton University Press, 2016. — 1 online resource. — (Princeton Series in Applied Mathematics). — In English. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 9/2/2016

Subject: Bifurcation theory.; MATHEMATICS — Calculus.; MATHEMATICS — Mathematical Analysis.; Bifurcation theory.

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Rabinowitz's classical global bifurcation theory, which concerns the study in-the-large of parameter-dependent families of nonlinear equations, uses topological methods that address the problem of continuous parameter dependence of solutions by showing that there are connected sets of solutions of global extent. Even when the operators are infinitely differentiable in all the variables and parameters, connectedness here cannot in general be replaced by path-connectedness. However, in the context of real-analyticity there is an alternative theory of global bifurcation due to Dancer, which offers a much stronger notion of parameter dependence. This book aims to develop from first principles Dancer's global bifurcation theory for one-parameter families of real-analytic operators in Banach spaces. It shows that there are globally defined continuous and locally real-analytic curves of solutions. In particular, in the real-analytic setting, local analysis can lead to global consequences--for example, as explained in detail here, those resulting from bifurcation from a simple eigenvalue. Included are accounts of analyticity and implicit function theorems in Banach spaces, classical results from the theory of finite-dimensional analytic varieties, and the links between these two and global existence theory. Laying the foundations for more extensive studies of real-analyticity in infinite-dimensional problems and illustrating the theory with examples, Analytic Theory of Global Bifurcation is intended for graduate students and researchers in pure and applied analysis.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Example: Bending an Elastic Rod I
    • 1.2 Principle of Linearization
    • 1.3 Global Theory
    • 1.4 Layout
    • Chapter 2. Linear Functional Analysis
      • 2.1 Preliminaries and Notation
      • 2.2 Subspaces
      • 2.3 Dual Spaces
      • 2.4 Linear Operators
      • 2.5 Neumann Series
      • 2.6 Projections and Subspaces
      • 2.7 Compact and Fredholm Operators
      • 2.8 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 3. Calculus in Banach Spaces
      • 3.1 Fréchet Differentiation
      • 3.2 Higher Derivatives
      • 3.3 Taylor’s Theorem
      • 3.4 Gradient Operators
      • 3.5 Inverse and Implicit Function Theorems
      • 3.6 Perturbation of a Simple Eigenvalue
      • 3.7 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 4. Multilinear and Analytic Operators
      • 4.1 Bounded Multilinear Operators
      • 4.2 Faà de Bruno Formula
      • 4.3 Analytic Operators
      • 4.4 Analytic Functions of Two Variables
      • 4.5 Analytic Inverse and Implicit Function Theorems
      • 4.6 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 5. Analytic Functions on F^n
      • 5.1 Preliminaries
      • 5.2 Weierstrass Division Theorem
      • 5.3 Weierstrass Preparation Theorem
      • 5.4 Riemann Extension Theorem
      • 5.5 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 6. Polynomials
      • 6.1 Constant Coefficients
      • 6.2 Variable Coefficients
      • 6.3 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 7. Analytic Varieties
      • 7.1 F-Analytic Varieties
      • 7.2 Weierstrass Analytic Varieties
      • 7.3 Analytic Germs and Subspaces
      • 7.4 Germs of C-analytic Varieties
      • 7.5 One-dimensional Branches
      • 7.6 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 8. Local Bifurcation Theory
      • 8.1 A Necessary Condition
      • 8.2 Lyapunov-Schmidt Reduction
      • 8.3 Crandall-Rabinowitz Transversality
      • 8.4 Bifurcation from a Simple Eigenvalue
      • 8.5 Bending an Elastic Rod II
      • 8.6 Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions
      • 8.7 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 9. Global Bifurcation Theory
      • 9.1 Global One-Dimensional Branches
      • 9.2 Global Analytic Bifurcation in Cones
      • 9.3 Bending an Elastic Rod III
      • 9.4 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 10. Steady Periodic Water Waves
      • 10.1 Euler Equations
      • 10.2 One-dimensional Formulation
      • 10.3 Main Equation
      • 10.4 A Priori Bounds and Nekrasov’s Equation
      • 10.5 Weak Solutions Are Classical
      • 10.6 Notes on Sources
    • Chapter 11. Global Existence of Stokes Waves
      • 11.1 Local Bifurcation Theory
      • 11.2 Global Bifurcation from λ = 1
      • 11.3 Gradients, Morse Index and Bifurcation
      • 11.4 Notes on Sources
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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