FinUniversity Electronic Library



Contemporary Central Asia (Lanham, Md.).
Central Asia in the era of sovereignty: the return of Tamerlane? / edited by Daniel L. Burghart and Theresa Sabonis-Helf. — 1 online resource. — (Contemporary Central Asia). — <URL:>.

Record create date: 6/9/2018

Subject: HISTORY / Asia / Central Asia.; HISTORY / Asia / General.; Economic history.; Social conditions.

Collections: EBSCO

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"This collection provides a broad analysis of social, political, economic, and security issues in contemporary Central Asia. In particular, the contributors highlight the differences and similarities among the region's states in how they have consolidated statehood since the collapse of the Soviet Union"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Maps
  • Introduction
  • Ch01. The Borderlands Paradox
  • Ch02. Legal Reform in Central Asia
  • Ch03. Human Rights and Governance in Central Asia
  • Ch04. HIV/AIDS Responses in Central Asia
  • Ch05. Sorting Central Asian Social Media
  • Ch06. The Evolution of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Its Communication Strategy
  • Ch07. “Brain Waste?”
  • Ch08. One Belt One Road
  • Ch09. Infrastructure and the Political Economies of Central Asia
  • Ch10. Great Game Changers?—The Changing Nature of Central Asian Energy
  • Ch11. Multilateral Engagement with Central Asia on Energy Issues
  • Ch12. Kazakhstan’s Bazaar Economy
  • Ch13. The Fifth Estate
  • Ch14. Problematic Puzzle Pieces
  • Ch15. The Security Forces
  • Ch16. Kazakhstan’s Dilemma on Eurasian and Central Asian Integrations
  • Ch17. Kyrgyzstan’s Experiments with Democracy
  • Ch18. Tajikistan’s Roghun Dam
  • Ch19. Foreign Direct Investment in the Oil and Gas Sector of Turkmenistan
  • Ch20. Everyday Life Governance in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan
  • Index
  • About the Editors and Contributors

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