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Empirical approaches to the phonological structure of words / edited by Christiane Ulbrich, Alexander Werth, Richard Wiese. — 1 online resource (vi, 277 pages) : illustrations. — (Linguistische Arbeiten). — In English. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1746461.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 27.03.2018

Тематика: Word (Linguistics); Grammar, Comparative and general — Phonology, Comparative.; FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY — Miscellaneous.; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES — Linguistics — Semantics.; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES — Reference.; Grammar, Comparative and general — Phonology, Comparative.; Word (Linguistics)

Коллекции: EBSCO

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One of the basic grammatical categories in linguistics is the phonological word. But how are words made up in terms of their sounds? And how is the information on the sound structure of words used in the processing of words? The multidimensionality of the phonological word relates it to semantics, morphology, phonology and syntax. It is nevertheless a category that has only been an object of serious study since the prosodic turn in phonology and thus cannot be considered an established category of grammatical description. This volume brings together scholars interested in the complex relations of the phonological word, applying different empirical approaches.

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  • Contents
  • The word in phonology: questions and answers
  • The phonological word in German – Insights from an acoustic-phonetic study of complex words
  • (Non-)separation of words in early medieval Irish and German manuscripts and the concept “word”
  • Word-profiling strategies in Central Catalan, Itunyoso Trique, and Turkish
  • The morphology-prosody interface in typically developing and language-impaired populations
  • Schwa optionality and the prosodic shape of words and phrases
  • Phonotactic principles and exposure in second language processing
  • The interaction of vowel quantity and tonal cues in cognitive processing: An MMNstudy concerning dialectal and standard varieties
  • The role of phonological structure in speech segmentation by infants and adults: a review and methodological considerations
  • Neural bases of phonological representations: Empirical approaches and methods
  • Index

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