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Nanoanalytics: nanoobjects and nanotechnologies in analytical chemistry / edited by Sergei Shtykov. — 1 online resource (xvii, 446 pages) : illustrations. — In English. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 4/25/2018

Subject: Analytical chemistry.; Nanostructured materials.; SCIENCE — Chemistry — Analytic.; Analytical chemistry.; Nanostructured materials.

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Contents
  • List of contributing authors
  • Part I: Nanoanalytics: Concepts, Elements, and Peculiarities
  • 1. Nanoanalytics: Definitions, Classification, History, and Primary Advances
  • Part II: Application in Spectrometric Methods
  • 2. Gold Nanoparticles in Bioanalytical Techniques
  • 3. Extinction and Emission of Nanoparticles for Application in Rapid Immunotests
  • 4. Nanofilms as Sensitive Layers of Chemical and Biochemical Sensors
  • 5. Energy Transfer in Liquid and Solid Nanoobjects: Application in Luminescent Analysis
  • Part III: Application in Electroanalysis
  • 6. Nanomaterials: Electrochemical Properties and Application in Sensors
  • 7. Carbon Nanomaterials and Surfactants as Electrode Surface Modifiers in Organic Electroanalysis
  • 8. Nanomaterials in the Assembly of Electrochemical DNA Sensors
  • Part IV: Application in Sorption and Separation Methods
  • 9. Molecularly Imprinted Polymers: Synthesis, Properties, and Application in Analysis of Real Samples
  • 10. Sorbents Based on Carbon Nanotubes
  • 11. Application of Microemulsions for Extraction and Preconcentration of Hydrophobic Target Compounds
  • 12. Surfactant Micelles in Liquid Chromatography
  • Index

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