Электронная библиотека Финансового университета


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Сеть: Интернет


In the current market, enterprise organizations are moving rapidly towards the cloud infrastructure because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness. Hence, it has become extremely important to have a security framework in place. Automating security functions will play a key role when it comes to cloud governance. This book supplies best ...

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Packt Upsell
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Cloud Security
    • Types of cloud
      • Public cloud
      • Private cloud
      • Hybrid cloud
      • Software as a Service
      • Platform as a Service
      • Infrastructure as a Service
    • Cloud security
      • Confidentiality
      • Integrity
      • Availability
      • Authentication
      • Authorization
      • Auditing
    • Shared responsibility model
      • Shared responsibility model for infrastructure 
      • Shared responsibility model for container service
      • Shared responsibility model for abstract services
    • Key concern areas of cloud security
      • Infrastructure level
      • User access level 
      • Storage and data level 
      • Application access level
      • Network level
      • Logging and monitoring level
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Understanding the World of Cloud Automation
    • What is DevOps?
      • Why do we need automation?
    • Infrastructure as Code
      • Configuration management
    • Automate deployment – AWS OpsWorks
    • Quick recap
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Identity and Access Management in the Cloud
    • IAM features
    • How does AWS work in IAM?
      • Anatomy of IAM users, groups, roles, and policies 
        • IAM users
        • IAM groups
        • IAM roles
        • IAM policies
      • Access right delegation using IAM 
        • Temporary credentials
        • Cross-account access
        • Identity federation
      • IAM best practices
    • Other security options in AWS
      • AWS Certificate Manager
      • WAF and Shield
      • Cloud hardware security module
      • Cognito
      • Amazon Macie
      • AWS Inspector
      • AWS GuardDuty
    • Quick recap
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Cloud Network Security
    • Virtual private cloud
      • NACL
      • Security group
    • VPN connection
    • Direct Connect
    • DNS security
      • CDN-level security
    • Logging and monitoring
      • CloudTrail
      • CloudWatch
    • Quick recap
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Cloud Storage and Data Security
    • EBS
      • Fault tolerance at EBS
        • RAID 0
        • RAID 1
      • Encryption in EBS
    • S3
      • Security in S3
    • AWS Glacier 
      • Security in AWS Glacier
    • EFS 
      • Security in EFS
    • Storage gateway
      • Security in the storage gateway
    • AWS Snowball
      • Security in Snowball
    • A quick recap
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Cloud Platform Security
    • RDS
      • Security in RDS
        • Using security groups
        • Using IAM
        • Using SSL to encrypt database connections
      • Security best practices for AWS RDS 
      • Back up and restore database
      • Monitoring of RDS
    • AWS Redshift 
      • Security in Redshift
    • AWS DynamoDB
      • Security in DynamoDB
    • ElastiCache 
      • Securing ElastiCache
        • VPC-level security
        • Authentication and access control
        • Authenticating with Redis authentication
        • Data encryption
        • Data-in-transit encryption
        • Data-at-rest encryption
    • AWS ECS
      • Securing ECS
    • SQS
      • Securing SQS
    • Let's have a recap
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Private Cloud Security
    • Securing hypervisor
      • Securing  KVM
      • Securing XenServer
      • Securing ESXi
      • Securing compute 
    • IAM
      • Authentication
      • Authentication methods – internal and external
      • Authorization
      • Policy, tokens, and domains
      • Federated identity
    • Horizon – OpenStack dashboard service
    • Cinder – OpenStack block storage
    • Glance – OpenStack image storage
    • Manila – OpenStack shared file storage
    • Neutron – OpenStack network
    • Swift – OpenStack object storage
    • Message queue 
    • Database services
    • Data privacy and security for tenants
    • Security for instances
    • Quick recap
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Automating Cloud Security
    • Infrastructure as Code
    • CI/CD
    • Monitoring
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Cloud Compliance
    • Cloud security compliance
      • Security compliance – ISMS
      • Security compliance – PCI DSS
    • Quick recap
    • Summary
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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