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Lysaker, John T.,. Philosophy, writing, and the character of thought / John T. Lysaker. — 1 online resource. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1796127.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 15.11.2018

Тематика: Philosophy — Authorship.; Authorship — Philosophy.; Authorship — Philosophy.; Philosophy — Authorship.; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Authorship.; PHILOSOPHY / Essays; PHILOSOPHY / Reference

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Contents
  • Gambits and Gambles
  • Iron Filings
  • Pardon the Interruption
  • Content and Form
  • Form and Content
  • In the Beginning Was the Deed
  • Reworking Making
  • Deliberate Writing
  • Mistaking Instrumental Reason
  • Fits and Starts
  • A Cultivar
  • Quotation beyond Quotas
  • For Examples
  • In Nuce
  • Irony
  • Message in a Bottle
  • The Hour of the Wolf
  • It’s the Gesture That Counts
  • Furnishing the Space of Reasons
  • A Struggle with Ourselves
  • Who’s on First
  • Every One Is Everybody
  • The Secret Addressee
  • When We Undo Things with Words
  • Unknown Friends
  • Resoundingly Reticent
  • Provocation/Demonstration
  • Among the Pros (and Cons)
  • A: “O my friend, there are no friends.” B: “At least we’ve got each other.”
  • Then Came History
  • Equal to the Moment
  • Unequal to the Moment
  • After Beauvoir
  • Property Is Theft
  • Strange Alchemy
  • Public Commitment
  • Propagation without Propaganda
  • Bit by Bit
  • Taking Stances
  • Character Studies
  • Where Do We Find Ourselves?
  • Acknowledgments
  • Notes
  • References
  • Index

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