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African governance and development.
The illusion of the post-colonial state: governance and security challenges in Africa / W. Alade Fawole. — 1 online resource. — (African governance and development). — <URL:>.

Record create date: 5/16/2018

Subject: Postcolonialism

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This broadly interdisciplinary book offers deep insight into Africa's colonial history for an understanding and explication of contemporary governance crises, security challenges, and state failure on the continent. It traverses political science, political economy, sociology, African history, and African studies in general.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • The Illusion of the Post-Colonial State
  • The Illusion of the Post-Colonial State: Governance and Security Challenges in Africa
  • copyright page
  • Contents
  • Preface: Is Africa Post-Colonial, Neo-Colonial, or Post-Colonized?
    • Notes
  • Acknowledgments
  • Colonial Rule, Disengagement, and the Post-Colonial State
    • The Illusive Post-Colony: A Conceptual Discourse
      • Impact of the Cold War on Governance, Security, and Stability in Africa
      • Political Developments in Africa since the End of the Cold War
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 1
    • Colonial Rule and the Political Architecture of the Post-Colonial State
  • The Political Architecture of Colonial Rule in Africa
    • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 2
    • The Grant of Independence
      • Imperialist Conspiracies and the Subversion of Post-Colonial Nation-States
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 3
    • Britain and the Orchestration of Pseudo-Decolonization
  • The Second World War and the End of Empire
    • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 4
    • The Role of France in the Subversion of the Post-Colonial State
      • De Gaulle, Decolonization, Francafrique, and Relationship of Dependency
      • Conclusion: New Realities and Changes in France-Africa Relations
      • Notes
    • Chapter 5
    • Portugal
      • Portugal in Africa: Colonial History as a Guide
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 6
    • The United States and the Political and Economic Destabilization of Africa
  • US Interests in Africa
    • The Cold War and Political and Socio-Economic Destabilization of African States
      • Apartheid South Africa, Zimbabwe, and America’s Southern Africa Policy
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
  • Regional Examples of Illusive Post-Colonial States
    • Chapter 7
    • Nigeria
      • Historical Origin and the Creation of Nigeria as a Colonial State
      • Independence and the Illusion of the New Modern Nation-State
      • Postscript and Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 8
    • Mali
      • Mali and its Post-Colonial Instabilities
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 9
    • Somalia
  • Somalia under Foreign Rule
    • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 10
    • Algeria
  • Algeria: The Quintessential Settler-Colony
    • France and Algeria’s War of Independence
      • FIS and Descent into Dictatorship and Anarchy
      • Al Qaeda and the Rise of Jihadist Terrorism
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 11
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo
      • The Belgian Congo
      • Independence and State Collapse
      • After Mobutu: DR Congo and “Africa’s World War”
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 12
    • Mozambique
      • Portugal, FRELIMO, and the War of Independence
      • External Interference, Instability, and Civil War
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Chapter 13
    • Contemporary Nation-Building, Governance, and Security Challenges in Africa
      • Africa and the Curse of Failing States
      • Nation-Building in the Post-Colony
      • Globalization and the Fate of the African State
      • Conclusion
      • Notes
    • Conclusion
    • The Illusive Post-Colonial State
  • An Illusive Post-Colonial State?
    • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index
  • About the Author

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