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Linowes, Jonathan. Unity virtual reality projects: learn virtual reality by developing more than 10 engaging projects with Unity 2018 / Jonathan Linowes. — 1 online resource (1 volume) : illustrations. — Previous edition published: 2015. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 6/15/2018

Subject: Computer simulation.; Virtual reality.; SCIENCE / System Theory.; TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Operations Research.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • Packt Upsell
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Virtually Everything for Everyone
    • What is virtual reality to you?
    • Types of head-mounted displays
      • Desktop VR
      • Mobile VR
    • The difference between virtual reality and augmented reality
    • Applications versus games
    • How virtual reality really works
      • Stereoscopic 3D viewing
      • Head tracking
    • Types of VR experiences
    • Technical skills that are important to VR
    • What this book covers
      • Who are you?
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Content, Objects, and Scale
    • Getting started with Unity
      • Creating a new Unity project
      • The Unity editor
      • The default world space
    • Creating a simple diorama
      • Adding a cube
      • Adding a plane
      • Adding a sphere and some material
      • Changing the scene view
      • Adding a photo
      • Coloring the ground plane
    • Measurement tools
      • Keeping a unit cube handy
      • Using a Grid Projector
      • Measuring the Ethan character
    • Using third-party content
    • Creating 3D content with Blender
      • An introduction to Blender
      • A unit cube
      • UV Texture image
      • Importing into Unity
      • A few observations
    • Creating 3D content in VR
      • Exporting and importing Tilt Brush models
      • Publishing and importing using Google Poly
    • Editing Unity in VR with EditorXR
      • Setting up EditorXR
      • Using EditorXR
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: VR Build and Run
    • Unity VR Support and Toolkits
      • Unity's built-in VR support
      • Device-specific toolkits
      • Application toolkits
      • Web and JavaScript-based VR
      • 3D worlds
    • Enabling Virtual Reality for your platform
      • Setting your target platform
      • Setting your XR SDK
      • Installing your device toolkit
      • Creating the MeMyselfEye player prefab
    • Building for SteamVR
    • Building for Oculus Rift
    • Building for Windows Immersive MR
      • Setting up Windows 10 Developer mode
      • Installing UWP support in Visual Studio
      • UWP build
    • Setting up for Android devices
      • Installing the Java Development Kit (JDK)
      • Installing Android SDK
      • Via Command Line Tools
      • About your Android SDK root path location
      • Installing USB device debugging and connection
      • Configuring the Unity External Tools
      • Configuring Unity Player Settings for Android
    • Building for GearVR and Oculus Go
    • Building for Google VR
      • Google Daydream
      • Google Cardboard
      • Google VR Play Mode
    • Setting up for iOS devices
      • Have an Apple ID
      • Install Xcode
      • Configuring the Unity Player Settings for iOS 
      • Build And Run
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Gaze-Based Control
    • Ethan, the walker
      • Artificially intelligent Ethan
      • The NavMesh bakery
      • A random walker in the town
      • The RandomPosition script
      • "Zombie-ize" Ethan!
    • Go where I'm looking
      • The LookMoveTo script
      • Adding a feedback cursor
      • Observing through obstacles
    • If looks could kill
      • The KillTarget script
      • Adding particle effects
      • Cleaning up
    • Short intro to Unity C# programming
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Handy Interactables
    • Setting up the scene
      • Creating a balloon
      • Making it a prefab
    • Basic button input
      • Using the Fire1 button
      • OpenVR trigger button
      • Daydream controller clicks
    • Polling for clicks
      • Our own button interface functions
      • Creating and releasing balloons
      • Inflating a balloon while pressed
    • Using scriptable objects for input
      • Creating the scriptable object
      • Populating the input action object
      • Accessing the input action object
      • Simulation testing with scriptable objects
    • Using Unity events for input
      • Invoking our input action events
      • Subscribing to input events
    • Really using your hands
      • Parenting balloons to your hand
      • Popping balloons
    • Interactable items
      • Interactables using SteamVR Interaction System
      • Interactables using Daydream VR Elements
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: World Space UI
    • Studying VR design principles
    • A reusable default canvas
    • Visor HUD
    • The reticle cursor
    • The windshield HUD
    • The game element UI
    • Using TextMeshPro
    • Info bubble
    • An in-game dashboard with input events
      • Creating a dashboard with buttons
      • Linking the water hose to the buttons
      • Activating buttons from the script
      • Look to highlight a button
      • Looking and then clicking to select
      • Looking and starting to select
    • Pointing and clicking with VR components
      • Using Unity UI and SteamVR
      • Using Unity UI and Daydream
    • Building a wrist-based menu palette
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Locomotion and Comfort
    • Understanding Unity characters
      • Unity components
        • The Camera component
        • The Rigidbody component
        • The Character Controller component
      • Unity Standard Assets
        • ThirdPersonController
        • AIThirdPersonController
        • First-person FPSController
        • RigidBodyFPSController
    • Using glide locomotion
      • Move in the direction you're looking
      • Keep your feet on the ground
      • Don't pass through solid objects
      • Don't fall off the edge of the world
      • Stepping over small objects and handling uneven terrain
      • Starting and stopping movement
    • Adding comfort mode locomotion
      • Other locomotion considerations
    • Techniques for teleportation
      • Looking to teleport
      • Teleporting between surfaces
      • Teleport spawn points
      • Other teleport considerations
    • Teleportation toolkits
      • Teleporting with SteamVR Interaction System
      • Teleporting with Daydream Elements
    • Resetting center and position 
      • Supporting room scale teleportation
    • Managing VR motion sickness
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Playing with Physics and Fire
    • Unity physics
    • Bouncy balls
    • Managing game objects
      • Destroying fallen objects
      • Setting a limited lifetime
      • Implementing an object pool
    • Headshot game
    • Paddle ball game
      • Deflector versus paddle
    • Shooter ball game
    • Juicing the scene
      • Great balls of fire
      • Skull environment
      • Audio synchronization
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Exploring Interactive Spaces
    • Level design with Blender
      • Defining the walls
      • Adding a ceiling
    • Assembling the scene in Unity
      • The gallery room level
      • The artwork rig
      • The exhibition plan
    • Adding pictures to the gallery
    • Managing art info data 
      • Using lists
      • Using data structures
      • Using scriptable objects
    • Displaying the art info
      • Creating the title plaque
      • Interactive info details
      • Adjusting for image aspect ratio
    • Moving around the gallery
      • Teleporting between pictures
        • Teleporting with SteamVR Interaction System
        • Teleporting with Daydream Elements
      • Room-scale considerations
      • Animating a ride-through
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Using All 360 Degrees
    • 360-degree media
      • Equirectangular projections
      • VR is hacking your field of view
      • 180-degree media
      • Stereo 360-degree media
    • Fun with photo globes
      • Crystal balls
      • Globes
    • Rendering photospheres
      • Writing a custom Inward shader
      • Magic orbs
      • Photospheres
      • Playing 360-degree videos
    • Using Unity skyboxes
      • Six-sided or cubemap skyboxes
      • Spherical panoramic skyboxes 
      • 360 video skyboxes
      • 3D stereo skyboxes
    • Capturing 360-degrees in Unity
      • Capturing cubemaps and reflection probes
      • Using a third-party package for 360 image capture
      • Unity built-in stereo 360 image and video capture 
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Animation and VR Storytelling
    • Composing our story 
      • Gathering the assets
      • Creating the initial scene
    • Timelines and Audio tracks
    • Using a Timeline to activate objects
    • Recording an Animation Track
      • A growing tree
      • A growing bird
    • Using the Animation editor
      • A wafting nest
    • Animating other properties
      • Animating lights
      • Animating a scripted component property
      • Controlling particle systems
    • Using Animation clips
      • Shaking an egg
    • Using Animator Controllers
      • Definitions for Animation and Animator
      • ThirdPersonController Animator
      • Living Birds Animator
      • Learning to fly
      • Hacking the birds
      • Fly away!
    • Making the story interactive
      • Look to play
      • Resetting the initial scene setup
      • More interactivity ideas
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Social VR Metaverse
    • Multiplayer networking
      • Networking services
      • The network architecture
      • Local versus server
      • The Unity networking system
    • Setting up a simple scene
      • Creating a scene environment
      • Creating an Avatar head
    • Adding multiplayer networking
      • Network Manager and HUD
      • Network Identity and sync Transform
      • Running as a host
      • Adding spawn positions
      • Running two instances of the game
      • Associating Avatar with the first-person character
    • Adding a matchmaking lobby
    • Syncing objects and properties
      • Setting up the headshot ball game
      • Spawning the ball over the network
      • Synchronizing the ball transform
      • State variable synchronization
    • Advanced networking topics
    • Options for voice chat
    • Using Oculus platform and avatars
      • Oculus platform entitlement check
      • Adding a local avatar
      • Adding remote avatars
    • Building and sharing custom VRChat rooms
      • Preparing and building the world
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Optimizing for Performance and Comfort
    • Using the Unity Profiler and Stats
      • The Stats window
      • Overview of the Profiler
    • Optimizing your art
      • Setting up the scene
      • Decimating models
      • Transparent materials
      • Levels of detail
    • Optimizing your scene with static objects
      • Setting up the scene
      • Lighting and baking
      • Occlusion culling
    • Optimizing your code
      • Understanding the Unity life cycle
      • Writing efficient code
      • Avoiding expensive API calls
    • Optimizing the rendering
      • Life's a batch
      • Multipass pixel filling
      • VR-optimized shaders
    • Runtime performance and debugging
      • Daydream
      • Oculus
    • Summary
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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