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Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Advances and Developments in Nano-sized Materials / Marcel Van de Voorde. — 1 online resource (376 pages). — (De Gruyter Textbook). — In English. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 6/22/2018

Subject: Nanoelektronik.; Nanomedizin.; Nanotechnologie.; Nanowissenschaft.; Nanostructured materials.; Nanotechnology.

Collections: EBSCO

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Innovations in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology summarizes the state of the art in nano-sized materials. The authors focus on innovation aspects and highlight potentials for future developments and applications in health care, including pharmaceutics, dentistry, and cosmetics; information and communications; energy; and chemical engineering. The chapters are written by leading researchers in nanoscience, chemistry, pharmacy, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, medicine, and social science. The authors come from a range of backgrounds including academia, industry, and national and international laboratories around the world. This book is ideally suited for researchers and students in chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, materials science, and medicine and is a useful guide for industrialists. It aims to provide inspiration for scientists, new ideas for developers and innovators in industry, and guidelines for toxicologists. It also provides guidelines for agencies and government authorities to establish safe working conditions.

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Table of Contents

  • Acknowledgments
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • Foreword: Nanotechnology divergence
  • Preface
  • Part I: Nanotechnology Innovations for Health
  • 1. Nanomedicine at a glance
  • 2. Nanomedicines for targeted therapy
  • 3. Nanotechnology and pharmacy
  • 4. Nanotechnology in dental implants
  • 5. Nanotechnology and food
  • 6. Governance of nanoagriculture and nanofoods
  • 7. Nanocosmetics
  • Part II: Nanotechnology in Information and Communication
  • 8. Nanooptoelectronics
  • 9. Quantum computing
  • 10. Spintronics
  • Part III: Nanotechnology for Industrial Applications
  • 11. Nano-catalysts: research – technology – industrial applications
  • 12. Nanotechnology and catalysis: Supramolecular templated mesoporous materials for catalysis
  • 13. Highly ordered porous materials
  • 14. Nanotechnology and energy conversion: A solution using spectrally selective solar absorbers and thermoelectrics
  • 15. Nanotechnology and transport: Applications in the automotive industry
  • 16. Nanotechnology and diamond: From basic properties to applications
  • 17. Nanocrystalline diamond films
  • Part IV: Nanomaterials in Occupational Health and Safety
  • 18. Nanomaterials in occupational health and safety
  • Part V: Outlook
  • 19. Conclusions and outlook
  • Index

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