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Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services (AMCRMES) book series.
Corporate social responsibility and strategic market positioning for organizational success / Carlton Brown, Uzoechi Nwagbara, [editors]. — 1 online resource (xvi, 301 pages). — (Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services (AMCRMES) book series). — <URL:>.

Record create date: 6/22/2018

Subject: Social responsibility of business.; Success in business.; Social responsibility of business.; Success in business.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior

Collections: EBSCO

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"This book explores the intricate relationship between marketing, organizational strategy and social responsibility, with a focus on ethical business and CSR-oriented marketing as a driver for sales peak performance. The book focuses on the commercial sector, which relies appreciably on ethical marketing/business to enhance sales peak performance and becomes successful in the long-run"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Dedication
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Foreword
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgment
  • Chapter 1: CSR and PSR Diversity Engagement Among Ethnic Minority Businesses (EMBs) Within the UK
  • Chapter 2: A Liberating Curricula as a Social Responsibility for Promoting Social Justice and Student Success Within the UK Higher Education Institution (HEI)
  • Chapter 3: Understanding Historical Background of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Realizing Social Media as a New Horizon in CSR Communication
  • Chapter 4: Why Should the Business Community and Organizations Leverage Social Media to Demonstrate Their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Commitment?
  • Chapter 5: The Role of Technology Acceptance Model in Strengthening Business Positioning
  • Chapter 6: Corporate Social Responsibility as a Strategy in a Self-Service Shop S-Mart
  • Chapter 7: Sustainability Strategies for Software Development Firms
  • Chapter 8: The Business of Business Is Business Through Social Integration
  • Chapter 9: The Concept of Green Marketing
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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