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McGillivray, Fiona. Pushing the prince [[electronic resource]]: a theory of interstate relations political institutions, and leader change / Fiona McGillivray and Alastair Smith. — Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2018. — 1 online resource. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 7/14/2018

Subject: Heads of state — Term of office.; Political leadership.; Debts, Public.; Political corruption.; POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / International.; POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / General.

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • List of Tables
  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: We Have No Quarrel with the People
    • Leader Specific Punishments and Interstate Relations
    • Proper Nouns in International Relations
    • International Cooperation
  • Chapter 2: A Theory of Leader Specific Punishments
    • A Stochastic Prisoners’ Dilemma with Leader Mortality
    • A Continuous Choice Prisoners’ Dilemma
    • Appendix
  • Chapter 3: Political Institutions, Policy Variability, and the Survival of Leaders
    • Leader Survival
    • Selectorate Politics
    • Selectorate Institutions, Policy Choice, and Leader Survival
    • Policy Variability and the Turnover of Leaders
  • Chapter 4: Leader Specific Strategies in Human Subject Experiments
    • Human Subject Experiments
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • Chapter 5: International Trade, Institutions, and Leader Change
    • Data
    • Setup of Econometric Tests and Model Specification
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • Chapter 6: Putting the Sovereign Back into Sovereign Debt
    • Institutions, Credibility, and Explanations of Debt
    • Modeling the Debt Repayment
    • Data
    • Debt, Repayment, and Leader Replacement
    • Conclusions
  • Chapter 7: Conflictual Interactions
    • International Crises
    • Economic Sanctions
  • Chapter 8: Positive Political Theory and Policy
    • Building Trust and Cooperation
    • Positive Political Theory or Policy Advice?
    • Conclusions
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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