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Learning from each other: refining the practice of teaching in higher education / edited by Michele Kozimor-King and Jeffrey Chin. — 1 online resource. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 6/9/2018

Subject: College teaching.; EDUCATION / Higher; College teaching.; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General

Collections: EBSCO

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"Learning from Each Other includes 20 original chapters written by well-known experts in the field of teaching and learning. Conceived for both new and experienced faculty at community colleges, four-year institutions, and research-intensive universities, the volume also addresses the interests of faculty and graduate students in programs designed to prepare future faculty and campus individuals responsible for faculty professional development. With the aim of cultivating engagement amongst students and deepening their understanding of the content, topics covered in this edited volume include: employing the science of learning in a social science context understanding the effects of a flipped classroom on student success pedagogical techniques to create a community of inquiry in online learning environments the risks and rewards of co-teaching reaching and teaching "non-traditional" students facilitating learning and leadership in student team projects connecting students with the community through research issues of assessment, including backward design, developing and using rubrics, and defining and implementing the scholarship of teaching and learning Through Learning from Each Other, all faculty who care about their teaching, but especially faculty in the social sciences, can successfully employ curricular innovations, classroom techniques, and advances in assessment to create better learning environments for their students"--Provided by publisher.

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Table of Contents

  • Cover
  • Learning from Each Other
  • Title
  • Copyright
  • Acknowledgments
  • Foreword
  • Introduction
    • 1. The Science of Learning in a Social Science Context
    • 2. Pedagogical Techniques for Creating a Community of Inquiry in Online Learning Environments
    • 3. Co-Teaching: Risks and Rewards
    • 4. A Collaborative Affair: Connecting Students with the Community through Research
    • 5. Strategies and Resources for Internationalizing the Curriculum
    • 6. Flipping Out: Understanding the Effects of a General Education Flipped Classroom on Student Success
    • 7. Reaching and Teaching “Nontraditional” Students in Community Colleges and Beyond
    • 8. Addressing Learner Variability on Campus through Universal Design for Learning
    • 9. Without Apology: Reclaiming the Lecture
    • 10. Scribes in the Classroom: Effectively Using PowerPoint to Enhance the Classroom Experience
    • 11. Discussion in the Social Science Classroom
    • 12. Facilitating Learning and Leadership in Student Team Projects
    • 13. Courting Controversy and Allowing for Awkward: Strategies for Teaching Difficult Topics
    • 14. Becoming a Culturally Inclusive Educator
    • 15. The Value of Games and Simulations in the Social Sciences
    • 16. Putting the Student at the Center: Contemplative Practices as Classroom Pedagogy
    • 17. Student Reading Compliance and Learning in the Social Sciences
    • 18. Cultivating Engagement and Deepening Understanding While Leaving the Textbook Behind
    • 19. (Re-)Creating Your Course: Backward Design and Assessment
    • 20. “Am I Grading Consistently and Effectively?”: Developing and Using Rubrics
    • 21. Defining and Implementing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
  • Contributors
  • Index

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