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Altmann, Simon L.,. Einstein's quantum error: an approach to rationality / Simon Altmann. — 1 online resource (x, 120 pages) — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1856819.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 30.07.2018

Тематика: Science — Philosophy.; SCIENCE / Philosophy & Social Aspects

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Chapter One
    • Causality
    • Causality as contextual: consequences
    • Rational thinking
    • Randomness
    • Creation
    • The new rationality
  • Chapter Two
    • Early attempts at understanding causality
    • Causality and philosophers
    • Nature’s regularities
    • Time and causality
  • Chapter Three
    • Hume as a natural scientist
    • Hume’s ‘custom or habit’
    • Philosophers versus Hume
    • Hume’s programme
  • Chapter Four
    • Evolution
    • The brain’s neural network
    • The neural network and causality
  • Chapter Five
    • Early work
    • The neural network again
    • Phenomenalists vs atomists
    • Boltzmann
    • Brownian motion and Einstein
  • Chapter Six
    • Classical trajectories
    • Classical trajectories and existence
    • Quantum particles: observing the electron
    • Einstein: a first reaction
    • Randomness in Quantum Mechanics
    • Bohr’s misguided attempt at epistemology
    • Einstein’s views of quantum mechanics
    • Uncertainty principle
    • Entanglement
    • Superposition principle and the Schrödinger cat
    • Coda
  • Chapter Seven
    • Miracles
    • The vacuum and the Big Bang
    • Anthropic principle
  • Chapter Eight
    • The anti-rationalists
    • Detractors of Hume
    • Mathematical Platonism
    • Quantum mechanics and the human mind
    • Cultural relativism
    • Paradigms
    • Scientific revolutions
    • Coda
  • Chapter Nine
  • Chapter Ten
  • Epilogue
    • Science, Art, and Religion
    • Science without metaphysics
    • Art without beauty
    • Religion without absolutes
  • Some Books
  • Quotes from Reviews of Books by the Same Author
  • About the Author
  • Index

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