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Apostol, Marian. Magnetic and electric resonance / by Marian Apostol. — 1 online resource (viii, 340 pages) — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1856840.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 30.07.2018

Тематика: Magnetic resonance.; Nuclear magnetic resonance.; Resonance.; Magnetic resonance.; Nuclear magnetic resonance.; Resonance.; SCIENCE / Physics / Magnetism

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Contents
  • 1 Preface
  • 2 Introduction
  • 3 Electric and Magnetic Moments
    • 3.1 Electric dipole and quadrupole moments
    • 3.2 Magnetic Moments
    • 3.3 Atoms and molecules
    • 3.4 Atomic moments
    • 3.5 Atomic nucleus and nuclear moments
    • 3.6 Hyperfine splitting in molecules
    • 3.7 Atomic polarizability
    • 3.8 Molecular polarizability: orientational
    • 3.9 Molecular polarizability: vibrational
    • 3.10 Polarization of matter
    • 3.11 A fourth kind of polarization
    • 3.12 Polarized sphere
    • 3.13 Magnetization in Matter
    • 3.14 Diamagnetism
    • 3.15 Paramagnetism
    • 3.16 Molecular paramagnetism
    • 3.17 Magnetism in metals
    • 3.18 Ferromagnetism
  • 4 Classical Limit
    • 4.1 Electromagnetic field
    • 4.2 Matter
    • 4.3 Perturbations and transitions
    • 4.4 Orientational polarizability
    • 4.5 Absorption and emission of radiation
    • 4.6 Motion of magnetization
    • 4.7 A quasi-classical note
    • 4.8 Macroscopic motion
  • 5 Magnetic Resonance I
    • 5.1 Nuclear magnetic resonance
    • 5.2 Emitted field
    • 5.3 Line width
    • 5.4 Hyperfine splitting
    • 5.5 Ferromagnetic resonance
    • 5.6 Classical quasi-particles
    • 5.7 Quasi-classical dynamics
    • 5.8 Nuclear quadrupole resonance
    • 5.9 Quantum transitions
    • 5.10 Quasi-quantum mechanical dynamics
    • 5.11 A parametrization for the NQR
  • 6 Electric Dipolar Resonance
    • 6.1 Quasi-classical dynamics
    • 6.2 Vibration resonance
    • 6.3 Quasi-classical dynamics
    • 6.4 Rotation resonance. Planar rotator
    • 6.5 Rotation resonance. Spherical pendulum
    • 6.6 Rotation resonance. Quenched dipoles
    • 6.7 Parametric resonance
    • 6.8 Parametric resonance. Quenched dipoles
  • 7 Parametric Resonance in Rotation Molecular Spectra
    • 7.1 Summary and introduction
    • 7.2 Free rotations
    • 7.3 Strong static field
    • 7.4 Weak static field
    • 7.5 Dipolar interaction
    • 7.6 Discussion and conclusions
    • 7.7 Highly-oscillating electric fields
    • 7.8 Appendix
  • 8 Magnetic Resonance II
    • 8.1 Classical magnetic moments
    • 8.2 Magnetic moments of the particles
    • 8.3 Nuclear magnetic resonance
    • 8.4 Emitted field
    • 8.5 Line width
    • 8.6 Hyperfine splitting
    • 8.7 Ferromagnetic resonance
    • 8.8 Quasi-classical dynamics
    • 8.9 Electric dipole and quadrupole moments
    • 8.10 Nuclear quadrupole resonance
    • 8.11 Spin echo
  • 9 "Exact" solutions
    • 9.1 A general case
    • 9.2 Right angles. Nuclear magnetic resonance
    • 9.3 Nuclear quadrupole resonance
    • 9.4 Parametric interaction
    • 9.5 Spectral line
      • 9.5.1 Introduction
      • 9.5.2 Zeeman splitting and transverse excitation
      • 9.5.3 Arbitrary orientation
      • 9.5.4 Conclusion
  • 10 Concluding Chapter
    • 10.1 Summary and introduction
    • 10.2 Quasi-classical dynamics. Quantum systems
    • 10.3 Example 1. Planar rotator
    • 10.4 Example 2. Spherical pendulum
    • 10.5 Extension to condensed matter
    • 10.6 Example 3. Nuclear magnetic resonance
    • 10.7 Example 4. Nuclear quadrupole resonance
    • 10.8 Discussion and conclusions
  • 11 Epilogue
    • 11.1 Introduction
    • 11.2 Old Quantum Mechanics
    • 11.3 Matricial Quantum Mechanics
    • 11.4 Wave Mechanics
    • 11.5 Additional remarks
    • 11.6 Fundamental experiments
    • 11.7 Concluding remarks
  • 12 References
  • Index

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