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Advanced methodologies and technologies in engineering and environmental science / Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A., editor. — 1 online resource. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 8/16/2018

Subject: Engineering.; Environmental sciences.; Engineering.; Environmental sciences.; TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Engineering (General); TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Reference

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"This book provides emerging research on the current and forthcoming trends in engineering and environmental sciences to resolve several issues plaguing researchers such as fossil fuel emission and climate change. While highlighting these challenges, including chemical toxicity environmental responsibility, readers will learn how engineering applications can be used across disciplines to aid in reducing environmental hazards"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Biomedical Engineering
    • Chapter 1: General Perspectives on Electromyography Signal Features and Classifiers Used for Control of Human Arm Prosthetics
    • Chapter 2: The Principle and Process of Digital Fabrication of Biomedical Objects
    • Chapter 3: Reverse Engineering in Rehabilitation
  • Section 2: Civil Engineering
    • Chapter 4: Digital Animation for Representing Architectural Design
    • Chapter 5: Literature Review of Augmented Reality Application in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Industry With Relation to Building Information
  • Section 3: Computer Engineering
    • Chapter 6: Architecture of an Open-Source Real-Time Distributed Cyber Physical System
    • Chapter 7: Consistency Is Not Enough in Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  • Section 4: Electrical Engineering
    • Chapter 8: Mechanisms of Electrical Conductivity in Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene
  • Section 5: Environmental Science and Agriculture
    • Chapter 9: Carbon Capture From Natural Gas via Polymeric Membranes
    • Chapter 10: Enhancing the Resiliency of Smart Grid Monitoring and Control
    • Chapter 11: E-Waste, Chemical Toxicity, and Legislation in India
    • Chapter 12: Green IT and the Struggle for a Widespread Adoption
    • Chapter 13: Identification of Green Procurement Drivers and Their Interrelationship Using Fuzzy TISM and MICMAC Analysis
    • Chapter 14: Load Flow Analysis in Smart Grids
    • Chapter 15: Methodology of Climate Change Impact Assessment on Forests
    • Chapter 16: Model for Assessment of Environmental Responsibility in Health Care Organizations
    • Chapter 17: Potential Benefits and Current Limits in the Development of Demand Response
    • Chapter 18: Waste Gas End-of-Pipe Treatment Techniques in Italian IPPC Chemical Plants
  • Section 6: Geographic Information Systems
    • Chapter 19: Application of Geospatial Mashups in Web GIS for Tourism Development
    • Chapter 20: Archaeological GIS for Land Use in South Etruria Urban Revolution in IX-VIII Centuries B.C.
    • Chapter 21: Exploring Tourism Cluster in the Peripheral Mountain Area Based on GIS Mapping
    • Chapter 22: Geographic Information System (GIS) Modeling Analysis and the Effects of Spatial Distribution and Environmental Factors on Breast Cancer Incidence
    • Chapter 23: Geographic Information Systems
    • Chapter 24: Geospatial Influence in Science Mapping
    • Chapter 25: Parallel Development of Three Major Space Technology Systems and Human Side of Information Reference Services as an Essential Complementary Method
    • Chapter 26: Use of GIS and Remote Sensing for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
  • Section 7: Industrial Engineering and Informatics
    • Chapter 27: Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Solving Real Industrial Multi-Objective Scheduling Problems
    • Chapter 28: The Trends and Challenges of 3D Printing
  • Section 8: Optical Engineering
    • Chapter 29: Visible Light Communication Numerous Applications
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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