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Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs ;.
Constructional approaches to syntactic structures in German. — 322. / edited by/herausgegeben von Hans C. Boas, Alexander Ziem. — 1 online resource. — (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs). — In English. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1882480.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 17.07.2018

Тематика: German language — Syntax.; German language — Semantics.; German language — Semantics.; German language — Syntax.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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"This book provides a state of the art collection of constructional research on argument structure constructions in German. The volume is unique in that it offers an easily accessible, yet comprehensive and sophisticated variety of papers. Moreover, various of the papers make explicit connections between grammatical constructions and the concept of valency which has figured quite prominently in Germanic linguistics over the past half century"--.

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  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Approaching German syntax from a constructionist perspective
  • Part I: Grammatical constructions and valency
  • The argument structure of psych-verbs: A quantitative corpus study on cognitive entrenchment
  • Case alternation in argument structure constructions with prepositional verbs: A case study in corpus-based constructional analysis
  • Valence patterns, constructions, and interaction: Constructs with the German verb erinnern (‘remember’ / ‘remind’)
  • Part II: Comparing constructions in German and English
  • Comparing Comparative Correlatives: The German vs. English construction network
  • Argument omissions in multiple German corpora
  • Part III: Prepositional constructions in German
  • The Case for Caseless Prepositional Constructions with voller in German
  • Constructions, compositionality, and the system of German particle verbs with ‘an’
  • Part IV: Constructional Productivity
  • Type and token frequency effects on developing constructional productivity: The case of the German sein ‘be’ + present participle construction
  • Frames, verbs, and constructions: German constructions with verbs of stealing
  • Argument structure constructions among German prepositional objects
  • Author index
  • Subject index

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