FinUniversity Electronic Library



Berezin, Alexander. Isotopic randomness and self-organization: in physics, biology, nanotechnology, and digital informatics / Alexander Berezin. — 1 online resource (xxv, 303 pages) — <URL:>.

Record create date: 6/18/2018

Subject: Isotopes.; Isotopes.; Isotopenhäufigkeit.; Isotopieeffekt.; Metaphysik.; Quantenphysik.; SCIENCE / Chemistry / Physical & Theoretical

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • About The Author
  • Preface
  • Foreword: Isotopicity – Paradigm For Twenty-First-Century
  • Synopsis
  • Contents
  • 1. Introduction: Ideas And Experts
  • 2. Quantum Metaphysics
  • 3. Integers And Primes
  • 4. Primology Awe
  • 5. Platonic Emergence
  • 6. Time Labyrinths And Melting Watches
  • 7. Consciousness Unlimited
  • 8. Why Π Is Not Exactly 3
  • 9. Quantum Narnia And Parallel Universes
  • 10. All Is Water
  • 11. Infinity Reloaded
  • 12. Neutronicity: A Twin Paradigm To Isotopicity
  • 13. Cosmic Horizons
  • 14. Epilogue
  • 15. Message To The Young Reader
  • References
  • Index

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