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Socio-economic development: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications / Information Resources Management Association, editor. — 1 online resource. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1910902.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 12.10.2018

Тематика: Economic development.; Social change.; Economic development.; Social change.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industries / General

Коллекции: EBSCO

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"This book provides a critical look at the process of social and economic transformation based on environmental and cultural factors, including income, skills development, employment, and education. Highlighting a range of topics such as economics, social change, and e-governance"--.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • List of Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Fundamental Concepts and Theories
    • Chapter 1: Global Market Trends
    • Chapter 2: Social Exclusion and Poverty
    • Chapter 3: A General View of Poverty in Turkey as an Issue for Social Work in the Light of Behavioral Finance and Game Theory
    • Chapter 4: Recursive Inter-Ethnic Violence and the Failure of Development Communication in Africa
    • Chapter 5: Theoretical Aspects on Bottom of the Pyramid in Emerging Economies
    • Chapter 6: Youth Engagement in the Era of New Media
    • Chapter 7: National Ethical Institutions and Social Entrepreneurship
    • Chapter 8: Towards a New Definition of Social Innovation
    • Chapter 9: Women's Economic Empowerment in the Developing Countries
    • Chapter 10: A Study of Two Microfinance Models and Their Suitability for Egypt
    • Chapter 11: The Making of the Information Society
  • Section 2: Development and Design Methodologies
    • Chapter 12: Picking the People up From Poverty
    • Chapter 13: A National Crisis and a Call to Action
    • Chapter 14: Measuring the Poverty of Elderly People With Needs Analysis in Turkey
    • Chapter 15: National Migration Policy as a Principle for Economic System Structuring in the Modern States
    • Chapter 16: An Endogenous Switching Model to Poverty Dynamic Assessment in Tunisia
    • Chapter 17: FDI, Urbanization, and Economic Growth Linkages in India and China
    • Chapter 18: Corporate Governance
    • Chapter 19: Key Aspects to Develop Long-Term Microfinance and Financial Inclusion for Social Development
    • Chapter 20: Political Consumption as Supplement to Conventional Political Participation in Promoting Social Change
    • Chapter 21: Universities' Contributions to Sustainable Development's Social Challenge
    • Chapter 22: A Qualitative Analysis of Social Entrepreneurship Involving Social Innovation and Intervention
    • Chapter 23: Locational Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in the Vietnamese Economy
    • Chapter 24: Multinational Corporations
    • Chapter 25: On the Road to SME Sector Development in Bangladesh
    • Chapter 26: Zakat and Its Socio-Economic Merits
    • Chapter 27: A Crowd-Funder Value (CFV) Framework for Crowd-Investment
  • Section 3: Tools and Technologies
    • Chapter 28: Hunger Hurts
    • Chapter 29: Lorenz Curve, Gini Coefficient, and the Income Inequality in Turkey in the Last 13 Years
    • Chapter 30: The Effect of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction in Developing Economies
    • Chapter 31: Children and Youth Making Digital Media for the Social Good
    • Chapter 32: Is the EU Moving Towards Sustainable Development?
    • Chapter 33: Mobile Learning for Social Change
    • Chapter 34: Deploying ICT to Enhance Small Businesses and Achieving Sustainable Development
    • Chapter 35: Corruption, Business Climate, and Economic Growth
    • Chapter 36: Grassroots Innovation for Human Development
    • Chapter 37: The Arts, Civic Engagement, and Urban Youth
    • Chapter 38: Meaningful Youth Engagement Through Media Usage
    • Chapter 39: Opportunities and Challenges of Visualization and Open Data in Food Security Analysis
    • Chapter 40: Reducing Poverty and Sustaining Growth
    • Chapter 41: Real-Time Monitoring of Intercity Passenger Flows Based on Big Data
    • Chapter 42: Tourism Marketing in Developing Countries
    • Chapter 43: Utopia, Labor, and Informational Capitalism
  • Section 4: Utilization and Applications
    • Chapter 44: The Inter-Linkage Between Governance and Poverty
    • Chapter 45: Games for Social Change
    • Chapter 46: Holistic, Evolving Aspects of Nonviolence for Bringing About Needed Social-Political Change and Important Practitioners of Nonviolence
    • Chapter 47: Poverty Reduction, Wealth Creation, and Tourism in Ethnic Minority Communities in Mainland Southeast Asia
    • Chapter 48: Digital Entrepreneurial Charity, Solidarity, and Social Change
    • Chapter 49: The Social Economy and Role of Government in South Africa
    • Chapter 50: Shrinkage of Rural Areas as a Result of Urbanization and Migration Processes in Mexico
    • Chapter 51: Using Creativity and Social Innovation to Create Social Value and Change
    • Chapter 52: The Role of Entrepreneurial Spirit in Indonesian Youths and Housewives to Reduce Unemployment and Poverty Rate
    • Chapter 53: The Crossroads That Were Never Meant to Be
    • Chapter 54: Functional Effectiveness and Modern Mechanisms for National Urban Systems Globalization
    • Chapter 55: Sustainable Rural Development in the Conditions of Trade Integration
    • Chapter 56: Effective Urban Infrastructure Governance in Africa
    • Chapter 57: Poverty as a Tourism Attraction
    • Chapter 58: Integrating Spatial Technologies in Urban Environments for Food Security
    • Chapter 59: Operation Sukuma-Sakhe
    • Chapter 60: Foreign Land Acquisitions
    • Chapter 61: ICT
    • Chapter 62: Foreign Direct Investment in Land Acquisitions in India
    • Chapter 63: Urban Economy and Sources of Its Efficiency as Factors Addressing the Challenges Faced by Urban Economy
  • Section 5: Organizational and Social Implications
    • Chapter 64: Social Media for Promoting Grassroots Political Movements and Social Change
    • Chapter 65: Current Trends of Education and Social Change in Balochistan
    • Chapter 66: Women in Development Mobilize Grassroots Enterprises to Reduce Household Poverty
    • Chapter 67: Impact of Microfinance on Poverty in the Context of Global Financial Crisis
    • Chapter 68: Rational Asymmetric Development
    • Chapter 69: Population Growth and Urbanization in Africa
    • Chapter 70: Women Entrepreneurs Address Poverty and Social Change Through Empowering Grassroots Initiatives in Tanzania
    • Chapter 71: Reflections From Inside the World of Empowered Women
    • Chapter 72: Agriculture, Trade Liberalization and Poverty in the ACP Countries
    • Chapter 73: The Social Impact of the Financial Crises in the Recent Past and Evidence Thereof
    • Chapter 74: Perception of Corporate Social Responsibility by the Employees
    • Chapter 75: Impact of Local Self-Government Institutions on Creating a Business-Friendly Environment
    • Chapter 76: International Migration Through the Tourism Industry
    • Chapter 77: Population Growth, Governance and Urban Social Conflicts in Africa
    • Chapter 78: Promoting Agricultural Productivity and Inclusive Growth in Uganda
    • Chapter 79: Exploring the Social Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Institutional Change
  • Section 6: Critical Issues and Challenges
    • Chapter 80: Can Zakat Institutions Adopt Consumer-Centric Knowledge Management Successfully to Alleviate Poverty?
    • Chapter 81: Macroeconomic Reasons for International Migration Development
    • Chapter 82: Finding Inner Strength in the Face of Adversity Kgopolano GROW Group Empowerment Journey
    • Chapter 83: Global Economy Urbanization and Urban Economy Globalization
    • Chapter 84: Correlates of Political Consumption in Africa
    • Chapter 85: E-Government for Rural Development in Tanzania
    • Chapter 86: Historical and Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of International Labor Migration in a Globalizing World Economy
  • Index

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