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Hydrogenation: catalysts and processes / edited by S. David Jackson. — 1 online resource — <URL:>.

Record create date: 7/30/2018

Subject: Hydrogenation.; Hydrogenation.; Hydrierung.; Katalyse.; Organische Synthese.; Wasserstoff.; SCIENCE / Chemistry / Organic

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Contents
  • List of Contributors
  • 1. Structure and performance of selective hydrogenation catalysts
  • 2. The Raney® catalyst legacy in hydrogenation
  • 3. Model studies on hydrogenation reactions
  • 4. Aromatic hydrogenation
  • 5. Nitrile hydrogenation
  • 6. Fischer–Tropsch synthesis – carbon monoxide hydrogenation
  • 7. Heterogeneously catalyzed ammonia synthesis
  • Index

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