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Eyja Margrét Brynjarsdóttir. The reality of money: the metaphysics of financial value / Eyja M. Brynjarsdóttir. — 1 online resource. — (Values and identities : crossing philosophical borders). — <URL:>.

Record create date: 7/19/2018

Subject: Money — Philosophy.; Value — Philosophy.; Money — Philosophy.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Finance

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Contents
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Part I: The Ontology of Money
    • 1 What Is Money?
      • The Question Posed
      • Commodity Theory, State Theory, and Credit Theory
      • Collective Acceptance?
      • Alternatives to Collective Acceptance Theories
      • Psychology
      • Conclusion
    • 2 On Monetary Value
      • Exchange Value
      • Aristotle and the True Function of Money
      • Locke and Silver
      • Another View on Intrinsic Value
      • Conclusion
    • 3 Is It Real?
      • Different Senses of “Real”
      • The Relevant Sense of “Subjective”
      • Subjective Properties as Euthyphronic
      • Contingency on the Actual
      • Non-Idealized Subjects
      • Egalitarianism or Elitism?
      • Secundum Quid and Extrinsic
      • Rarely Entirely Subjective
      • Money as an Interactive and Subjective Kind
      • Conclusion
  • Part II: Money in the World
    • 4 Money as a Measuring Device
      • Exchanging One Thing for Another
      • Measuring Things
      • Measuring People
      • Money and Work
      • Commodification
      • Conclusion
    • 5 Inequality and Money
      • The Problem of Inequality
      • Inequality and Poverty
      • Inequality and Power Relations
      • Justice and Rights
      • Conclusion
    • 6 Women and Money
      • Unpaid and Owned by Others
      • Housework, Caregiving, and Other Unpaid Work
      • Women and Inequality
      • Climate Change and Gender
      • Conclusion
  • Conclusion
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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