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Organizational transformation and managing innovation in the fourth industrial revolution / Alicia Guerra Guerra, editor. — 1 online resource (28 PDFs (xxi, 374 pages)) — <URL:>.

Record create date: 10/18/2018

Subject: Technological innovations — Management.; Diffusion of innovations — Management.; Organizational change.; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industrial Management; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management Science; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Organizational Behavior

Collections: EBSCO

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"This book explores the new economy initiating the fourth industrial revolution: a social, environmental and technological transformation which, therefore, decisively influences the mission and vision of public and private organizations, both for profit and non-profit, in the innovative manners in which they should be managed, so as to seek their ideal positioning and, even, their survival"--.

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Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Book Series
  • Editorial Advisory Board
  • Table of Contents
  • Detailed Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgment
  • Section 1: New Management of Organizations
    • Chapter 1: Doing More With Less
    • Chapter 2: Measurement of the Staff Resilience of the Technological Institute Lázaro Cárdenas
    • Chapter 3: Gender Diversity in the Senior Management of Large Technology Companies
    • Chapter 4: The Benefits of Social Networking Sites in Building Reputation for Enterprises
    • Chapter 5: Digital Marketing Strategies Based on the E-Business Model
    • Chapter 6: FinTech and Its Disruption to Financial Institutions
    • Chapter 7: The FABLAB Movement
    • Chapter 8: Integrating SMEs Through Cloud
    • Chapter 9: High Performance Computing, Big Data, and Cloud Computing
  • Section 2: Need to Innovate to Overcome Social Challenges
    • Chapter 10: Digital Social Innovation
    • Chapter 11: Organizations of Social Entrepreneurship in Croatia
    • Chapter 12: Managing Social Innovation Through CSR 2.0 and the Quadruple Helix
    • Chapter 13: Evaluating the Role of Research and Development and Technology Investments on Economic Development of E7 Countries
  • Section 3: Innovation in Training and Education
    • Chapter 14: Educational Innovation Techniques Based on Assessment and Development of Student Potential
    • Chapter 15: The Reconfiguration of Human Capital in Organizations
    • Chapter 16: Evolution and Trends in Teaching and Learning of Cyberjournalism
  • Compilation of References
  • About the Contributors
  • Index

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