FinUniversity Electronic Library



Chen, Jianyu. Wastewater treatment: application of new functional materials / Jianyu Chen, Jun Luo, Qijin Luo, Zhihua Pang. — 1 online resource (xii, 312 pages) — <URL:>.

Record create date: 11/17/2018

Subject: Water — Purification — Materials.; TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Environmental / General

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Contents
  • 1. Prolegomenon
  • 2. Preparation and modification of artificial zeolite by fly ash
  • 3. Preparation technology of functional ceramsite
  • 4. Preparation and application of montmorilloniteloaded nano-iron material
  • 5. Application of functional materials in permeability reactive barriers technology
  • 6. Application of functional materials in constructed wetland
  • 7. Application of functional materials in biological aerated filter
  • 8. The safety assessment and resource utilization of new functional materials
  • Index

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