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Good, Hans Peter. On the origin of natural constants: axiomatic ideas with references to the measurable reality / Hans Peter Good. — 1 online resource — <URL:>.

Record create date: 8/7/2018

Subject: Physical constants.; Physical laws.; Physical constants.; Physical laws.; SCIENCE / Energy; SCIENCE / Mechanics / General; SCIENCE / Physics / General

Collections: EBSCO

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Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Contents
  • Lists of Figures and Tables
  • Part I
  • 1. The David Bohm Analogy: A Forgotten Idea On The Origin Of Mass
  • 2. Universal Lengths of Atomic Physics and Statistical Physics
  • 3. Charge Localization and Delocalization
  • 4. The Universal Length for Short-Range Order
  • 5. Calculation of Universal Parameters by Means of the David Bohm Analogy
  • 6. The Universal Energy Density
  • 7. Universal Parameters of Collective Vibrations of the Plasma
  • 8. The Duality Relation or the Connection Between Microcosm and Macrocosm
  • 9. The Classical Concept of the Electrostatic Field Energy
  • 10. The Radiation Formula of Max Planck
  • 11. The Gravitational Fine-Structure Constant agrav as a Number Constant and the Connection to a
  • 12. Interpretations of Astronomical Measurements With Universal Parameters
  • 13. Our Star – The Sun
  • 14. Phenomenological Cataloging of Particles with Hall Fractions
  • 15. Interpretation of Hydrogen-Like Systems with a as a Number Constant
  • Part II
  • 16. The Boundary Between Semimetal and Insulator
  • Appendix
  • Register

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