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Business and institutional translation: new insights and reflections / edited by Éric Poirier and Daniel Gallego-Hernández. — 1 online resource (xiii, 240 pages) : illustrations. — 8 English, 3 French, and 3 Spanish contributions. — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/1938113.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 19.11.2018

Тематика: Translating and interpreting.; Communication of technical information.; Business communication.; Business communication.; Communication of technical information.; Translating and interpreting.; FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Readers; LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Spelling

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Table of Contents
  • Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Introduction
  • Institutional Translation
    • University Website Translation
    • Institutional Translation in National Contexts
    • Introducing a Korean-English Parallel Corpus for the Standardisation of South Korean Government Documents
    • Determining the Fundamentals of Professionalism in Academic and Institutional Translation
  • Business, Finance and Accounting
    • A Case of Hybrid Text Translation
    • The French Terminology of Consolidated Statements of Profit or Loss
    • Préalables conceptuels à la traduction des états financiers italiens au vu des principes comptables internationaux
    • La traduction-localisation dans le contexte du m-commerce
    • La metáfora del léxico económico desde la perspectiva del empleo predicativo
    • The Satisfactory Cycle of Terminology Management in Translation-Mediated Business Communication
  • Specialized Translation
    • Análisis contrastivo francés-español de términos penales, valoración y soluciones traductoras
    • ¿Es conveniente revisar los grados de Traducción e Interpretación en España?
    • Two Sides of the Coin
    • L’utilisation du forum de discussion dans la formation des traducteurs
    • Use of Comparable Corpora in Specialized Translation

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