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Yearbook of Private International Law. Volume XIX,. Yearbook of Private International Law Vol. XIX - 2017/2018 / / Andrea Bonomi, Gian Paolo Romano. — 1 online resource. — (Yearbook of Private International Law). — In English. — <URL:>.

Record create date: 11/23/2018

Subject: Conflict of laws.; Europäisches Privatrecht.; Internationales Privatrecht (IPR).; Jahrbuch.; nationale Rechtsordnungen.; Conflict of laws.; LAW / Essays; LAW / General Practice; LAW / Jurisprudence; LAW / Paralegals & Paralegalism; LAW / Practical Guides; LAW / Reference

Collections: EBSCO

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Der neue Band 19 (2017/2018) bietet Ihnen im Teil „Doctrine" eine moderne Behandlung von grundlegenden klassischen Fragen, wie zur forum non conveniens-Doktrin und relevanten Ausnahmeregeln, aber auch die Auseinandersetzung mit sehr komplexen Problemen, wie etwa zum anwendbaren Recht bei grenzüberschreitenden Regressansprüchen im Haftpflichtversicherungsrecht. Ein weiterer Abschnitt ist den schwierigen Fragen des europäischen Ehegüterrechts und den vermögensrechtlichen Folgen von eingetragenen Lebenspartnerschaften gewidmet. Wie immer hochinteressant und einzigartig zusammengestellt sind die National Reports mit Informationen zu relevanten Rechtsentwicklungen weltweit, News from the Hague, der Rechtsprechungsteil und auch das spannende Forum.

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Table of Contents

  • Foreword
  • Abbreviations
  • Doctrine
  • Forum Non Conveniens and Exception Clauses - Coordinating Conflicting Legal Systems in Civil Law Jurisdictions in a Global Context
  • The Law Applicable to the Right of Recourse in the Field of Liability Insurance Law
  • Applying or Taking Account of Foreign Overriding Mandatory Provisions - Sophism under the Rome I Regulation
  • Resolving the Dilemma of Judgment Reciprocity - From a Sino-Japanese Model to a Sino-Singaporean Model
  • Uniform Jurisdiction Rules under the Hague Choice of Court Convention
  • Matrimonial Property Regimes in European Private International Law
  • Beyond Husband and Wife - New Couple Regimes and the European Matrimonial Property Regulations
  • Jurisdiction in Matters Relating to Property Regimes under EU Private International Law
  • Connecting Factors to Determine the Law Applicable to Matrimonial Property Regimes
  • What’s Wrong with Article 22? The Unsolved Mysteries of Choice of Law for Matrimonial Property
  • Public Interest Considerations - Changes in Continuity
  • Cultural Property and Private International Law
  • Legal Obstacles to Claims for the Restitution of Looted Art
  • When Private International Law Meets Cultural Heritage Law - Problems and Prospects
  • National Reports
  • International Surrogacy Arrangements Test the Public Policy Exception - An Italian Perspective
  • New Zealand’s Choice of Law Rules Relating to Tort
  • The New Hungarian Private International Law Code - A Mixture of Modern and Traditional Solutions
  • Choice of Court Agreements under Turkish Law
  • The Development of Private International Law in Mongolia
  • The Russian Implementation of the Hague Children Conventions
  • News from the Hague
  • The Draft Judgments Convention and its Relationship with Other International Instruments
  • The Exclusion of Defamation and Privacy from the Scope of The Hague Draft Convention on Judgments
  • Court Decisions
  • Recognition of International Surrogacy in France - The Bypass Strategy
  • Punitive Damages and Public Policy in the EU
  • Forum
  • The Role of International Social Services in Private International Law
  • Rethinking EU Jurisdiction in Cross-Border Family and Succession Cases Connected with Non-Member States
  • International Insolvency in the Banking Sector -Coordination Issues and Private International Law Methods
  • Index

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