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Lawhead, Joel. Learning geospatial analysis with Python: perform GIS processing tasks and remote sensing data analysis using Python 3.7 / Joel Lawhead. — Third edition. — Birmingham: Packt Publishing, 2019. — 1 online resource (447 pages) — <URL:>.

Record create date: 10/19/2019

Subject: Geospatial data.; Python (Computer program language); Geospatial data.; Python (Computer program language)

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Table of Contents

  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: The History and the Present of the Industry
  • Chapter 1: Learning about Geospatial Analysis with Python
    • Technical requirements
    • Geospatial analysis and our world
    • History of geospatial analysis
    • GIS
    • Remote sensing
    • Elevation data
    • Computer-aided drafting
    • Geospatial analysis and computer programming
      • Object-oriented programming for geospatial analysis
    • The importance of geospatial analysis
    • GIS concepts
      • Thematic maps
      • Spatial indexing
      • Metadata
      • Map projections
      • Rendering
    • Remote sensing concepts
      • Images as data
      • Remote sensing and color
    • Common vector GIS concepts
      • Data structures
        • Geospatial rules about polygons
      • Buffer
      • Dissolve
      • Generalize
      • Intersection
      • Union
      • Join
    • Common raster data concepts
      • Band math
      • Change detection
      • Histogram
      • Feature extraction
      • Supervised and unsupervised classification
    • Creating the simplest possible Python GIS
      • Getting started with Python
      • Building a SimpleGIS
        • Setting up the data model
        • Rendering the map 
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 2: Learning Geospatial Data
    • Getting an overview of common data formats
    • Understanding data structures
      • Common traits
    • Understanding spatial indexing
      • Spatial indexing algorithms
        • Quadtree index
        • R-tree index
      • Grids
    • What are overviews?
    • What is metadata?
    • Understanding the file structure
    • Knowing the most widely used vector data types
      • Shapefiles
      • CAD files
      • Tag-based and markup-based formats
      • GeoJSON
      • GeoPackage
    • Understanding raster data types
      • TIFF files
      • JPEG, GIF, BMP, and PNG
      • Compressed formats
      • ASCII Grids
      • World files
    • What is point cloud data?
      • LIDAR
    • What are web services?
    • Understanding geospatial databases
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 3: The Geospatial Technology Landscape
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding data access
      • GDAL
        • GDAL and raster data
        • GDAL and vector data
    • Understanding computational geometry
      • The PROJ projection library
      • CGAL
      • JTS
      • GEOS
      • PostGIS
      • Other spatially enabled databases
        • Oracle Spatial and Graph
        • ArcSDE
        • Microsoft SQL Server
        • MySQL
        • SpatiaLite
        • GeoPackage
      • Routing
        • Esri Network Analyst and Spatial Analyst
        • pgRouting
    • Understanding desktop tools (including visualization)
      • Quantum GIS
      • OpenEV
      • GRASS GIS
      • gvSIG
      • OpenJUMP
      • Google Earth
      • NASA WorldWind
      • ArcGIS
    • Understanding metadata management
      • Python's pycsw Library
      • GeoNode
      • GeoNetwork
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Section 2: Geospatial Analysis Concepts
  • Chapter 4: Geospatial Python Toolbox
    • Technical requirements
    • Installing third-party Python modules
    • Python virtualenv
    • Conda
    • Installing GDAL
      • Windows
      • Linux
      • macOS X
    • Python networking libraries for acquiring data
      • The Python urllib module
      • The Python requests module
      • FTP
    • ZIP and TAR files
    • Python markup and tag-based parsers
      • The minidom module
      • ElementTree
      • Building XML using ElementTree and Minidom
      • Well-Known Text (WKT)
    • Python JSON libraries
      • The json module
      • The geojson module
    • OGR
    • PyShp
    • dbfpy
    • Shapely
    • Fiona
    • ESRI shapefile
    • GDAL
    • NumPy
    • PIL
    • PNGCanvas
    • GeoPandas
    • PyMySQL
    • PyFPDF
    • Geospatial PDF
    • Rasterio
    • OSMnx
    • Jupyter
    • Conda
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 5: Python and Geographic Information Systems
    • Technical requirements
    • Measuring distance
      • Using the Pythagorean theorem
      • Using the haversine formula
      • Using the Vincenty formula
    • Calculating line direction
    • Understanding coordinate conversion
    • Understanding reprojection
    • Understanding coordinate format conversion
    • Calculating the area of a polygon
    • Editing shapefiles
      • Accessing the shapefile
        • Reading shapefile attributes
        • Reading shapefile geometry
      • Changing a shapefile
      • Adding fields
      • Merging shapefiles
        • Merging shapefiles with dbfpy
      • Splitting shapefiles
        • Subsetting spatially
      • Performing selections
        • The point-in-polygon formula
        • Bounding box selections
        • Attribute selections
    • Aggregating geometry
    • Creating images for visualization
      • Dot density calculations
      • Choropleth maps
      • Using spreadsheets
      • Creating heat maps
    • Using GPS data
    • Geocoding
    • Multiprocessing
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Python and Remote Sensing
    • Technical requirements
    • Swapping image bands
    • Creating histograms
    • Performing a histogram stretch
    • Clipping images
    • Classifying images
    • Extracting features from images
    • Understanding change detection
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Chapter 7: Python and Elevation Data
    • Accessing ASCII Grid files
      • Reading grids
      • Writing grids
    • Creating a shaded relief
    • Creating elevation contours
    • Working with LIDAR data
      • Creating a grid from the LIDAR data
      • Using PIL to visualize LIDAR data
      • Creating a triangulated irregular network
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Section 3: Practical Geospatial Processing Techniques
  • Chapter 8: Advanced Geospatial Python Modeling
    • Technical requirements
    • Creating a normalized difference vegetative index
      • Setting up the framework
      • Loading the data
      • Rasterizing the shapefile
      • Clipping the bands
      • Using the NDVI formula
      • Classifying the NDVI
      • Additional functions
      • Loading the NDVI
      • Preparing the NDVI
      • Creating classes
    • Creating a flood inundation model
      • The flood fill function
      • Predicting flood inundation
    • Creating a color hillshade
    • Performing least cost path analysis
      • The simple A* algorithm
      • Generating the test path
      • Viewing the test output
      • The real-world example
      • Loading the grid
      • Defining the helper functions
      • The real-world A* algorithm
      • Generating a real-world path
    • Converting the route to a shapefile
    • Routing along streets
    • Geolocating photos
    • Calculating satellite image cloud cover
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Real-Time Data
    • Technical requirements
    • Limitations of real-time data
    • Using real-time data
    • Tracking vehicles
      • The NextBus agency list
      • The NextBus route list
      • NextBus vehicle locations
      • Mapping NextBus locations 
    • Storm chasing
    • Reports from the field
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Putting It All Together
    • Technical requirements
    • Understanding a typical GPS report
    • Building a GPS reporting tool
      • Initial setup
      • Working with utility functions
      • Parsing the GPX
      • Getting the bounding box
      • Downloading map and elevation images
      • Creating the hillshade
      • Creating maps
      • Locating the photo
      • Measuring elevation
      • Measuring distance
      • Retrieving weather data
    • Summary
    • Further reading
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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