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Samoylov, Nick. LEARNING RXJAVA: BUILD CONCURRENT APPLICATIONS USING REACTIVE PROGRAMMING WITH THE LATEST FEATURES OF RXJAVA 3. — [Place of publication not identified]: PACKT Publishing, 2020. — 1 online resource — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2384225.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 08.03.2020

Тематика: Application software — Development.; Java (Computer program language); Computer programming.

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • Dedication
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Table of Contents
  • Preface
  • Section 1: Foundations of Reactive Programming in Java
  • Chapter 1: Thinking Reactively
    • A brief history of ReactiveX and RxJava
    • Thinking reactively
    • Why should I learn RxJava?
      • What will you learn in this book?
    • Setting up
      • Navigating the central repository
        • Using Gradle
        • Using Maven
    • A brief exposure to RxJava
    • RxJava 1.x, 2.x, or 3.0 – which one do I use?
    • When to use RxJava
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Observable and Observer
    • The Observable
      • The workings of Observable
      • Using Observable.create()
      • Using Observable.just()
    • The Observer interface
      • Implementing and subscribing to an Observer
      • Shorthand Observer with lambdas
    • Cold versus hot observables
      • A cold Observable
      • A hot Observable
      • ConnectableObservable
    • Other Observable sources
      • Observable.range()
      • Observable.interval()
      • Observable.future()
      • Observable.empty()
      • Observable.never()
      • Observable.error()
      • Observable.defer()
      • Observable.fromCallable()
    • Single, Completable, and Maybe
      • Single
      • Maybe
      • Completable
    • Disposing
      • Handling a disposable within an Observer
      • Using CompositeDisposable
      • Handling disposal with Observable.create()
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Basic Operators
    • Conditional operators
      • takeWhile() and skipWhile()
      • defaultIfEmpty()
      • switchIfEmpty()
    • Suppressing operators
      • filter()
      • take()
      • skip()
      • distinct()
      • distinctUntilChanged()
      • elementAt()
    • Transforming operators
      • map()
      • cast()
      • startWithItem()
      • sorted()
      • scan()
    • Reducing operators
      • count()
      • reduce()
        • Boolean operators
          • all()
          • any()
          • isEmpty()
          • contains()
          • sequenceEqual()
    • Collection operators
      • toList()
      • toSortedList()
      • toMap() and toMultiMap()
      • collect()
    • Error recovery operators
      • onErrorReturnItem() and onErrorReturn()
      • onErrorResumeWith()
      • retry()
    • Action operators
      • doOnNext() and doAfterNext()
      • doOnComplete() and doOnError()
      • doOnEach()
      • doOnSubscribe() and doOnDispose()
      • doOnSuccess()
      • doFinally()
    • Utility operators
      • delay()
      • repeat()
      • single( )
      • timestamp( )
      • timeInterval()
    • Summary
  • Section 2: Reactive Operators
  • Chapter 4: Combining Observables
    • Merging factories and operators
      • Observable.merge() factory and mergeWith() operator
      • flatMap()
        • flatMap() with combiner
    • Concatenating factories and operators
      • Observable.concat() factory and concatWith() operator
      • concatMap()
    • Ambiguous operators
    • Zipping operators
    • Combining the latest operators
      • withLatestFrom()
    • Grouping operators
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Multicasting, Replaying, and Caching
    • Understanding multicasting
      • Multicasting with operators
      • When to multicast
    • Automatic connection
      • autoConnect()
      • refCount() and share()
    • Replaying and caching
      • Replaying
      • Caching
    • Subjects
      • PublishSubject
      • When to use Subject
      • When a Subject goes wrong
      • Serializing a Subject object
      • BehaviorSubject
      • ReplaySubject
      • AsyncSubject
      • UnicastSubject
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Concurrency and Parallelization
    • Why concurrency is necessary
    • Concurrency in a nutshell
      • Understanding parallelization
    • Introducing RxJava concurrency
      • Keeping an application alive
    • Understanding schedulers
      • Computation
      • I/O
      • New thread
      • Single
      • Trampoline
      • ExecutorService
      • Starting and shutting down schedulers
    • Understanding subscribeOn()
      • Nuances of subscribeOn()
    • Understanding observeOn()
      • Using observeOn() for UI event threads
      • Nuances of observeOn()
    • Parallelization
    • Understanding unsubscribeOn()
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Switching, Throttling, Windowing, and Buffering
    • Buffering
      • Fixed-size buffering
      • Time-based buffering
      • Boundary-based buffering
    • Windowing
      • Fixed-size windowing
      • Time-based windowing
      • Boundary-based windowing
    • Throttling
      • throttleLast() or sample()
      • throttleFirst()
      • throttleWithTimeout() or debounce()
    • Switching
    • Grouping keystrokes
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Flowable and Backpressure
    • Understanding backpressure
      • An example that needs backpressure
      • Introducing the Flowable
      • When to use Flowable and backpressure
    • Understanding Flowable and Subscriber
      • Interface Subscriber
    • Creating Flowable
      • Using Flowable.create() and BackpressureStrategy
      • Turning Observable into Flowable and vice versa
    • Using onBackpressureXXX() operators
      • onBackPressureBuffer()
      • onBackPressureLatest()
      • onBackPressureDrop()
    • Using Flowable.generate()
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Transformers and Custom Operators
    • Composing new operators from existing ones using compose() and transformers
      • Using ObservableTransformer
      • Using FlowableTransformer
      • Avoiding a shared state with transformers
    • Using the to() operator for fluent conversion
    • Creating new operators from scratch using lift()
      • Implementing an ObservableOperator
      • Implementing a FlowableOperator
    • Creating a new operator for Single, Maybe, or Completable
    • Using RxJava2-Extras and RxJava2Extensions
    • Summary
  • Section 3: Integration of RxJava applications
  • Chapter 10: Testing and Debugging
    • Configuring JUnit
    • Blocking subscribers
    • Blocking operators
      • blockingFirst()
      • blockingGet()
      • blockingLast()
      • blockingIterable()
      • blockingForEach()
      • blockingNext()
      • blockingLatest()
      • blockingMostRecent()
    • Using TestObserver and TestSubscriber
    • Manipulating time with TestScheduler
    • Debugging RxJava code
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: RxJava on Android
    • Creating an Android project
      • Configuring Retrolambda
      • Configuring RxJava and friends
    • Using RxJava and RxAndroid
      • Using RxBinding
      • Other RxAndroid bindings libraries
      • Life cycles and cautions using RxJava with Android
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Using RxJava for Kotlin
    • Why Kotlin?
    • Configuring Kotlin
      • Configuring Kotlin with Gradle
      • Configuring Kotlin with Maven
      • Configuring RxJava and RxKotlin
    • Kotlin basics
      • Creating a Kotlin file
      • Assigning properties and variables
      • Extension functions
      • Kotlin lambda expressions
    • Extension operators
    • Using RxKotlin
    • Dealing with SAM ambiguity
    • Using let() and apply()
      • Using let()
      • Using apply()
    • Tuple and data classes
    • The future of ReactiveX and Kotlin
    • Summary
  • Appendix A: Introducing Lambda Expressions
  • Appendix B: Functional Types
  • Appendix C: Mixing Object-Oriented and Reactive Programming
  • Appendix D: Materializing and Dematerializing
  • Appendix E: Understanding Schedulers
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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