Электронная библиотека Финансового университета


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Singh, Anubhav. Hands-on Python deep learning for web: a comprehensive guide to integrating neural network architectures to bring smart automation for web / Anubhav Singh, Sayak Paul. — 1 online resource — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2478486.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 16.03.2020

Тематика: Python (Computer program language); Machine learning.; Neural networks (Computer science); Machine learning; Neural networks (Computer science); Python (Computer program language)

Коллекции: EBSCO

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Группа: Анонимные пользователи

Сеть: Интернет


This book will help you successfully implement deep learning in Python to create smart web applications from scratch. You will learn how deep learning can transform a simple web app into a smart, business-friendly product. You will also develop neural networks using open-source libraries and also integrate them with different web stack front-ends.

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  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright and Credits
  • About Packt
  • Contributors
  • Dedication
  • Preface
  • Table of Contents
  • Section 1: Artificial Intelligence on the Web
  • Chapter 1: Demystifying Artificial Intelligence and Fundamentals of Machine Learning
    • Introduction to artificial intelligence and its types
      • Factors responsible for AI propulsion
        • Data
        • Advancements in algorithms
        • Advancements in hardware
        • The democratization of high-performance computing
    • ML – the most popular form of AI
    • What is DL?
    • The relation between AI, ML, and DL
    • Revisiting the fundamentals of ML
      • Types of ML
        • Supervised learning
        • Unsupervised learning
        • Reinforcement learning
        • Semi-supervised learning
      • Necessary terminologies
        • Train, test, and validation sets
        • Bias and variance
        • Overfitting and underfitting
        • Training error and generalization error
    • A standard ML workflow
      • Data retrieval
      • Data preparation
        • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) 
        • Data processing and wrangling
        • Feature engineering and extraction/selection
      • Modeling
        • Model training
        • Model evaluation
        • Model tuning 
      • Model comparison and selection
      • Deployment and monitoring
    • The web before and after AI
      • Chatbots
      • Web analytics
      • Spam filtering
      • Search
    • Biggest web-AI players and what are they doing with AI
      • Google
        • Google Search
        • Google Translate
        • Google Assistant
        • Other products
      • Facebook
        • Fake profiles
        • Fake news and disturbing content
        • Other uses
      • Amazon
        • Alexa
        • Amazon robotics
        • DeepLens
    • Summary
  • Section 2: Using Deep Learning for Web Development
  • Chapter 2: Getting Started with Deep Learning Using Python
    • Demystifying neural networks
      • Artificial neurons
        • Anatomy of a linear neuron
        • Anatomy of a nonlinear neuron
      • A note on the input and output layers of a neural network
      • Gradient descent and backpropagation
    • Different types of neural network
      • Convolutional neural networks
      • Recurrent neural networks
        • Feeding the letters to the network
        • Initializing the weight matrix and more
        • Putting the weight matrices together
        • Applying activation functions and the final output
    • Exploring Jupyter Notebooks
      • Installing Jupyter Notebook
        • Installation using pip
        • Installation using Anaconda
      • Verifying the installation
      • Jupyter Notebooks
    • Setting up a deep-learning-based cloud environment
      • Setting up an AWS EC2 GPU deep learning environment
        • Step 1: Creating an EC2 GPU-enabled instance
        • Step 2: SSHing into your EC2 instance
        • Step 3: Installing CUDA drivers on the GPU instance
        • Step 4: Installing the Anaconda distribution of Python
        • Step 5: Run Jupyter
      • Deep learning on Crestle
      • Other deep learning environments
    • Exploring NumPy and pandas
      • NumPy
        • NumPy arrays
        • Basic NumPy array operations
        • NumPy arrays versus Python lists
          • Array slicing over multiple rows and columns
          • Assignment over slicing
      • Pandas
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Creating Your First Deep Learning Web Application
    • Technical requirements
    • Structuring a deep learning web application
      • A structure diagram of a general deep learning web application
    • Understanding datasets
      • The MNIST dataset of handwritten digits
      • Exploring the dataset
        • Creating functions to read the image files
        • Creating functions to read label files
        • A summary of the dataset
    • Implementing a simple neural network using Python
      • Importing the necessary modules
      • Reusing our functions to load the image and label files
      • Reshaping the arrays for processing with Keras
      • Creating a neural network using Keras
      • Compiling and training a Keras neural network
      • Evaluating and storing the model
    • Creating a Flask API to work with server-side Python
      • Setting up the environment
      • Uploading the model structure and weights
      • Creating our first Flask server
      • Importing the necessary modules
      • Loading data into the script runtime and setting the model
      • Setting the app and index function
      • Converting the image function
      • Prediction APIs
    • Using the API via cURL and creating a web client using Flask
      • Using the API via cURL
      • Creating a simple web client for the API
    • Improving the deep learning backend
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Getting Started with TensorFlow.js
    • Technical requirements
    • The fundamentals of TF.js
      • What is TensorFlow?
      • What is TF.js?
      • Why TF.js?
      • The basic concepts of TF.js
        • Tensors
        • Variables
        • Operators
        • Models and layers
      • A case study using TF.js
        • A problem statement for our TF.js mini-project
        • The Iris flower dataset
    • Your first deep learning web application with TF.js
      • Preparing the dataset
      • Project architecture
      • Starting up the project
      • Creating a TF.js model
      • Training the TF.js model
      • Predicting using the TF.js model
      • Creating a simple client
      • Running the TF.js web app
    • Advantages and limitations of TF.js
    • Summary
  • Section 3: Getting Started with Different Deep Learning APIs for Web Development
  • Chapter 5: Deep Learning through APIs
    • What is an API?
    • The importance of using APIs
    • How is an API different from a library?
    • Some widely known deep learning APIs
    • Some lesser-known deep learning APIs
    • Choosing a deep learning API provider
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Deep Learning on Google Cloud Platform Using Python
    • Technical requirements
    • Setting up your GCP account
    • Creating your first project on GCP
    • Using the Dialogflow API in Python
      • Creating a Dialogflow account
      • Creating a new agent
      • Creating a new intent
      • Testing your agent
      • Installing the Dialogflow Python SDK
      • Creating a GCP service account
      • Calling the Dialogflow agent using Python API
    • Using the Cloud Vision API in Python
      • The importance of using pre-trained models
      • Setting up the Vision Client libraries
      • The Cloud Vision API calling using Python
    • Using the Cloud Translation API in Python
      • Setting up the Cloud Translate API for Python
      • Using the Google Cloud Translation Python library
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: DL on AWS Using Python: Object Detection and Home Automation
    • Technical requirements
    • Getting started in AWS
    • A short tour of the AWS offerings
    • Getting started with boto3
      • Configuring environment variables and installing boto3
      • Loading up the environment variables in Python
      • Creating an S3 bucket
      • Accessing S3 from Python code with boto3
    • Using the Rekognition API in Python
    • Using the Alexa API in Python
      • Prerequisites and a block diagram of the project
      • Creating a configuration for the skill
      • Setting up Login with Amazon
      • Creating the skill
      • Configuring the AWS Lambda function
      • Creating the Lambda function
      • Configuring the Alexa skill
      • Setting up Amazon DynamoDB for the skill
      • Deploying the code for the AWS Lambda function
      • Testing the Lambda function
      • Testing the AWS Home Automation skill
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Deep Learning on Microsoft Azure Using Python
    • Technical requirements
    • Setting up your account in Azure
    • A walk-through of the deep learning services provided by Azure
    • Object detection using the Face API and Python
      • The initial setup
      • Consuming the Face API from Python code
    • Extracting text information using the Text Analytics API and Python
      • Using the Text Analytics API from Python code
    • An introduction to CNTK
      • Getting started with CNTK
        • Installation on a local machine
        • Installation on Google Colaboratory
      • Creating a CNTK neural network model
      • Training the CNTK model
      • Testing and saving the CNTK model
    • A brief introduction to Django web development
      • Getting started with Django
      • Creating a new Django project
      • Setting up the home page template
    • Making predictions using CNTK from the Django project
      • Setting up the predict route and view
      • Making the necessary module imports
      • Loading and predicting using the CNTK model
      • Testing the web app
    • Summary
  • Section 4: Deep Learning in Production (Intelligent Web Apps)
  • Chapter 9: A General Production Framework for Deep Learning-Enabled Websites
    • Technical requirements
    • Defining the problem statement
      • Building a mental model of the project
      • Avoiding the chances of getting erroneous data in the first place
    • How not to build an AI backend
      • Expecting the AI part of the website to be real time
      • Assuming the incoming data from a website is ideal
    • A sample end-to-end AI-integrated web application
      • Data collection and cleanup
      • Building the AI model
        • Making the necessary imports
        • Reading the dataset and preparing cleaning functions
        • Slicing out the required data
        • Applying text cleaning
        • Splitting the dataset into train and test parts
        • Aggregating text about products and users
        • Creating TF-IDF vectorizers of users and products
        • Creating an index of users and products by the ratings provided
        • Creating the matrix factorization function
        • Saving the model as pickle
    • Building an interface
      • Creating an API to answer search queries
      • Creating an interface to use the API
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Securing Web Apps with Deep Learning
    • Technical requirements
    • The story of reCAPTCHA
    • Malicious user detection
    • An LSTM-based model for authenticating users
      • Building a model for an authentication validity check
      • Hosting the custom authentication validation model
    • A Django-based app for using an API
      • The Django project setup
      • Creating an app in the project
      • Linking the app to the project
      • Adding routes to the website
      • Creating the route handling file in the billboard app
      • Adding authentication routes and configurations
      • Creating the login page
      • Creating a logout view
      • Creating a login page template
      • The billboard page template
      • Adding to Billboard page template
      • The billboard model 
      • Creating the billboard view 
      • Creating bills and adding views
      • Creating the admin user and testing it
    • Using reCAPTCHA in web applications with Python
    • Website security with Cloudflare
    • Summary 
  • Chapter 11: DIY - A Web DL Production Environment
    • Technical requirements
    • An overview of DL in production methods
      • A web API service
      • Online learning
      • Batch forecasting
      • Auto ML
    • Popular tools for deploying ML in production
      • creme
      • Airflow
      • AutoML
    • Implementing a demonstration DL web environment
      • Building a predictive model
        • Step 1 – Importing the necessary modules
        • Step 2 – Loading the dataset and observing
        • Step 3 – Separating the target variable
        • Step 4 – Performing scaling on the features
        • Step 5 – Splitting the dataset into test and train datasets
        • Step 6 – Creating a neural network object in sklearn
        • Step 7 – Performing the training
      • Implementing the frontend
      • Implementing the backend
    • Deploying the project to Heroku
    • Security measures, monitoring techniques, and performance optimization
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Creating an E2E Web App Using DL APIs and Customer Support Chatbot
    • Technical requirements
    • An introduction to NLP
      • Corpus
      • Parts of speech
      • Tokenization
      • Stemming and lemmatization
      • Bag of words
      • Similarity
    • An introduction to chatbots
    • Creating a Dialogflow bot with the personality of a customer support representative
      • Getting started with Dialogflow
        • Step 1 – Opening the Dialogflow console
        • Step 2 – Creating a new agent
        • Step 3 – Understanding the dashboard
        • Step 4 – Creating the intents
          • Step 4.1 – Creating HelpIntent
          • Step 4.2 – Creating the CheckOrderStatus intent
        • Step 5 – Creating a webhook
        • Step 6 – Creating a Firebase cloud function
          • Step 6.1 – Adding the required packages to package.json
          • Step 6.2 – Adding logic to index.js
        • Step 7 – Adding a personality to the bot
    • Using ngrok to facilitate HTTPS APIs on localhost
    • Creating a testing UI using Django to manage orders
      • Step 1 – Creating a Django project
      • Step 2 – Creating an app that uses the API of the order management system
      • Step 3 – Setting up settings.py
        • Step 3.1 – Adding the apiui app to the list of installed apps
        • Step 3.2 – Removing the database setting
      • Step 4 – Adding routes to apiui
      • Step 5 – Adding routes within the apiui app
      • Step 6 – Creating the views required
        • Step 6.1 – Creating indexView
        • Step 6.2 – Creating viewOrder
      • Step 7 – Creating the templates
    • Speech recognition and speech synthesis on a web page using the Web Speech API
      • Step 1 – Creating the button element
      • Step 2 – Initializing the Web Speech API and performing configuration
      • Step 3 – Making a call to the Dialogflow agent
      • Step 4 – Creating a Dialogflow API proxy on Dialogflow Gateway by Ushakov
        • Step 4.1 – Creating an account on Dialogflow Gateway
        • Step 4.2 – Creating a service account for your Dialogflow agent project
        • Step 4.3 – Uploading the service key file to Dialogflow Gateway
      • Step 5 – Adding a click handler for the button
    • Summary
  • Appendix: Success Stories and Emerging Areas in Deep Learning on the Web
  • Other Books You May Enjoy
  • Index

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