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Thompson, Nicolas. Imagining the Fed [[electronic resource]]: the struggle for the heart of the Federal Reserve, 1913-1970 / Nicolas Thompson. — 1 online resource — <URL:http://elib.fa.ru/ebsco/2558389.pdf>.

Дата создания записи: 02.04.2021

Коллекции: EBSCO

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  • Contents
  • List of Illustrations
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction: Imagining a Fed in the Making
    • The Argument: Mapping the Fed’s Struggle for Power
    • Fed Governance Studies and the System’s Vanishing Struggle for Power
    • The Struggle to Build a Durable Fed Regime
    • Ideology, Interests, and the Battle over the Gold Standard
    • Agency, Political Time, and Fed Reform Catalysts
    • Partisan Regime Origin and Collapse: Wellsprings of Populism and Progressivism
    • War and Peace: Founts of Hamiltonian State Building and Jeffersonian Repudiation
    • Ideas and Agents: The Struggle to Shape Fed Institutions in Secular Time
    • Impacts of Fed Development: Global Power, Political Time, and Legacies of Loss
  • 1 Escape from Jekyll Island: The Federal Reserve’s Birth in Political Time
    • The Aldrich Plan as a Republican Hail Mary
      • Stuck in the Past: America’s Premodern Financial Regime
      • Paul Warburg’s Progressive Central Bank Idea
      • Nelson Aldrich: The Face of a Dying Republican Regime
    • The Federal Reserve Act’s Construction by an Ascendant Democratic Coalition
      • Brokering a Partisan Reform Compromise
      • Democrats and Progressives Unite to Advance the Glass‑Owen Bill
    • Partisan Enactment of the Federal Reserve Act
      • The Federal Reserve Act: An Invitation to Struggle
      • Organizing for Combat: The Federal Reserve Act’s Critics as Fed Agents
      • Independent or Instrument? McAdoo’s Populist Bid for Fed Dominance
      • Warburg’s Ill‑Fated Quest to Redraw the Federal Reserve’s Map
      • Benjamin Strong’s Quest for Reserve Bank Autonomy
      • Progressive and Hamiltonian Fed Reform Collaboration
    • Conclusion: The Federal Reserve Act as a Partisan Creation
  • 2 Making and Breaking a Hamiltonian Fed
    • War as Developmental Catalyst: The Fed’s Rebirth in World War I
    • Fumbling the Return to Peace: Democratic Decline and Global Crisis
    • Republican Ascendance, Global Imbalance, and Strong’s Great Idea
    • Political Attacks and the Federal Board’s Populist Makeover
    • The Federal Reserve’s Search for New Policy Ideas
    • The Advent and Struggle over Open Market Operations
    • International Liberalization and Strong’s Great Idea to Restore Sterling
    • International Collaboration and the Chicago Discount Rate Controversy
    • Board Rising: Republican Weakening and Growing Board Veto Authority
    • The Board’s Bid for Power and New York’s Stock Market Bubble
    • Strong’s Great Idea Repudiated: Policy Gridlock after the Crash
    • Conclusion: A Hamiltonian Central Bank in the Breaking
  • 3 An Engine of Inflation? The Populist Fed Interlude
    • Republican Collapse: Invitation for Progressive Reform
    • Eclipsed by the New Deal: The Fed’s Marginalization and Rebirth
      • Leaving Gold, Devaluing the Dollar, and the Creation of a Populist Fed Competitor
      • Financing a Ramshackle Financial State
      • The Fight to Reconstruct the Fed: A New Deal Afterthought
      • Legislative Combat and Institutional Compromise
      • Fed Reconstitution and Disempowerment
      • Fed Policymaking as the Treasury’s Junior Partner amid a Golden Avalanche
    • World War II: The New York Fed Empire Strikes Back
      • Peace Deferred? The Democratic Dilemma of Postwar Reconstruction
    • American Support for Embedded Liberalism and New York Fed Dissent
    • Passing the New Deal Torch and the Dilemma of Postwar Reconstruction
    • An Engine of Inflation: Eccles Turns on His Populist Fed Creation
    • Conclusion: Reassessing Eccles’s Fed Legacy
  • 4 Economists at the Gates: The Rise and Fall of an Egalitarian Fed
    • Creative Demolition: William McChesney Martin’s Egalitarian Fed
    • The Struggle for the Heart of the Federal Reserve
      • The Limits of Independence under Eisenhower
      • The Activation and Decay of Fixed Exchange Rates under Eisenhower
      • Democratic Resurgence and the Battle to Save Bretton Woods
      • The Old Guard Mission to Save Bretton Woods
      • Walter Heller’s Transformative Fed Ambition
      • Monetary Policy Deadlock under Kennedy
      • War, Democratic Decay, and the Fed’s Technocratic Makeover
      • Johnson’s Wars, the Failure of the New Economics, andthe Decline of Bretton Woods
    • When Doves became Hawks:The Board’s Keynesian Invasion and Conversion
    • Martin’s Egalitarian Fed Crumbles: Arthur Burns’s Takeover
      • Consolidating Fed Technocracy
    • Conclusion: The Old Guard’s Retreat and the Birth of the Modern Fed
  • Conclusion: E Pluribus Unum: The Political Development of the Fed
    • The Federal Reserve’s Braided Development
    • A Stylized Portrait of the Modern Fed
    • Implications of the Fed’s Rise for American Political Development
      • Situating American Politics in a Global Setting
      • Intersections of Political Time and Agency
      • The Fed’s Role in the Waning of Political Time
  • Notes
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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